
Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]

Game of Thrones fanfiction, A Song of Ice and Fire fanfiction. Transmigration, no harem, no system, no technology. No poison, supporting characters to stay close to the original. Mainstream storyline without being too bland, with occasional satisfying moments and interspersed with epic scenes. Protagonist name: Gallen of House Crabb Starting title: Lord of Whispers Family motto: United we stand Family sigil: Marsh Marigold ////This is a translation, my fourth(?) one so far. The original author name is 双河无忧. I do not own this book or anything that is related to it and so on. The original name is 冰与火之铁王座. Go support the original author. The original book have 330 chapters so far with steady update. I've read it all to make sure it'll stay good so it won't end up like my arcane fic. I've watched the game of thrones series but I haven't read the book. Even though I search the wiki, if y'all notice any wrong terms I used, point it out so I can fix it. Well, enjoy.////

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94 Chs

-60- Messenger from Highgarden

Jon Arryn suddenly asked, "Has the royal hunting party set out on time?"

This was the second time, the same question Lord Arryn had asked yesterday.

Petyr, with his head slightly lowered, his lips twitched with sarcasm, "Yes, they have all set out, and the noble ladies have also arrived as scheduled. You can rest assured."

Lord Arryn nodded slightly, "Petyr, remember, do not underestimate such activities, there is also benefits."

Petyr nodded respectfully, touching his chest, "Thank you for your guidance, my lord. I will keep it in mind."

"The Queen..."

Petyr noticed Lord Arryn, who was about to speak, seemed lost in quiet contemplation.


After a while, Lord Arryn spoke again, "I have handled affairs for many years and encountered all sorts of people. Thinking of that young lord... Gallen always unsettles me. It's ridiculous; he's just a boy. I don't know why I feel this way."

Petyr's gaze shifted, comforting, "You may be too tired; anyone would not be in a good state when exhausted."

Lord Arryn ignored Petyr's comfort and continued, "Queen Cersei's capriciousness is unpredictable. People of such character should not be allowed to wield power; they will eventually do something shocking. Trust an old man's judgment; my honor does not permit me to slander Her Majesty."

Lord Arryn raised his slightly trembling hand, and Petyr hurriedly stepped forward, clasping it with both hands.

"The people of Crackclaw Point are like beasts in human skin, a bloodthirsty sword."

Lord Arryn was a very pragmatic person, not given to exaggeration. Hearing this, Petyr, who had once been cut by Gallen, felt a sudden chill.

"Petyr, we must find a way to take this sword out of the Queen's hands."

Petyr naturally understood the implication in Lord Arryn's words; this meant he had to deal with Lord Gallen, or at least drive him out of King's Landing.

Petyr felt a headache coming on; he didn't want to deal with Gallen again in the short term.

After this period of repeated contemplation, Petyr gained further insight into the game.

Military nobles like Gallen would adhere to the rules of the game when it was advantageous to them. However, when in a disadvantageous position, they would not abide by any rules of the game; they would resort to the most primitive violence.

Realizing this, Petyr felt conflicted.


Although Petyr had thought of many things in an instant, his face showed no sign of it, "My lord, your method is already very good. Sending Lord Gallen to deal with the young dragons is effective and also legitimate."

Petyr was a confidant brought up by Lord Arryn; he was very clear about many of Lord Arryn's affairs.

Petyr smirked, lightly patting Lord Arryn's hand, "Your kindness has already given him a month. If he refuses, he cannot continue to stay in King's Landing, because King Robert will not..."

Petyr's gaze was full of reverence, "If Lord Gallen accepts, he will have to leave King's Landing, and the young dragons are across the strait. You have already laid out the plan. Now we just have to wait for the good news."


In the Kingswood, under the blue sky, the branches of trees intertwined.

Without rain along the way, the hunting party arrived at their destination on time.

Even when in King's Landing, Gallen had already arranged for people to lead the temporarily conscripted craftsmen to set off first.

All the tents to be used by the Queen had been set up before their arrival, and the ground inside the tents had wooden floors laid out in advance.

This morning, the carpet merchant, Petri, who arrived early, had also laid out his Myrish carpets on the wooden floors.

Due to time constraints, Gallen could only do so much here. The rest was routine; the additional gold received from Petyr was mainly used to increase Queen Cersei's satisfaction.

The pleased Queen Cersei would not care how many gold dragons Gallen spent or how many were left.

As for the tents of others, Gallen followed the usual practice, and a busy crowd was beginning to set them up.


Inside the Queen's pavilion.

At this moment, there were only Cersei and Gallen present.

Cersei Lannister, who preferred to spend most of her time as within the Red Keep, disliked dirt roads and dust, so she was very pleased with Gallen's meticulous arrangements.

Cersei wore a thin, slit silk nightgown, her delicate figure partly concealed, which made Gallen's gaze nowhere to settle.

I can't ruin the young inexperienced lord character here; that would take away some of Cersei's fun. Gallen could only lower his eyes and study the patterns of the Myrish carpet below.


Cersei still held a full glass of summer red in her hand.

She glanced sideways at Gallen's expression, a hint of amusement flickering in her eyes.

"Gallen, has Highgarden responded?"

Gallen looked up, his brown eyes meeting Cersei's, "Yes, Your Grace, the messenger from Highgarden has just arrived. My men are conveniently responsible for the outer perimeter vigilance over there, and I've directly arranged for Highgarden's messenger to be elsewhere, away from prying eyes."

After caressing the cup for a while, Cersei took a sip of summer red before speaking, "You've done well intercepting Lord Puff Fish's messenger; it's best not to let him appear in public for now."

Gallen shrugged, a hint of helplessness in his tone, "I just made some extra preparations out of habit. Actually, I don't really want my arrangements to be put to use. I can only guess that Lord Puff Fish was too happy upon learning of your intention to send an emissary."

Pausing for a moment, Gallen continued, "Our ravens hinted at important matters to discuss. Normally, both sides would understand each other, such as me going to Highgarden under the pretext of purchasing grain."

Gallen was adept at mixing business with pleasure, running errands for Cersei while also purchasing grain for his domain.


Cersei glanced at Gallen, "Little lord, have you noticed anything unusual?"

Gallen spread his hands, "Originally, it was a routine matter, but anomalies have arisen. I suspect there are some unforeseen circumstances involved. Someone within Highgarden may not want Lord Puff Fish and Your Grace to establish... a friendly relationship."

Cersei slammed the wine glass onto the table with a thud, her beautiful eyes staring at Gallen, her tone cold, "Who? Who dares to interfere with my affairs?"

I can't tell Cersei even if I've guessed. If she gets angry and orders me to Highgarden to kill someone, what should I do!

Working for Boss Cersei isn't easy!

Gallen unexpectedly missed Jaime; if he were here, he would even stop Cersei from saying it out loud.

Jaime has been a bit negligent lately. He's always sticking around the queen, why is he not around her this time?

Gallen stepped forward, picked up the wine jug, and poured the wine, "Your Grace, anyone from Highgarden is possible. There is currently no specific individual."

After filling the cup, Gallen returned the wine jug and said, "Once I arrive at Highgarden, if there are people hindering Your Grace, I will deal with them one by one."

Cersei leaned back in her chair with a casual posture, picked up the wine glass again, and raised her chin gracefully, "Then I'll leave this to you; make sure to show them how sharp your blade can be."