
Son of the Underworld

Fate is not always fair sometimes who was born to be king can become an animal. One fool's act can lead to a path of blood and madness. Will you sell your kindness for revenge? Can you forgive someone who doesn't deserve that? Olympians destroyed your life can you take revenge on them? Do you have enough power to destroy your enemies? (Hi I'm glad to meet you, my friend and I hope we will have very interesting adventures. Okay first of all this is not my story I'm not original author of that fan-fic. I'm just rewriter, and I don't know why author of original work decide to delete that work. It's up to him to do whatever he wants with his own work. So this version belongs to me for that I changed couple stuff but don't worry the main idea is still a same)

Asemertias · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

The Netherworld

Helheim's Royal Chambers

"Stop moving, or I won't be able to measure you properly!" Hel, the Olympian, scolded irritably as she meticulously measured his body. Her voice carried a frosty edge, reflecting her impatience. The warrior, Haimon, gazed into his wife's eyes, his expression calm and unwavering. "Why?" he inquired calmly, his voice steady. "Why do I dress you up? Because tomorrow, we have a meeting with the other rulers of the underworld!" The queen's smile seemed forced, a veneer of pleasantness masking something deeper. Leaning in close, their breaths mingling, she whispered, "No, I'm asking why you wanted to marry me so desperately." Haimon turned his head away, a flicker of unease crossing his features. Hel's smirk played upon her lips as she wrapped her arms around her husband's waist with a thin black thread, an intimate gesture that revealed her intentions. "What if I tell you that I simply fell in love with you at first sight?" she revealed mischievously.

Haimon turned his head back towards Hel, his eyes narrowing in skepticism. "Is that so?" he replied, his tone laced with dry sarcasm.

"Oh, indeed, my beloved, for you possess strength, ruthlessness, and a beauty that rivals the moon itself. Who could resist someone like you?" The queen's fingers danced along the rippling muscles of the barbarian's arm. "Even Apollo himself envied my beauty," she boasted, a hint of bitterness creeping into her words. Haimon withdrew his arm from her touch, distancing himself. "By the way, do you know all of your relatives?" Hel inquired, placing a hand on her hip, her gaze piercing. "More or less," he curtly replied, settling onto the couch across from the regal bed.

"It seems someone was conveniently left off the guest list for the grand festivities," the queen venomously remarked, pouring mead into ornate cups next to the warrior. Unpleasant memories surged within Haimon's mind, tempting him with visions of tearing into Hel's throat. He forcefully pushed aside those wicked fantasies. "Haha, I never did get a taste of that celebratory cake," the warrior nonchalantly quipped, taking a sip from his cup. "And who is your mother, Haimon? I know your father— the great and enigmatic Hades. But my knowledge of my own mother is shrouded in darkness. Enlighten me," Hel handed the servant the warrior's measurements, her tone laced with curiosity.

"If it's not a bother, fashion a black tunic for me," the Olympian politely requested as the servant departed. Haimon took a large bite of bread, swallowing it without chewing, his expression impassive. "I have no idea who my mother is. And I have no desire for you to meddle in my thoughts," he declared, his words sharp and final.

"I merely wished to know the name of my mother, my darling. Don't be so quick to anger, or you may find yourself bursting," the queen seated herself beside the warrior, offering him a morsel of fish, which he silently accepted. "Anger and malice have their place, but sometimes, you should allow yourself to relax. Tomorrow will be a trying day for both of us," she murmured, her fingers gently tracing patterns on her newlywed's back before retiring to her bed.

"Sweet dreams," the Olympian bid her, settling more comfortably on the couch. "Same to you," she replied, closing her eyes and wrapping herself in the warmth of a bear's fur.

The barbarian's eyes fixated on the queen's every breath, his desire to inflict pain burning within him. The beast within him was firmly under control, with no chance of escaping again. Yet, he despised the relentless scratching of the creature against the walls of his mind, desperately attempting to break free. He hissed slightly and shook his head, redirecting his gaze to the distant flickering flame of a candle, hoping to distract himself from the oppressive thoughts. But his contemplation of beauty was abruptly interrupted by a familiar, demonic voice that slithered into his consciousness.

