
Sorcerer King with Dimensional Group Chat [Re-write]

A man named Luke Storm is called the Greatest Sorcerer, Genius, Saint, Devil, and a person nearing becoming a god. All people are focused on him, but despite all the fame he has received, deep in his heart, something is missing. After a month, year, and decade, Luke searched for what was missing, but he couldn’t find it till his last breath. And Luke opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar environment. And a new adventure awaits him. ––––––––––––––– Hello everyone! I hope you will enjoy my fanfic story. Also, I do not claim any character as my own, except for my original character. ––––––––––––––– Also, guys, to anyone here's my Patreon account. To anyone willing to support me, you can look at this account for advanced chapters. patreon.com/Mr_Chocolate

Mr_Chocolate · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 3: A usual day before the journey began

"Nah! This is not a really good photo." A young man is walking in the street, scrolling through his phone, and looking at some of his friends and idol photos on IG.

"Still, Lisa and Jisoo in this photo are so damn beautiful. Also, Jennie and Rosé, but I'm biased toward Lisa and Jisoo," the young man said in the photos he saw on his IG feed.

'Hmm... It's getting late now. I need to get home, or else Mom will be angry again at me because I went late again.

The young man thought while walking in the street. He fastened his pace so he could go home earlier.


In the kitchen of a two-story house, a woman in her 40s is preparing their dinner for today's night.

She has silver-white hair, azure eyes, and a fair skin color. It was not obvious to her that she was in her forties now because she looked like she was in her late twenties.

She is Louis Cruz, a businesswoman, and the mother of our MC, Lucas Cruz.

After preparing the dishes for dinner, Louis calls her son, Lucas.

"Lucas, where are you now? It's almost 8 and you are not in the house yet; you are late to come home again." Louis reprimanded her son because he has always been late to go home in the past few days.

"Mom, I'm quite close to the house; maybe 10 minutes of walking more," Lucas said to his mother.

"Sure, sure, take care." Louis stopped reprimanding her son and said goodbye to him.

"Thanks, Mom," Lucas said to his mother, who's on the phone.

After ending the call, Louis called the maid to prepare the dinner on the table.


Lucas PoV

After they finished talking on the phone, Lucas sped up his walk so he could go home to their house.

After a few minutes of walking, Lucas saw their house. Their house is a two-story building with a garage and a swimming pool on the side, surrounded by trees.

The design of their house is based on a western country. Also, their house is in a large and private subdivision, so the security is good and reliable because everyone who lives in the subdivision is well off and pays a lot to the subdivision management for the welfare, safety, and security of those who live here.

"Mom, I'm home," Lucas said after entering their house.


Louis Pov

After a few minutes, the maids serve the meals on the table. I sat at the dinner table, waiting for my son, Lucas. While I was killing time, I called my assistant, Anna, and asked for an update on my company and because I had something to do with her as well.

"Hello Anna, are you still in the office?" Louis dialed the number of her assistant, and after a while, the assistant answered her call, and she asked her assistant.

"Yes, ma'am, I'm still in the office," Anna answers the phone call from her boss, and she is quite confused as to why she called her at this hour.

"Good, I want you to look at the red flashdrive that is on my desk and bring it to me tomorrow in my house, because I won't go to the office tomorrow." Louis orders her assistant, Anna, to bring the stuff she is looking for in her office.

"Yes, ma'am, I will bring it tomorrow. What time should I bring it to you, ma'am?" Anna asks while looking at the flashdrive in the office of her boss.

"Hmm. Ten in the morning will do," Louis pondered in a moment and said to her assistant what time she would go to her house.

"Yes, ma'am," Anna answered her boss.

"Okay, that's all." After saying those words, Louis hung up the phone, and she heard her son's voice.

"Mom, I'm home."

After a while, she saw her son, a young man who has the same hair as her; he also has long hair, a different eye color, which is green for him, and the same skin color as her.


After asking the maid where his mother is, he hurriedly goes to where she is.

"Wow, mom, you made so many dishes. What occasion?" Lucas looks at her mother sitting and asks.

"Nothing; I just want to cook for my baby," Louis said while looking at her son. She suddenly remembers the day when he was only as little as a toy, and now he exceeds her height.

"Mom, how many times have I reminded you not to call me 'Baby' anymore? I am an adult now, but thanks!" Lucas complained about calling him a baby but didn't forget to thank his mother for cooking him so many dishes even though there was no occasion.

"I won't stop calling you 'Baby' even if you are an adult now. You are still my little baby that is always asking for his mother's hug," Louis said, and she teased her son by reminding him of some precious old memories.

"Mom!" Lucas was kind of embarrassed after what her mother said.

"Okay, okay, I will stop."

"Sit and let's eat. By the way, how's your day, son?" Louis stopped teasing her son and made him sit down to offer to eat. She also asked what happened to his day.

"Nothing particular happened. Just strolling around and enjoying my holiday in the mall," Lucas answered his mother's question.

"Hmm. Did you not invite Elizabeth?" Louis looks at her son for a moment and asks.

"Well, I don't know why she has avoided me in the past few days."

"As far as I know, I have done nothing wrong that will make her angry, and I reached out to her by calling her many times, but she doesn't pick up her phone," Lucas told his mom about what happened between him and Elizabeth in the past few days.

"Also this afternoon I go to their house, but only Aunt Stacy shows up, saying Elizabeth is not there, but I saw her peeking on the window."

"Well, isn't this a love quarrel?" Louis teased her son.

"It is not mom; you know we are not lovers," Lucas said to his mom, not affected by his mother's teasing.

"I will talk to her later; I know that she won't say no to me,Louis said to her son, not to worry about her anymore.

"Thanks mom," Lucas said, thanking her mother for helping him reach Elizabeth.

Elizabeth and he are childhood friends, and he could not afford to lose her because she is one of the true friends he had. Also she is his...

(A/N: Cliffhanger-kun!!!... Joke aside I know this is a kinda boring chapter, but the next chapter will be the start of our MC journey. I want to ask your recommendation for the group members... Should I add female members only or do I add some male members too... This is kinda hard )

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