
Sorcerer King with Dimensional Group Chat [Re-write]

A man named Luke Storm is called the Greatest Sorcerer, Genius, Saint, Devil, and a person nearing becoming a god. All people are focused on him, but despite all the fame he has received, deep in his heart, something is missing. After a month, year, and decade, Luke searched for what was missing, but he couldn’t find it till his last breath. And Luke opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar environment. And a new adventure awaits him. ––––––––––––––– Hello everyone! I hope you will enjoy my fanfic story. Also, I do not claim any character as my own, except for my original character. ––––––––––––––– Also, guys, to anyone here's my Patreon account. To anyone willing to support me, you can look at this account for advanced chapters. patreon.com/Mr_Chocolate

Mr_Chocolate · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 2: The Meeting and Mega Time Skip

A five-year-old kid can be seen watching anime on a 64 inc Tv. He was engrossed watching and did not notice a woman walking toward him.

"Ouch... Ouch mom" The five-year-old kid was pinched on cheeks by the woman who is his mother.

"What I said is no anime for this day, yet you are still watching" The woman said eagerly to her son.

"But mom..." The five-year-old kid wants to say something but his mother interrupts him.

"You need to prepare for your school, this is your first day" The mother said to her son who is still sitting on the couch.

" Can I not come, mom? I already knew the entire subject of my grading" The five-year-old kid said while looking at his mother.

"Lucas baby, I know that you are smart, but mom only wants you to interact and make friends, can you do this for me, I don't want you to become loner when you grow up" The woman crouches and touches the head of her son.

"Okay mom", The five-year-old kid named Lucas agreed to his mom.

That's right the five-year-old kid is our Mc, Lucas Cruz.

"I will prepare for my school, mom" Lucas stood and walked toward where his room was located.

"Okay baby" His mother also stood up and walked towards the kitchen to prepare her son's meal.


Lucas Room

"Sigh... It's been 5 years since I came from this world huh..." Lucas sat on his bed and said " In these five years I learned a lot about this world, no supernatural thing at best."

" I also learned that...this world is way more advanced than my own world, but as I said, no zap..zing...and boom, I mean no mage, sorcerer, martial artists that could destroy everything"

''Also, I learned a thing or two about my mother, Louis Cruz. She is a successful businesswoman, as for her character. She is not a serious person. Yes, there is some time that she could be a tyrannosaurus, but she is nice to all of her peers''

Lucas remembers when he angered his mother to its fullest. He was grounded for not watching anime for an entire half-year and since then, he did not anger his mother, because he doesn't want to be grounded again.

"Sigh... I really could not win over Mom."

"Now I need to endure all the kids that will be my classmates" Lucas imagines all the noises his classmate will make. He could not help but shiver a moment.


In the garage of a two story house, there is a Toyota Corolla parked. Two people walk to the car. An adult woman and a cute 5 year old boy.

"Lucas baby, did you forget anything you need?" Louis asked her son.

"No, mom. All the things I need are already in my backpack." Lucas told his mom.

"Okay, baby. Don't forget to be nice and understanding to your teacher and classmates" His mother reminds him.

"Yes, mom." Lucas

"That's my baby " Louis happily said and kissed her son on his cheeks.

"Mom, I am big now, why did you still kiss me." Lucas was annoyed because he doesn't like being kissed.

"What big, you are still my baby boy. Hehe" Louis told her son while laughing at his reaction.

After that she starts the car and drives toward the school where Lucas will be attended.


"Good morning, Miss Cruz" Said by an old woman in her 50's

"Good morning too, Mrs. Rizal" Louis greets the old woman.

"So this is your son... What a cute little boy " The old woman or Mrs. Rizal looks at the little boy. She found it quite unusual because he has a white hair, a pair of green emerald eyes and a fair skin rather than the normal feature of a Filipinos i.e black hair, black eyes, and a light brown and tan skin.

"Good morning, Mrs. Rizal" Lucas greets her to show his respect in his soon to be Advisor/Teacher.

"Good morning too, Lucas. " Mrs. Rizal smiled at him.

"Ok baby bye, I need to go now, I still have a meeting. Be sure to behave or else you know the consequences." Louis said goodbye to her son and also reminded him to not be a naughty child.

"Okay, Mom. Be safe at driving." Lucas said.

"Mrs. Rizal, I will leave Lucas in your hands" Louis

"Sure, Ms. Cruz" Mrs. Rizal said

Before Louis leaves the room she doesn't forget to kiss her son on his cheek and walk toward the parking area of the school.

"So... Lucas why not introduce yourself in front of your classmates." Mrs. Rizal suggests to Lucas to introduce himself.

"Ok, Mrs. Rizal " Lucas said and he walked toward the center. "Hello everyone, my name is Lucas Cruz, I like reading and watching anime. And I'm 5 years old this year"

After introducing himself the classroom became noisy.

"Class be quiet. Lucas, your sitting arrangements will be in the middle of the room, you see that girl there, she will be your desk mate" Mrs. Rizal points where he was going to sit. Its in the center of the room.

Lucas walked toward his sitting arrangements and he saw a cute little girl.

"Hi, My name is Elizabeth Atienza or you can call me Eliz. Nice to meet you" the cute little girl introduced herself before Lucas did.

"Hello, My name is Lucas Cruz, Lucas is fine, nice meeting you too " Lucas introduces himself to the cute little girl.

And the other students also follow introducing themselves.

Little did Lucas know that, Elizabeth Atienza will be his first friend, best friend, and lastly his....

(A/N: Hey pals, did you expect me to put our mc sit near the window? Haha. That's not gonna happen.)


3rd person pov

12 years have passed since our MC, Lucas, started his studies.

And now he is in his senior high school. In these 12 years many things happen to our MC.

When he celebrates his 7th birthday. His mom, Louis, gave him a month vacation in Japan though his mother was also accompanied. Lucas was overjoyed when he received his gift, because Japan is the home of Manga and Anime.

He did a lot of things in Japan. He visits all the landmarks of the country. He also got the signatures of some famous Mangaka. Like Eiichiro Oda, Hirohiko Araki, Nobuhiro Watsuki and etc.

After a month of vacation the mother-son duo came back to their home country. And after three years in Lucas 10th years living in this world. He starts puts away his hobbies to do something for his mother.

He studied all science related topics, because he wants his mother to live longer. Although, he could let his mother become a sorcerer he doesn't know how to explain how he knew such a mind blowing thing.

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