"She is as exquisite as the venom of a snake slowly killing a child on a scorching day in the desert," the voice whispered with a sinister tone. A shadow materialized from behind its master, brimming with madness and oozing the energy of the abyss. It had grown larger and more malicious since their last encounter. "Ah, I see that your rest has served you well," the barbarian whispered to his demonic companion, surveying him from head to toe. "Ha-ha, bathing in the waters of the Nile has been quite beneficial to my old bones," the shadow replied with a wide grin, placing a hand on its master's shoulder. "So, why have you returned? Did you not say, 'I leave you, master, our paths diverge for now'?" The Olympian's face contorted with anger. "Master, please understand that when I said 'for now,' I meant it. Besides, we had to part ways to evade the pursuit of darkness itself. You know exactly whom I'm referring to." The shadow winked at Haimon and floated a few meters away from him.

"As I understand it, you managed to throw them off our trail," the Olympian said in a low voice, stroking his beard. "Oh, indeed. They will have to make a considerable effort to find us now. However, it would have been better if I continued erasing our tracks. But I couldn't forgive myself if I missed my master's first wedding night. So, if you allow me to ask a rather impudent question, milord, how does Jotun flesh taste?" Drool dripped from the shadow's mouth as it looked at the warrior's spouse. "No idea," the warrior replied coldly, taking a sip from his goblet. "Master, please don't tell me you're one of those fools who believe in love until death do us part," the shadow shook its head in disappointment, hurt by its master's apparent naivety. "It's not about love at all. I simply don't want to create another outcast," the barbarian confessed with a hint of pain in his voice, lowering his head. Hearing this, the shadow nervously cleared its throat and then spoke with a trembling voice, "Heh-heh, my lord, I'm afraid you're too late to be disappointed. You've missed the mark." The shadow made a hand gesture and squinted its eyes.

Suddenly, the entire room trembled, and Hel abruptly woke up. "What happened?" the queen asked with malice, her furious eyes fixed on the warrior. "You vile witch! My child is inside you!" With a swift leap, he appeared next to his spouse and grabbed her by the throat. "Oops, forgot to mention that you'll soon become a mother. Surprise!" The queen wanted to grab her husband's hand and remove it, but she refrained from doing so. "What have you done, woman!" Haimon's eyes were on the verge of spewing flames, quite literally. They burned in the truest sense of the word, and small horns sprouted from his forehead. "You're causing pain to me and our child!" Hel exclaimed, struggling to breathe. "You're so hungry for power that you're willing to condemn your own child to hellish torment." His hair transformed into a writhing mass of black serpents, and he resembled his ancestor in every aspect.

"Don't be so melodramatic, my dear! This child can bring us happiness, not suffering. Your past has nothing to do with them, just as mine doesn't!" The Lady of the Dead slowly reached for the warrior's cheek, but he quickly stopped her with a swift movement. "It has nothing to do with it? Can't you even hear yourself, you fool? It has everything to do with it. You can't grasp what you've doomed them to. Death might be far better for them than birth." Releasing his wife's throat, Haimon, with pain in his eyes, looked at her belly.

"Then do it! Kill me and the child if you're such a coward incapable of protecting your own offspring," Hel's words thundered down on Haemon like a storm. In his ears echoed the familiar cry of a child, his own child. The helpless wails of a creature begging its parents to protect it. Clenching his fist, he took a deep breath and addressed his wife with a menacing voice, "Darkness bears witness, I, Haemon, son of Tartarus, acknowledge the child in your womb as my own. And I swear by Uranus, ruler of the cosmos, that this child shall receive their own kingdom even before their birth. But I also promise to tear the ruler of the underworld to pieces if she abandons my offspring to fate." Bloody tears streamed down his eyes as he gently touched his wife's belly.

In response, Hel smiled sincerely and embraced his neck, planting a kiss. The putrid poison of the queen and the corrosive venom of the Olympian mingled in their mouths, creating a rather unpleasant taste. But steel, no insignificant trifle, did not deter them, and that night two lords shared one bed, uniting their souls. Only a shadow bore witness to their union on that day. The creature, with insane joy, watched as its master transformed from a youth into a full-fledged man.

The First Circle of the Morningstar Kingdom

The next morning, Hel and Haemon embarked on their journey to the realm of demons. As they arrived at the house of fallen children of light, banished from heaven for their wickedness and sins, they found themselves on the first floor of this insane realm. The first layer consisted of two parts: the waiting room, a neutral territory where the fallen souls were judged, and a bloody crimson desert strewn with corpses. Once every thousand years, the Lord of Lies and Intrigue provided an opportunity for lords from other realms to battle for the right to become the ruler of the first circle, thus becoming part of the eternal conflict between heaven and inferno.

