
Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]

Game of Thrones fanfiction, A Song of Ice and Fire fanfiction. Transmigration, no harem, no system, no technology. No poison, supporting characters to stay close to the original. Mainstream storyline without being too bland, with occasional satisfying moments and interspersed with epic scenes. Protagonist name: Gallen of House Crabb Starting title: Lord of Whispers Family motto: United we stand Family sigil: Marsh Marigold ////This is a translation, my fourth(?) one so far. The original author name is 双河无忧. I do not own this book or anything that is related to it and so on. The original name is 冰与火之铁王座. Go support the original author. The original book have 330 chapters so far with steady update. I've read it all to make sure it'll stay good so it won't end up like my arcane fic. I've watched the game of thrones series but I haven't read the book. Even though I search the wiki, if y'all notice any wrong terms I used, point it out so I can fix it. Well, enjoy.////

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94 Chs

-51- A loyal knight

Red Keep, Maiden Vault, Garden.

Gallen followed Jaime to the garden and noticed the petite figure of Princess Myrcella.

Under the escort of maids and septas, Princess Myrcella looked towards Gallen's direction.

A joyful expression appeared on Princess Myrcella's little face, and her little body seemed eager to move.

At that moment, an elderly septa cleared her throat.

Upon hearing the septa's signal, Myrcella straightened her small waist and immediately restrained the expression on her face.

With a somewhat "arrogant" look, Myrcella raised her chin.

Myrcella Baratheon was the second child of Queen Cersei. She had fair skin and a head of golden curls.

This was Gallen's first encounter with what looks like a mini version of Cersei, Princess Myrcella.

During lunch at Maegor's Holdfast, Myrcella was also present. At that time, Gallen only glanced at Myrcella's little face before shifting his gaze away.


Before Gallen and the others could offer their greetings, Myrcella, imitating Cersei's slight tilt of the chin, opened her small mouth and spoke with childish innocence, "Forgive me, Gallen..."

The septa behind Myrcella cleared her throat again, and Myrcella immediately stopped her childish words, blushed, and subconsciously lowered her head.

Gallen, with his sharp wit, felt he had found a way to leave early.

As the overseer of the royal hunt, Gallen was very busy and had no time to play with the boss's children.

Gallen bowed and saluted, "Greetings, your highness."

Myrcella returned the courtesy, "Lord Gallen, it was presumptuous of me to summon you, I hope I didn't disturb you."

Gallen smiled and replied, "To be summoned by the Princess is an honor."

Upon hearing Gallen's response, Myrcella's small face was filled with a happy smile.

Seeing this, Myrcella's septa hesitated and remained silent.

Myrcella's smile was like ripples in a clear spring, overflowing from the corners of her lips and spreading across her small face.

Myrcella's clean and pure smile seemed to dispel all the gloom in Gallen's heart.

At this moment, Gallen somewhat understood Jaime and gained a bit more patience in dealing with the boss's children.

Myrcella's clear blue eyes sparkled as she asked, "I heard the story of the mermaids. They said Mermaid Harbor is your territory. Have you ever seen mermaids?"

This question almost stumped the eloquent Gallen.

Gallen squatted down, facing Myrcella, and a hint of amusement flashed in his brown eyes, "Does your highness want to see mermaids?"

Because they were having a conversation, Gallen and Myrcella were only a few steps apart.

Myrcella noticed that Gallen had lowered his body, and her small neck suddenly relaxed because she didn't have to keep tilting her head up all the time.

Gallen was a detail-oriented person, and Myrcella's fondness for Gallen increased by one point.


Myrcella's expression was conflicted for a moment, and she finally shook her head, "It's fine, mermaids are very shy, let's not disturb them."

Gallen nodded slightly, "Although we haven't seen them, we can wish the kind and beautiful mermaids a lifetime of happiness."

Myrcella nodded, "I will bless them. Thank you, Lord Gallen."

Gallen couldn't help but admire the little girl's precocity.

Myrcella's gaze passed through the window of the sitting hall and looked into the distance, as if murmuring to herself, "I envy their freedom in the sea..."

The veiled septa cleared her throat again.

Gallen felt he could leave now.

The always gentle-eyed Gallen suddenly became cold.

Gallen stood up, his right hand gripping the sword hilt.

Gallen's cold gaze locked onto the veiled septa, his posture already in the stance before drawing his sword, "It seems you're quite daring, to repeatedly offend the dignity of the Princess in front of the courtiers."

The situation changed too quickly, and the people in the sitting hall were still in the dark.

Jaime, who was ready to step forward to stop him, felt that what Gallen said kinda make sense.

The veiled septa who reminded Myrcella's behavior with coughs was called Yagris. She was mainly responsible for teaching Myrcella etiquette.

Usually, teaching was considered fulfilling her duty, but now, with an "outsider" present, Sister Yagris' actions did indeed offend the dignity of the princess.


Facing Gallen's intimidating momentum, Sister Yagris instinctively took a step back, "What, what are you..."

A hint of coldness in Gallen's eyes, ready to draw his sword.

But of course, Jamie, whom Gallen has been waiting for, appeared beside him at the right moment.

Jaime's hand pressed down on Gallen's hand holding the sword hilt, and he said in a low voice, "Lord Gallen, you cannot draw your sword in front of the Princess."

Always ready to draw his sword at anytime, Jaime felt that he hadn't misjudged Gallen by calling him a Half-Wild.

The maids in the sitting hall were slow to react, and then they exclaimed.

Myrcella, with a stern face, ordered the maids to be quiet, and the sitting hall finally returned to calmness.

Myrcella's clear blue eyes swept over her maids, with a hint of warning in her gaze.

The maids subconsciously slowed their breathing.

Myrcella stepped forward and said to Gallen, "Lord Gallen, thank you for your concern, but I believe Sister Yagris meant no harm."

Myrcella's words and actions as a princess were impeccable.

Gallen quietly concealed the coldness emanating from him: "If there's a next time, I will hang your head on the city gate."

Sister Yagris was shocked: "You...you, I am a septa of the Seven Gods, you are blaspheming the Seven."

The coldness that had already been suppressed in Gallen resurfaced once again: "You can try, and we'll see if I dare or not."

Sister Yagris clearly felt that the young lord opposite her was not just talking, tremblingly said, "I..."

"Enough, Sister Yagris!"

Myrcella's tender voice interrupted Sister Yagris, who was about to speak.

Sister Yagris glanced at Princess Myrcella, quickly lowered her head, took a few steps back, and stood with the maids.

"Lord Gallen, I believe there won't be a next time."

Gallen glanced at Jaime beside him, withdrew his hand from the sword hilt, and said respectfully, "Your highness, please forgive my impertinence and for disturbing your mood."

Myrcella shook her small face: "Lord Gallen, you are a righteous and loyal knight!"

As Myrcella's words fell, Jaime's face darkened once again.


Crackclaw Point, Mermaid Harbor.

The sunlight spilled onto the calm sea, and a gentle breeze blew, creating sparkling ripples.

The Black Betha slowly docked at the pier of Mermaid Harbor.

Lord Stannis Baratheon, the Master of Ships, stood with a tense expression on the deck of the Black Betha, gazing at the already bustling Mermaid Harbor.

Lord Stannis Baratheon was tall and broad-shouldered, with skin hardened by long exposure to the sun, as if it were as hard as iron.

Despite being only thirty-three years old, Lord Stannis Baratheon had only a row of black thin hair left on his head. His beard was short and tidy, covering his square chin and cheeks.