
Sorcerer in Hollywood

Meet Christian, a time traveler from the year 2017 who finds himself in the vibrant, eclectic world of 1990s Hollywood. But Christian isn't just any time traveler; he's an aspiring director with a unique twist – he's also a part-time sorcerer. As he navigates the bustling entertainment scene of the '90s, Christian's dual talents create an intriguing blend of magic and movies. It is a thrilling blend of time travel, movie-making, and magic, offering readers a front-row seat to the enchanting and enigmatic world of Hollywood in the 1990s, where the past, present, and future converge in ways that no one could have ever imagined. *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translated it here to increase my vocabulary, and English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Dark_Sym. This is where I read it- Qidian. so you can support the original author on a Chinese site.

Dark_Symphony · Movies
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Great Dictator

"It's challenging to determine what it means," Charlize mused in response to Christian's question, offering a wry smile.

"He's a typical Hollywood man. If an opportunity arises, he won't let it slip through his fingers. However, he's not the type to be swayed solely by physical attraction. Besides, this is his directorial debut," Christian explained.

"So, it all depends on how much he values this independent directing opportunity and how committed he is, right?" Charlize grasped Christian's point.

"Don't worry too much about it. Even when prominent figures seize opportunities, the heroine usually gets their attention first. You're overthinking it," Christian reassured Charlize in his unique way. The blonde actress nodded in agreement, "You're right. Someone like me might not even catch their eye, but the opposite might happen."

"Do you mean they could be more unscrupulous when dealing with less influential individuals?" Christian couldn't help but feel a headache.

"That possibility does exist. In low-budget horror films like this, the level of impropriety among influential crew members ranks second only to independent art films. It's unavoidable due to limited power, and the production company's higher-ups don't pay much attention. This gives middle management in the crew the chance to take liberties. Large-scale commercial films, on the other hand, involve too many interests and checks and balances, leading to fewer such problems. Anyway, we should adapt to the circumstances," Christian concluded.

"Speaking of, Sally, although I don't appreciate it, there are many actresses in Hollywood willing to exploit opportunities. Even Julia Roberts isn't an exception. So, why do you persist in this regard?" Christian inquired, recognizing that his question was somewhat tactless.

Christian didn't believe in love at first sight or fairy tales. Moreover, if it were love at first sight or gratitude, Charlize could have expressed it when Christian had completed the exorcism for her. So why did her feelings become more apparent after their reunion?

Christian wasn't a suspicious person, but Charlize's behavior in the Hollywood scene had piqued his curiosity. Was her persistence genuine, or did she have ulterior motives? He believed this was an opportunity to find out.

"What drives your persistence?" he asked.

The blonde actress seemed lost in her thoughts, her eyes clouded with memories. "To be honest, I've asked myself that question more than once. Honestly, I've never found a clear answer. It might simply be pride. Although reality eventually shatters our pride and mixes it with our self-esteem, trampling them into the mud, I still hope I can hold on for a little longer," she replied.

"Well, I hope you can endure until the day of success," Christian said. Although it wasn't the answer he sought, he felt there was no need to press further. After all, whether genuine or an act, Charlize's performance was top-notch.

"Anyway, time will reveal people's true intentions. Sooner or later, I'll understand," Christian mused and shifted the conversation.

"While my artist may not be a major player in the crew, I can still voice my opinions. If you encounter any issues, I'll offer my assistance."


"Who do you think you are, pointing fingers at the script?" Christian exclaimed.

Despite telling Charlize the previous night that he wasn't a major figure in the new film crew, Christian realized the next day, during the new film preparatory meeting, that he wasn't the only one with influence. Or rather, there was only one influential figure in the crew.

"You're just a newbie sent by Newline to assist. Your sole job is to sit there and do nothing. You're insufferable, Let me get rid of you" The Producer, Anthony Westwood, shouted at Christian.

According to the rules, the producer of the new film, Anthony Westwood, should have had as much authority as the director in the crew. However, the current situation saw the director, Alan B. McElroy, berating Westwood without restraint. The poor producer could only wear a forced smile.

"Alan, Alan, let's not get worked up. I simply noticed that our budget seems inadequate compared to the script's requirements. Isn't that something worth discussing?" Westwood tried to explain.

"Of course, it's a big deal!" the director retorted, annoyed. "Mr. Producer, remember this: I am Alan McElroy, not Alan Smithee, the director you producers invented to take the fall for your meddling. Don't bring that producer-style nonsense into my crew."

" I didn't mean to--" Westwood began, only to be cut off by Alan again.

"Regarding the budget for this film, I recall it was..." the director trailed off, gesturing with his thumb to Westwood, "Do you have any objections?"

Westwood looked dejected. "I don't."

The crew's composition seemed off-kilter. The producer, who should have had a say in budgetary matters, was silenced by the director when it came to financial concerns. How had things come to this?

Christian questioned if he had ended up on the wrong boat, but he observed the director, who had just stood up to confront the producer, continue:

"Gentlemen, as Mr. Westwood mentioned, our budget is tight, but the issues in this area are surmountable. Firstly, additional funds may become available if everything goes smoothly. Secondly, with your expertise and experience, it's possible to contribute to cost savings, especially from Christian Booth, responsible for scenes and props. Isn't that right, Christian?"

Christian hesitated, not wanting to agree directly, as it would mean taking the blame for budgetary concerns.

"Indeed, there are ways to save money on scenes and props, but a specific plan can only be devised after we've seen the actual scenes. I can't provide a precise answer regarding how much we can save at this point."

Although Christian attempted to maintain a professional facade, the department heads at the meeting understood he was being evasive. His response was a tactic to delay and buy time.

"Very well, we'll address this issue once we've finished scouting the locations" the director conceded.

"Then, let's discuss casting and location scouting..."


References -

1. Alan Smithee (also Allen Smithee) is an official pseudonym used by film directors who wish to disown a project. Coined in 1968 and used until it was formally discontinued in 2000.

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