In the center of the desert stood a colossal Coliseum, emitting a cacophony of pain and joy. It was filled with spectators, primarily demons of various forms and sizes. Hel and Haemon, being Olympian royalty, were given seats of higher status, though the fallen children of light occupied slightly better places. Anubis, Shiva, Izanami, and Gwyn gathered on a separate balcony, representing different families but sharing ties to the underworld. Hel approached the other lords, greeting them with a wave of her hand and a smile as she took a seat on the nearest available chair.

"Greetings, colleagues!" she said warmly. Izanami responded with sarcasm, adjusting her tattered kimono. Her beautiful pale skin and long black hair dripping with water gave her an otherworldly appearance. "Oh, look who has graced us with her presence, the princess Hel herself," she remarked. Anubis tilted his dog-like head, adding, "We thought you weren't particularly interested in such events. You once called it a foolish waste of time and resources." Gwyn whispered emotionlessly, "And here you are, clinging to my words like children. Don't you have any other entertainment?"

Hel rested her fist under her chin, evaluating Shiva with a respectful gaze. The Destroyer, levitating in a lotus position, paid no attention to the arrival of a new competitor. "I hope Lord Shiva does not intend to personally participate in the battle for the first circle?" Hel asked with reverence, bowing her head. Shiva, with his three-eyed gaze fixed on the dark figures standing on the highest balcony, calmly replied, "Oh, please, pay no attention to me. I am here merely as an observer and nothing more."

"Praise Imir, otherwise our Lady Izanami would be the only one who could compete with you," the queen said with relief, placing her hand on her chest. "Hel, I see you have brought fresh flesh to us," Izanami noticed Haemon standing not far away. She quickly assessed him with a glance, understanding who he was and what he represented, but chose to remain silent. "Both of you exude the energy of your respective lands, as if you are simultaneously united and yet separate. Hmm, very intriguing," Anubis sniffed the surrounding aromas and sensed the shared power between Hel and Haemon.

"Ah, it completely slipped my mind. Allow me to introduce my husband, Haemon. And by the way, he will represent my side in this battle," Hel snapped her fingers, remembering her spouse. Haemon nodded in greeting. Gwyn, with disdain in his eyes, mocked Haemon, "You got married? Ha, so you rejected me and chose this half-blood. Ha-ha, how much the Jotun standards have fallen." However, the rules of the realm prevented Gwyn from acting upon his anger.

"Let's leave all these foolish conversations for later. After all, the first fight is about to begin!" the queen clapped her hands enthusiastically, directing everyone's attention to the center of the Coliseum.

The already bloodstained sand suddenly overflowed with crimson nectar, forming a massive puddle. From the puddle emerged black smoke, which took the shape of a female figure. As the smoke dissipated, a multi-armed woman covered in blood stood before them. Her face reflected a ravenous, lion-like hunger. Extending her red tongue, she began to perform a rhythmic dance, encouraging everyone to take up their weapons and attack her.

"It seems in this millennium, you will be the one to rule," Izanami said with a hint of sadness, observing the representative from Bharata. "Hmm, yes, we should have expected this from the very beginning, especially since Lord Shiva himself came to witness this event," Anubis shook his head with regret and turned towards the exit.

"Wait, are you leaving so soon?" Hel asked in surprise, rising from her seat.

"Well, not just me! Look around, even the demons realize the outcome of this millennium and that there is no point in continuing the battle. And I'm not willing to risk my brother's life for some illusory chance of victory," the Father of Embalming pointed towards the arena, showing that the seats were quickly emptying.

"Are you leaving too?" Hel asked, already anticipating the response of the other Lords. She intended to call Haemon so they could safely return home. But her husband's insane act interrupted her plans as he calmly leaped into the center of the arena.

"Damn me to Skoll, what punishment have I brought upon myself!" the queen exclaimed, covering her face in shame. Resuming her seat, she watched through her fingers as the Olympian slowly but steadily approached his own death.

A green-skinned demon, resembling a goblin, appeared between Haemon and the dancer of death. With a joyful voice, the creature announced, "Miscreants and abominations, we have gathered here once again! As we did in the last millennium, to witness the fall of arrogant Lords who consider themselves rulers of the worlds, though they are no different from the rest of the trash in these very worlds. How delightful it will be to see the guts of these fools spilled!"

The creature's small clawed hand first pointed at the blue-skinned woman, presenting her with disgust, "In the right corner, we have the Queen of Blood and Madness herself, Kali!" The crowd immediately erupted with admiration and screams urging her to tear the warrior to pieces.

