
Sorcerer in Hollywood

Meet Christian, a time traveler from the year 2017 who finds himself in the vibrant, eclectic world of 1990s Hollywood. But Christian isn't just any time traveler; he's an aspiring director with a unique twist – he's also a part-time sorcerer. As he navigates the bustling entertainment scene of the '90s, Christian's dual talents create an intriguing blend of magic and movies. It is a thrilling blend of time travel, movie-making, and magic, offering readers a front-row seat to the enchanting and enigmatic world of Hollywood in the 1990s, where the past, present, and future converge in ways that no one could have ever imagined. *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translated it here to increase my vocabulary, and English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Dark_Sym. This is where I read it- Qidian. so you can support the original author on a Chinese site.

Dark_Symphony · Movies
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81 Chs


After exorcizing Charlize, Christian forgot to leave his contact information. This wasn't due to the concept of "shedding one's accomplishments and fame".

This idea was fairly widespread among those who appreciate 419. If Christian were his former self, it might be possible - in a purely hypothetical scenario. Back then, Christian prioritized the reality of spellcasting and disregarded the beauties around him.

That particular night, when he overheard the neighboring hotel room occupants engaging in an intimate activity, he began to regret his decision. As he gradually unraveled his predecessor's memories through soul calls, this regret intensified. The suspension bridge concept resonated. His predecessor's memories, a skilled womanizer, made him increasingly aware of the golden opportunity he had squandered.

However, being a time traveler doesn't grant the ability to turn back the clock at will. Unlike the technical skills of setting up scenes and writing scripts, the art of seduction relies more on one's personality. Even after traversing the magical realm, Christian couldn't reach the same level of expertise as his predecessor. He could only sigh in resignation.

Yet, as the saying goes, you can't navigate the river without getting wet. Despite Los Angeles being a sprawling city, Hollywood was a small world. After much wandering, Christian and Charlize crossed paths once more.

By that time, Christian had unearthed some of his predecessor's memories. While he couldn't master the "trick" as a seasoned player might, he could make a living in the film industry. Coupled with the modest contacts his predecessor had left, he managed to establish a foothold. At this point, he was directing a group of assistants to set up scenes when he spotted Charlize auditioning for a minor role. Although they both recognized each other from their previous encounter, neither mentioned the exorcism incident.

In the following days, Charlize frequently visited Christian, expressing gratitude. Their relationship gradually deepened. As for Charlize's audition results, to paraphrase what Christian later told her at the Cider house, "Congratulations on not getting stuck with a lousy dragon role"

Of course, Christian, no longer needing to deceive Charlize, was sipping Kvass, much to the bartender Campbell's annoyance, who believed it tarnished the bar's atmosphere.

After Charlize's encounter with Christian, she underwent numerous auditions, successfully avoiding the fate of a "lousy dragon role." Christian often teased her in the bar about her auditions and noticed her changing demeanor under the influence.

"Oh, by the way, you came out wearing a Cheesecake Factory uniform. Is that alright?"

As Christian's place usually had few visitors, he lacked sofas or extra chairs. Thus, he had to entertain Charlize, who was inebriated, and both sat on the floor. The floor was covered in inexpensive, second-hand carpets, making it a warm and cozy spot to sit.

"It's fine. Petunia is a supervisor now, and as long as I avoid staining my clothes..."

Although Charlize only retched and didn't vomit, Christian thought her waiter uniform would be in a terrible state. Even worse, her best friend Petunia had become a supervisor.

"It's better to go to the bathroom and throw up first. Even if you don't care about your clothes, think about me. I don't want to clean up after midnight and then sleep in the sour stench of vomit"

Christian asserted his role as the homeowner, hoping to persuade the uninvited guest to follow his advice.

"Go ahead. Use that vomiting technique you must have mastered as a model. If you don't get rid of the alcohol you consumed, you'll gain weight quickly"

"You're right"

Perhaps it was Christian's mention of her figure that prompted Charlize to act. While burping, she staggered into the bathroom and locked the door.

