
Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]

Game of Thrones fanfiction, A Song of Ice and Fire fanfiction. Transmigration, no harem, no system, no technology. No poison, supporting characters to stay close to the original. Mainstream storyline without being too bland, with occasional satisfying moments and interspersed with epic scenes. Protagonist name: Gallen of House Crabb Starting title: Lord of Whispers Family motto: United we stand Family sigil: Marsh Marigold ////This is a translation, my fourth(?) one so far. The original author name is 双河无忧. I do not own this book or anything that is related to it and so on. The original name is 冰与火之铁王座. Go support the original author. The original book have 330 chapters so far with steady update. I've read it all to make sure it'll stay good so it won't end up like my arcane fic. I've watched the game of thrones series but I haven't read the book. Even though I search the wiki, if y'all notice any wrong terms I used, point it out so I can fix it. Well, enjoy.////

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94 Chs

-69- Rose Road (end)

After resolving the carriage issue, Margaery's carriage naturally joined Gallen's group.


Gallen's first impression on Margaery differed greatly from the image she had in her mind.

Although he was a noble from Crackclaw Point, he resembled a southern knight more.

Gallen's demeanor always maintained an appropriate distance from her, a comfortable distance.

This was rare. From personal experience, Margaery knew that this was a difficult social etiquette to master, requiring a very delicate mind and natural talent.

Margaery thought, Gallen who was favored by Queen Cersei indeed have some extraordinary qualities.

Another thing Margaery noticed was that Gallen's guards were unusually quiet.

Margaery had seen the elite soldiers of the Reach, who were disciplined and silent without orders.

But it was different. Margaery felt that Gallen's guards were quiet to an abnormal degree.

Margaery had no interest in military affairs, and the thought only passed through her mind without much attention.


They traveled in silence, and by noon, they found a flat riverside spot to rest.

Inviting Lady Margaery Tyrell to have lunch by the river?

Gallen and Margaery had only met by chance on the road and were still strangers.

There was a fundamental difference between strangers and acquaintances.

Moreover, given the vast difference in their status, Gallen being too eager would seem inappropriate.

Of course, all these considerations wouldn't be a problem for Gallen if he put his mind to it.

But for Gallen, although Margaery was Lord Mace Tyrell's daughter, his mind is set on Lord Puff Fish. Trying to approach Margaery will only complicate things.


After a simple lunch, the considerate Gallen deliberately walked alone to the riverside to admire the scenery.

The clear river, like a beautiful blue ribbon, flowed gently.


Sure enough, Gallen did not wait long before Margaery approached, holding her skirt slightly off the ground.

At an appropriate distance, Gallen's face showed a slight surprise, and he politely nodded to Margaery.

Margaery met Gallen's gaze, her eyes smiling.

In that instant, Gallen's heart seemed to skip a beat.

If only…

Gallen suppressed the sudden thought.

For now, luxury like love would only slow down his sword.


Margaery nodded slightly, her gaze also turning to the calm river.

Just then, a kingfisher skimmed over the water, leaving ripples.

Margaery's brown eyes shone a bit brighter.

"Lord Gallen, how do you like the Reach?"

Gallen's eyes flickered, and he replied, "The Reach is warm. The land is also beautiful and bountiful here."

As the rulers of the Reach, Margaery smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment."

Gallen gave a slight smile and nodded.

After a pause, Margaery spoke, "I happened to learn that Queen Cersei sent her chief officer to visit my father."

Margaery turned her delicate face towards Gallen, "Actually, Lord Gallen, I was a bit surprised when I heard the news. I was wondering you could satisfy my curiosity?"

Margaery's clear and gentle eyes made it hard for anyone to refuse.

Gallen hesitated for a moment but soon resumed his normal demeanor.

He was quite a determined person, and Margaery kept her gentle smile.


Most women of power in Westeros wield their beauty as a weapon.

They prefer to trust those who cannot resist their charms.

Gallen's steadfastness and maturity made him quite resistant to the allure of beauty.

Not just for trust, but basic courtesy compelled Gallen to indulge her a bit.

Having been close to Queen Cersei, Gallen's acting skills had continually improved, becoming more and more adept. He sighed inwardly; it wasn't easy for him either.


Gallen's brown eyes flickered, and he cleared his throat, replying, "Lady Margaery, while this is currently confidential, it won't be a secret once I've met with Lord Tyrell. Since he is your father, I think it's fine to tell you in advance."

Because of Gallen's words, Margaery's bright brown eyes seemed to shine with the pleasure of being entrusted with a secret.

Gallen lowered his voice, "King Robert has always been concerned about the kingdom's safety and has had to devote most of his energy to military matters.

A person's energy is limited, and King Robert has been somewhat negligent in maintaining relations with the great Houses.

For the sake of the kingdom, the kind Queen Cersei wishes to shoulder these affairs for His Majesty. Starting this year, she will send emissaries to visit the great Houses to strengthen the bonds between the royal family and the nobility."

Margaery, an excellent listener, leaned in slightly when Gallen lowered his voice.

King Robert's "great deeds" could be described this way?

After Gallen finished speaking, Margaery blinked her beautiful eyes, seemingly digesting the information she had just heard.


Gallen continued, "I volunteered for this mission to the Queen. I've heard of the swordsmanship of the Knights of the Reach and have always wanted to witness it firsthand."

Gallen even disclosed his personal reasons to Margaery.

Could we have been mistaken? But Grandmother...

Margaery didn't have time to think it through and first thanked Gallen for his honesty.

Then, they smoothly changed the topic.

Margaery took the initiative to talk about the customs and traditions of the Reach.

Gallen thought that Margaery initiating a conversation to chat with him might be her way of rewarding him for his honesty.

Sometimes, the truth isn't important; it's all about individual purposes.

No one can guarantee if there will be a next meeting, but a bit more patience might ensure the next encounter remains pleasant.

As a top noble in Westeros, Margaery Tyrell didn't need to be so delicate.

In contrast, Queen Cersei has always done as she pleased, without many people particularly discontented.

The nobles of Westeros have long been accustomed to the distinctions in bloodline, acknowledging them.

However, compared to Queen Cersei's domineering nature, Margaery Tyrell's approachability is much more endearing.


Shortly after setting off in the afternoon, Gallen and Margaery encountered the guards she had sent to purchase grain.

Gallen and Margaery then parted ways.

Gallen continued towards Highgarden with his soldiers.

Riding on his horse, Gallen stroked his chin, hoping that today's actions would reduce some obstacles for his upcoming visit to Highgarden.