"And in the left corner, the nameless Lord born with nothing and having nothing beneath him!" False tears of pity for Haemon welled up in the demon's eyes. Then, wiping its face with someone else's intestines, the creature declared the beginning of the battle.

Haemon created a whip of blood and bones, along with his sword, while Kali summoned her trident and other deathly weapons. She armed each of her hands, leaving no gaps in her defense or attack. Licking her upper lip, the Queen of Blood pointed her scimitar at the warrior and said, "You smell of battle, child! How long has it been since I tasted such sweet blood as yours! Little demon of Olympus."

Gracefully, like a cobra, she swiftly moved her feet, appearing before Haemon's face. In a lightning-fast motion, she struck him with her sword, aiming for his chest. Haemon barely managed to block the attack but was thrown back a considerable distance.

His body trembled, and his hands grew numb from the impact. Kali was monstrously strong, like a royal cobra compared to him, a mere common snake. Her movements were filled with aggression, yet alluring at the same time. It was as if she lured her opponent into her tantric dance. But there was no time for contemplation, as the Lady of Pain was in no mood to delay the killing.

Kali appeared with lightning speed, delivering a multitude of monstrous strikes, now using both hands simultaneously. Her weapons were covered in a red aura of destruction, creating devastating shockwaves upon colliding with Haemon. His flesh was on the verge of peeling off his bones from merely parrying Kali's attacks. She continued to smile grotesquely throughout the entire battle, finding amusement in it. For her, it was a game of cat and mouse, nothing more. But for Haemon, it was a matter of life and death. He could not afford defeat, for much more was at stake than just himself.

After deflecting several of Kali's strikes, the Olympian called upon serpents for assistance. The creatures swiftly coiled around Kali's body, intending to crush her, but they were torn apart as quickly as they appeared. Red circles woven from blood began to circulate around her body, preventing anything from getting close to her. She rendered the Olympian's serpents nearly useless, but only nearly, as these creatures were not only capable of constricting and biting. They unleashed streams of black flames from all directions, forcing her to employ another hand.

Her third hand joined the fray, summoning a mighty barrier with the help of her shield. Kali emerged from the flames completely unharmed, her face distorted with joy at the prospect of having someone worthy of being killed by all four of her hands out of her six. Her fourth hand also entered the battle, wielding a wooden thicket filled with the blood of demons. From the vessel, numerous bloody arrows flew towards the Olympian. He shielded himself with his children, mitigating some of the damage, but a manic energy attack in the form of a red crescent severed his arm.

He quickly stepped back, regenerating his hand. But he became a witness to Kali's ecstatic rush towards his severed arm, raising it above her head and drinking his blood. "So, you are insatiable for blood, hm, I see," Haemon couldn't help but smile sinisterly. With a joyful cry, he proclaimed, "Beautiful Kali, come to me, and I shall satisfy your thirst to your heart's content."

Discarding his weapons onto the sand and extending his arms towards Kali, he invited the war queen to a dance of love. Sensing that something was amiss, Kali, instead of approaching closer, hurled her mighty trident at the Olympian. And that was her greatest mistake in the battle.

"Why was she even allowed to participate?" asked a graceful, black-clad woman, who seemed to be a nun. "She doesn't violate any rules and meets all the criteria," calmly replied the red-haired demon with a weary expression.

"Yes, but don't you think we're spoiling all the fun this way, Asmodeus!" the nun grumbled, throwing a stone at the nearest demon, shattering its head.

"Perhaps you are right. But what does it matter? After all, the king is merely interested in diverting everyone's attention away from himself," Asmodeus, the red-haired demon, scratched his beard with indifference.

"Yet, the better the entertainment, the more the people will be focused on inconsequential matters," the nun said, her tone slightly angered as she brushed the dust off Asmodeus' clothes.

"He knows that perfectly well without your input, Abbaddon. But today he has more important matters to attend to than some show," the demon observed the Lords with little interest, making mental notes.

"Ah yes, Eclipso, that beast has begun to assert his demands. I never liked him even during the days of the Silver City, and now even less so. Why do we have to tolerate that clown?" The nun's face contorted with memories of a long-forgotten home.

"Because this clown is our key to freedom!" A handsome dark-haired man in expensive clothes emerged from the shadows. "I thought you were attending the assembly with the others, First?" Abaddon asked, surprised by his appearance.

