
Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]

Game of Thrones fanfiction, A Song of Ice and Fire fanfiction. Transmigration, no harem, no system, no technology. No poison, supporting characters to stay close to the original. Mainstream storyline without being too bland, with occasional satisfying moments and interspersed with epic scenes. Protagonist name: Gallen of House Crabb Starting title: Lord of Whispers Family motto: United we stand Family sigil: Marsh Marigold ////This is a translation, my fourth(?) one so far. The original author name is 双河无忧. I do not own this book or anything that is related to it and so on. The original name is 冰与火之铁王座. Go support the original author. The original book have 330 chapters so far with steady update. I've read it all to make sure it'll stay good so it won't end up like my arcane fic. I've watched the game of thrones series but I haven't read the book. Even though I search the wiki, if y'all notice any wrong terms I used, point it out so I can fix it. Well, enjoy.////

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94 Chs

-70- Another bastard?

King's Landing at night, near the docks on the Blackwater River, at the Stinky Fish Tavern.

"It's true, my great grandfather saw a mermaid with his own eyes!"

The speaker was a bald, middle-aged man, his eyes bleary with drunkenness, his face flushed red.

The drunkard's loud voice had barely faded when the crowd burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, listen to this nonsense!"

"Haha, only White Walkers would believe a drunkard's tale!"

"Everyone calls him Drunkard Jack. I heard his family used to own a ship."

"Come on, where did you hear that? Don't believe a word of the nonsense you hear here."

"Haha, not necessarily; sometimes drunks do tell the truth!"


A gaunt man with a sharp, thin face suddenly shouted, "I believe him!"

The crowd was stunned at first, then burst into laughter again.

"Haha, isn't that Nimble Dick?"

"Hahaha, Nimble?"


"Shh, is he rich now? Dick used to wear rags, but look at him now..."

Several people tilted their heads to scrutinize him.

"Maybe his sister met a generous man."

"What do you mean?"

The speaker lowered his voice, "I heard his sister is a girl from Chataya's brothel."

The people around the table couldn't help but gasp.

"That's the finest brothel in King's Landing. Is it because..."

"Shh, come closer... they're of noble descent..."


"Don't talk nonsense! Do you want to end up with your head on a spike at the city gates?"

"I'm telling the truth; Nimble Dick himself said it. He was very drunk at the time, and I was right at the next table!"

The crowd gasped in surprise.

"He doesn't look like a nobleman at all."

"Shh, keep it down!"

"Sigh, I was very drunk too at the time. I vaguely remember it being something like Marsh from Crackclaw Point."

"Ha, another noble bastard?"


Outside the Stinky Fish Tavern, Jaime Lannister, dressed inconspicuously, tossed a Silver Stag to a shadowy figure.

The shadowy figure skillfully caught the coin, "Honorable stranger, I am at your service."

Jaime Lannister frowned but said nothing, just waved his hand and walked away.

The stench in this place had already tested Jaime's patience to its limit.

Jaime had come here to investigate the rumors spreading in the Queen's District.

Upon returning to King's Landing, to avoid alerting Cersei, Jaime chose not to use the Lannister intelligence network in the city, opting instead for a secret solo investigation.

Though alone, Jaime had managed to gather quite a bit of useful information thanks to his wealth.

As the investigation progressed, Jaime found himself filled with doubts.

Most of the intelligence pointed towards the Riverlands.

Could the mastermind be the Tullys of the Riverlands?

Jaime shook his head, instinctively sensing something was off.

He knew he wasn't fond of or skilled at dealing with such matters; his thoughts turned to Gallen.

Jaime knew Tyrion was clever and trusted him, but he felt Gallen had a keener sense for these things.

Jaime hesitated, missing Gallen.



In Maegor's Holdfast at the Red Keep.

In bed, Cersei, in a light sleep, encountered an unexpected person in her dream.

The hazy, warm yellow scene in the dream caused Cersei to twitch her fingers in a half-awake state.

After a soft moan, her chest heaved.

After a long while, Cersei's eyelids fluttered, and she slowly opened her beautiful eyes, her green gaze seeming to have a layer of moisture.

Queen Cersei left the bed and put on a robe.

Taking a sip to quench her thirst, Queen Cersei walked to the window with her cup.

Ever since returning from the royal hunt, Queen Cersei had noticed that Jaime often left the Red Keep at night.

Huh, men.

Looking at the pitch-black night sky, Queen Cersei slightly raised her chin.



At the intersection of Rose Road and Ocean Road, the white marble Highgarden Castle stood on a hill, overlooking the azure Mander River below.

Highgarden Castle had three concentric walls made of the same white stone.

For miles around Highgarden, golden roses grew in abundance.

Gallen, accompanied by Mordin, Anguy, and Martil, entered Highgarden Castle under the guidance of a steward.

The interior of the castle was like a green paradise, with golden roses blooming everywhere. Gardens, pools, and artificial waterfalls adorned the entire castle.

The castle was filled with stone carvings, fountains, and marble colonnades. Vines and roses decorated the walls and sculptures, covering the ancient Highgarden Castle in greenery.

Gallen marveled, thinking that Highgarden indeed possess the most beautiful castle in Westeros.


The heir of Lord Mace Tyrell, Willas Tyrell, received the far-traveled Gallen Crabb.

Seated in a wheelchair, Willas Tyrell smiled warmly, his tone very gentle: "Welcome, Lord Crabb."

Willas Tyrell exuded a sense of cultured and gentle politeness.

However, Gallen noticed that Willas Tyrell used his humble and courteous demeanor to build an invisible wall around him, a wall called isolation.


Gallen bowed, "Good day, Lord Willas. It is an honor to meet you."

After exchanging a few words with Willas Tyrell, Gallen obtained the information he sought.

The much-anticipated Lord Mace Tyrell was, unfortunately, extremely busy and would not be available to meet Gallen anytime soon.

Gallen's eyebrow arched; what kind of action was this?