"Eurgh, eurgh, eurgh..."

Her retching echoed like a mighty river. For drunks, Christian had a history of taking pleasure in their misery rather than offering sympathy.

"Are you not considering entering the Oktoberfest contest? I think you'd do well"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up"

No matter how forcefully she yelled alongside the sound of retching, it only resulted in amusement.

"Wow, wow..."

The vomiting eventually ceased, and Charlize emerged from the bathroom, flushing the toilet.

"Do you have a spare jacket?"


It seemed that, as Murphy's Law goes, things tend to go awry. 

"It appears your part-time job at Cheesecake Factory is on the line," Christian concluded after Charlize's prolonged struggle.

"It's not just that, but I'm sure to be scolded as well."

Despite her casual response, the blonde girl looked dejected, showing concern about her job.

Charlize's words became a reality due to her numerous failed auditions and prolonged financial hardship. Eventually, following in her friend Petunia's footsteps, she took a job at Cheesecake Factory. After reconnecting with Christian, she often brought some food from the restaurant to repay her debts.

Though Christian had initially asked her to sign an IOU to rid herself of lingering spirits, he was lenient given her financial struggles. However, at the rate she was repaying, it seemed unlikely she would clear her debt before losing her job, which was inevitable as she frequently took time off for auditions.

"Honestly, if you continue down this path, it's not just about being scolded and losing your job. Sooner or later, you'll experience that 'waking up with someone else's pipe in your mouth' scenario you mentioned at the start."

While eating the meal Charlize had brought, Christian chided the blonde girl, seated on the floor across from him. Charlize responded without backing down:

"With my current connections, you're my most promising and final chance for that scenario to happen. Are you revealing your criminal intentions in advance?"


Christian glanced at the beautiful girl sitting in front of him - her beauty was evident even when wrapped in a blanket, with damp blond hair framing her face seductively. He quickly averted his gaze.

"You're stunning when you're sober, but dealing with a drunken mess isn't my cup of tea."


The sarcastic girl flipped him off.

"You're picky, you'll get ED sooner or later."


Christian, who had just sipped Kvass, burst out laughing and choked, causing him to cough. Charlize, sitting across from him, wasn't spared either. Although she avoided getting sprayed in the face, the blanket wrapped around her took a hit.

"It's your blanket, anyway"

Charlize remained indifferent.

"You're ruthless"

Christian continued to cough and, in a half-joking manner, gave the audacious girl the middle finger.

"Calm down."

After catching his breath, Christian spoke seriously, looking at Charlize who had also recovered from her inebriation.

"I don't like repeating myself, so listen closely. I have an opportunity for you. Considering your past auditions, are you prepared to face the possibility of rejection?"

"What kind of opportunity?"

When Christian mentioned a new chance, Charlize's demeanor turned serious. She paid no heed to Christian's mention of possible rejection and immediately inquired about the details.

"It's still in the early stages of development. It's a horror film, and while it's not a major production, don't even think about the lead role. There are some supporting roles available, and I can recommend you for an audition at most."

"A recommendation would be fantastic"

After a series of failures, Charlize wasn't choosy.

"However, there won't be any extra requirements during the audition?"

"I'm not sure I follow..."

Christian understood what the "extra requirements" entailed. Charlize's previous auditions weren't entirely devoid of opportunities, but each time someone who could influence her future vaguely suggested grabbing a meal or coffee, she always responded with a resounding "no," leading to postponements.

"The producer sent by this new studio is Anthony Westwood. I haven't heard much about him, so he should be reasonable. However, I haven't met him yet and can't gauge his personality. The director is someone I know, Alan B. McElroy, the screenwriter of 'Halloween 4' released in 1988. He's a bit unpredictable."



1. Oktoberfest contest- the world's largest Volksfest, featuring a beer festival and a traveling carnival.

Give this novel some power stones, I will do a mass release!

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