
Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]

Game of Thrones fanfiction, A Song of Ice and Fire fanfiction. Transmigration, no harem, no system, no technology. No poison, supporting characters to stay close to the original. Mainstream storyline without being too bland, with occasional satisfying moments and interspersed with epic scenes. Protagonist name: Gallen of House Crabb Starting title: Lord of Whispers Family motto: United we stand Family sigil: Marsh Marigold ////This is a translation, my fourth(?) one so far. The original author name is 双河无忧. I do not own this book or anything that is related to it and so on. The original name is 冰与火之铁王座. Go support the original author. The original book have 330 chapters so far with steady update. I've read it all to make sure it'll stay good so it won't end up like my arcane fic. I've watched the game of thrones series but I haven't read the book. Even though I search the wiki, if y'all notice any wrong terms I used, point it out so I can fix it. Well, enjoy.////

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94 Chs

-61- Need to keep control

Kingsguard Camp, Gallen's Tent.

After bidding farewell to Queen Cersei, Gallen learned from the guards about Jaime's whereabouts.

It turned out Jaime had been teaching Princess Myrcella riding skills recently.

When alone together, Gallen felt Cersei's flirtations growing stronger, so he needed Jaime as a shield.

Cersei understood that her beauty was her most powerful weapon and that she had a natural talent for using seduction.

Gallen realized Cersei was using her beauty to manipulate him, body and soul.

As Gallen continued to achieve various feats, Cersei's seduction tactics intensified.

Cersei was slowly trying to gain control over Gallen in her own way, ensuring she could trust him.

Gallen believed that any other young man would have fallen prey to Cersei's seduction long ago.

Gallen wouldn't forget his initial intention; he needed to keep control of the situation.

Gallen needed Jaime.

Gallen felt he could easily replace Jaime in teaching Princess Myrcella to ride. Jaime should return to his original position and accompany Cersei at all times.


Using the excuse of a messenger from Highgarden, Gallen obtained Cersei's consent to expand the outer perimeter with a mix of Lannister's red cloaks and Crabb's blue cloaks.

Most importantly, Cersei needed strong guards by her side, and she couldn't trust the gold cloaks. By relocating some of the Lannister red cloaks, Jaime's presence was needed to bolster the queen's defenses.

Gallen volunteered to take over Princess Myrcella's riding lessons from Jaime.

Cersei agreed to Gallen's plan without much thought; she also missed Jaime's company, and she wasn't used to his recent absence.

Finally, Gallen received the reins of the little white horse from Jaime, who had a dark expression, and took over the task of teaching Princess Myrcella to ride.


Three days passed.

Although the noble ladies at the hunting camp intentionally or unintentionally avoided him, the Crabb's blue cloaks' popularity in the camp increased significantly.

Most of the soldiers of House Crabb had been hunters for generations, and hunting came naturally to them.

Under Gallen's arrangement, the Crabb's blue cloaks ventured out in batches, bringing back abundant game to enrich everyone's meals at the camp.

The lively camp had everyone cheering for the blue cloaks.


Hunting Camp, nightfall.

Gallen sat by the campfire, gazing at the bustling crowd in the distance.

Tonight's feast at the camp featured wild boar cooked with mushrooms and apples, and the spotlight was on the women, each with a cup of summer wine, creating a lively atmosphere.

Gallen's ears twitched as he heard footsteps approaching in his direction.

Feeling a bit bored, Gallen speculated about the height and weight of the approaching person based on their footsteps.


At the normal distance for a person's reaction, Gallen timely shifted his gaze towards the approaching figure.

It was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl with brown eyes and brown hair, fair skin, of average height, and slightly plump figure.

The girl greeted, "Good evening, Lord Gallen."

Gallen recognized the girl's identity as Tianna Mooton, the rumor monger, but he didn't show it on his face, rising to return the greeting, "Good evening, my lady. And who might you be?"

The girl smiled politely, "Please forgive my presumption. I am Tianna Mooton, niece of the Lord of Maidenpool."

////Can't find anything regarding Tianna Mooton in the wiki, current known member of House Mooton is the Lord, William Mooton and his daughter Eleanor Mooton, who married Dickon Tarly. The wiki did say he have at least two more son and a daughter.////

Maidenpool is a major port and trading center in Bay of Crabs, and House Mooton of Maidenpool is a noble family in the Riverlands, with Lord William Mooton as the current head.

The royal hunt is an activity for nobles of Crownlands, and while Gallen had wondered why noble ladies from the Riverlands appeared here, he hadn't investigated further.

After all, there was no rule against members of House Mooton joining the royal hunt while being in King's Landing.

When Tianna Mooton mentioned the Lord of Maidenpool, Gallen caught a moment of pride on her face.


At Gallen's invitation, Tianna Mooton also sat by the campfire.

The full moon hung high, casting soft moonlight.

Gallen instructed a servant to bring wine glasses, but Tianna politely declined.

Gallen's eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't say anything; he just had the servant fill his own glass.

Gallen took a sip of summer wine and spoke, "My Lady, why didn't you join the feast?"

Tianna Mooton brushed her hair back and replied, "You can call me Tianna."

In the night, alone with a man.....

Gallen, who was always sharp, easily guessed Tianna Mooton's intentions.

Gallen's thoughts shifted: Am I being played by a young girl?

[Gallen isn't at all upset.]


Gallen nodded slightly, "Of course, Tianna, I am honored."

Tianna Mooton smiled and casually adjusted her dress.

Having seen Cersei's seductions, Gallen couldn't help but notice the stark contrast in professionalism between Tianna Mooton and Cersei.

Gallen remained indifferent and took another sip of summer wine.

Tianna Mooton's smile stiffened slightly; didn't he understand her intentions by now?

Although she didn't say it explicitly, in this atmosphere, Tianna Mooton felt she had made her intentions quite clear!

Lord Gallen, you can start pursuing Tianna Mooton now.

Tianna Mooton was starting to feel annoyed; no matter how well he's dressed, he was still a half-wild noble, devoid of any sophistication!


Tianna Mooton collected her thoughts and answered Gallen's first question, "I'm not used to crowded environments since childhood, so I quietly left. Seeing you here, I couldn't help but come over. Lord Gallen, I hope I didn't disturb you."

Gallen nodded slightly and replied professionally, "It's alright, Tianna. You are free to move around the camp; the guards will ensure your safety."

Tianna Mooton could only offer her thanks.


Gallen became the "prey" targeted by Tianna Mooton. Due to the inherent impression that the lords of the Crownlands had of Crackclaw Point, her scheme was easily successful.

Considering Gallen's behavior, upon closer inspection, Tianna Mooton's scheme was full of loopholes.

But no one cared, and no one would delve into this matter.

Gallen thought further; Crackclaw Point had no allies.

Although the North, as fellow descendants of the First Men, might naturally be close to Crackclaw Point, the distance from the North was too far.

As the future "Protector of Crackclaw Point," Gallen's choices were always limited.