
Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]

Game of Thrones fanfiction, A Song of Ice and Fire fanfiction. Transmigration, no harem, no system, no technology. No poison, supporting characters to stay close to the original. Mainstream storyline without being too bland, with occasional satisfying moments and interspersed with epic scenes. Protagonist name: Gallen of House Crabb Starting title: Lord of Whispers Family motto: United we stand Family sigil: Marsh Marigold ////This is a translation, my fourth(?) one so far. The original author name is 双河无忧. I do not own this book or anything that is related to it and so on. The original name is 冰与火之铁王座. Go support the original author. The original book have 330 chapters so far with steady update. I've read it all to make sure it'll stay good so it won't end up like my arcane fic. I've watched the game of thrones series but I haven't read the book. Even though I search the wiki, if y'all notice any wrong terms I used, point it out so I can fix it. Well, enjoy.////

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94 Chs

-50- Council Chamber (end)

The talk about Stannis's presence can end here.

Gallen has already achieved his initial goal, and now it's up to Petyr's planning.

This matter isn't a high-level intrigue. It's the perfect time to expose the incident in the Hand's study. As long as the planner hides their identity, it'll work out fine.

There's no need to remind the shrewd Petyr to conceal himself in the shadows, while Gallen hides behind him.

At this point, both parties will choose to keep each other's secrets, which is the political tacit understanding of schemers.


The Royal Hunt, though its name implies hunting, is essentially a royal activity organized by the queen to gather noblewomen from the realm for an excursion.

Royal activities equate to kingdom affairs, so all the gold dragons for the Royal Hunt naturally come under the purview of the Master of Coin, Petyr Baelish, for approval and disbursement.

Gallen glanced over the documents handed to him by Petyr, and, combined with the lists from the stewards, his brow subtly furrowed.

Two thousand gold dragons!

Ah, but it's the noblewomen of the realm who will enjoy it!

The queen's affair officers had been busy for a full three months organizing the Royal Hunt, and the procurement of necessary supplies had already been completed.

No wonder he suddenly found himself in charge of the Royal Hunt. When he encountered the officers in the hall of Maegor's Holdfast, Gallen didn't show any signs of dissatisfaction, instead being unusually friendly compared to usual.

The spoils had already been divided up among the officers, leaving only the difficult task of arranging the escort. They were practically begging for someone to take over, making it all too easy for him.

Gallen felt a twinge of jealousy. He envied his colleagues who could simply walk away after eating their fill without having to do the dishes!

The noble Queen Cersei wouldn't know, nor care, about these matters.

This was Cersei's trust in him, and Gallen could only do his best for the realm.

Gallen's character didn't dwell too much on missed opportunities.


Petyr spoke up: "I was actually surprised to hear that you took over the Royal Hunt at this time. The most important procurement of supplies had already been completed, and all that's left are the mundane tasks like providing security. There's not much to do here, but it will make Her Majesty appreciate you even more."

Gallen shrugged: "It is my duty."

Petyr spread his hands out to the sides, his gaze sincere: "Lord Gallen, as I've said, we're already friends, and within my ability, I'm more than happy to help my friends."

Gallen's excellent memory reminded him that Petyr had just about repeated the last sentence he uttered during Gallen's "visit" to him late at night.

Petyr continued: "Although I'm the Master of Coin, to avoid unnecessary trouble, I can only add another ten thousand gold dragons for you, my friend."

Gallen understood what Petyr meant; ten thousand gold dragons was Petyr's gesture of reconciliation.

The Master of Coin adding to the expenses of the Royal Hunt fell within government affairs, and such news couldn't be concealed.

But as the person in charge of the Royal Hunt, Gallen could manipulate things slightly, not only making this Royal Hunt more splendid than before for Queen Cersei but also skimming off a good portion for himself.

Gallen estimated in his mind that with a bit of extra effort, he could possibly retain half of it.

At this moment, Gallen no longer felt envious of his colleagues.

Gallen nodded in agreement: "I will remember your kindness, Lord Baelish."


Red Keep, outside the council chamber.

After bidding farewell to Petyr, Gallen noticed Jaime Lannister with a somewhat grim expression.

Jaime Lannister, who had already gained the title of Kingslayer, seemed normal on the surface, but there was a hint of self-abandonment in his demeanor, and his heart could only hold Cersei Lannister.

Regardless of family or power, Jaime Lannister has no interest; Cersei has become his sole belief.

As for Jaime Lannister being such, Gallen didn't want to make too much of a judgment. Based on his usual impression, he temporarily classified him as someone emotionally unstable and disenchanted.


Gallen pretended not to notice Jaime's scowl and greeted him proactively: "Ser Jaime, did Her Majesty summon me?"

Jaime handed over a golden bag embroidered with a crown and stag: "Little Half-Wild, this is a reward from Prince Joffrey for you."

Jaime wasn't acting normally. Why did he revert to calling me "Half-Wild"?

Gallen reached out, felt the weight of the bag, then handed it to the loyal Anguy standing behind him. "Please convey my gratitude to Prince Joffrey."

Jaime glanced at Gallen with a somewhat disdainful tone. "Let's go, Princess Myrcella wants to see you."

Princess Myrcella?

Gallen followed Jaime, who had already started walking, with a puzzled look. "Ser Jaime, may I ask why Princess Myrcella wants to see me?"

Jaime glanced at Gallen again. "She heard the story of the mermaids."

The story of the mermaids?

Gallen hadn't forgotten that he had arranged for Hershel, the chamberlain, to spread the legend of the mermaids to increase the allure of Mermaid Harbor while in Whispers.

Has the legend of the mermaids spread to the Red Keep? Is this considered going mainstream?

Hershel had done a good job. At this moment, Gallen even missed Hershel a bit!

At the same time, the astute Gallen finally figured out why Jaime seemed to harbor some inexplicable hostility towards him from time to time.

Myrcella is only eight or nine years old, right?

In Gallen's view, Myrcella is literally just a child. What idea could he possibly have towards her?

After recalling everything, Gallen confirmed that he hadn't done anything that could be misunderstood.

Gallen felt a bit annoyed. Is Jaime only showing this attitude towards him? Or is it to everyone?

Gallen remained composed. "So Princess Myrcella heard about the story of the mermaids?"

Jaime's face stiffened, nodding indifferently.

"The story of the mermaids originates from Mermaid Harbor..."

Gallen actually harbored a bit of revenge in his heart. After pausing for a moment, Gallen deliberately asked, "Ser Jaime, since it is my first time meeting her, should I prepare a bouquet of flowers for a good impression?"

Seeing Jaime's face turn stiff as soon as he heard his words, Gallen chuckled inwardly.

Jaime clenched his hand around the hilt of his sword. "Princess Myrcella is still young and won't accept flowers from strangers."

Gallen nodded in agreement. "Right, Princess Myrcella's status is noble, and although she's still young, we need to take precautions."

After hearing Gallen's words, Jaime's lips finally curved slightly.

Gallen continued, "But I'm different. I don't think I'm a stranger."

Jaime stopped in his tracks.

Gallen noticed Jaime stopping and looked around, puzzled. "Ser Jaime, why did you stop?"

Jaime felt a bit displeased in his heart, but he was also helpless. Upon further thought, Gallen was innocent.

Blame it on Tyrion's stupid ideas. His love for his brother had already diminished by one.

Jaime resumed walking. "You don't need to bring any flowers."

Realizing that his words were a bit lacking in empathy, Jaime coughed lightly and added, "Little lord, Princess Myrcella doesn't like receiving gifts from others."

Gallen shrugged. "Then I will do as you say."