"They let me go early. And I didn't want to miss the only entertainment in this world," the man replied, slowly approaching the balcony's edge to enjoy the spectacle with the others.

"There's not much to see here; it's already clear that Kali will kill the poor soul!" Asmodeus pragmatically remarked, pointing his thumb at Kali.

"Hmm, at first glance, it may indeed seem that way, but there's something off about this boy. I just don't know what," the First carefully examined and studied the Olympian.

"You must be joking! Ha-ha! This brat doesn't possess his own dimension or kingdom, and to top it off, he's not a full-fledged Lord, just a half-breed. Of course, the fact that he lasted this long against Kali is a miracle in itself. But to believe he has any chance at all is sheer madness!" the nun shook her head in disbelief, not trusting her brother's words.

"Then, if you're so sure about it, shall we make a wager?" the man proposed, smiling broadly.

For a moment, Abaddon hesitated whether he should agree, but the mockery from Asmodeus quickly made him accept the bet. "Alright, but no tricks, brother!" Both fallen beings shook hands as a sign of agreement, and the red-haired demon broke their grip as a witness.

Just as the trident was about to pierce the Olympian's body, a small black portal appeared in front of his chest. The portal sucked in the deadly weapon, leaving no trace of it. Kali looked at the still-standing warrior with bewilderment. She couldn't even comprehend the thought that someone had simply taken and stolen her beloved weapon. She clenched and unclenched her hand several times, where the trident had been before. The Colosseum fell silent in the face of what had just happened. Neither demons nor Lords could fully grasp what this audacious Olympian had done. Finally, unable to contain himself, Anubis shouted at the top of his lungs, "What the hell just happened?"

"He has subjugated her trident; now it's his weapon," Hel calmly relayed the information, attentively observing her spouse's next actions.

"Is that even possible? Lord's weapons are bound to the essence of their souls; we are inseparable from our instruments. All their qualities and powers are directly linked to us, and if someone else tries to use them, they simply become trinkets," Gwen waved his hands in disbelief at Hel's words.

"Your words are indeed true, but there are always exceptions to the rules. And there is one freak capable of subjugating the weapons of other Lords..." Izanami began, only to be interrupted by Shiva's grim words. "Ares."

"Haha, judging by your shocked expression, my dear, I can tell that you didn't expect this," Haemon laughed demonically as he ran towards the Blood Queen.

"You foolishly believe that by stealing my trident, you can defeat me? I am Kali, the slayer of sixteen million demons, the mother of wrath and passion! And a mere brat like you will never overpower me!" Kali's body grew in size, her skin turning as black as pitch. Enormous horns sprouted from her head, and fire poured out of her mouth onto the ground.

"Did little Kali get offended by Uncle?" the Olympian arrogantly asked, opening numerous black rifts in reality.

In response, Kali let out a thunderous roar and summoned an army of demons using the severed head of a commander held in her sixth hand.

The bloodthirsty creatures lunged at the barbarian, but he merely smiled calmly and clapped his hands together, summoning Ares' arsenal to his aid. Arrows, spears, swords, and all other instruments of death were unleashed from all sides onto Kali's demonic army. The demons fell like wheat during harvest; they had no chance of getting close to the Olympian. If they managed to escape the cold steel, they were eagerly devoured by fire-breathing serpents. As they witnessed Kali's incredibly powerful army gradually dwindling while their opponent grew stronger, the tide began to turn. Unable to bear such humiliation, Kali switched to the offensive.

Appearing beside her new most formidable enemy, Kali fiercely began delivering blows. Her rage overflowed to the point where she opened her third eye, unleashing pure destructive energy upon the warrior. Flesh and bones disintegrated before their eyes, only for him to regenerate before completely turning to dust. The problem lay in the fact that over time, Haemon's body adapted, nullifying the potency of Kali's third eye. The energy of destruction no longer inflicted the same harm as before, and he could more calmly deflect the warrior's attacks.

And all thanks to the essence of Imir graciously provided by his mother-in-law. The particle of the primordial giant had completely healed him and allowed him to slowly regain his lost strength. He was able to play his cards right in this battle, employing not only brute force but also cunning.

"Sly demon! I will never forget your vile face, and I swear that once I finish you off, I'll take care of everyone dear to you," hissed Kali, summoning bloodied arrows to end the abominable Olympian.

"Ha-ha, a lovely dream, but I'm afraid you won't fulfill it," a trident emerged from a black rift, now tainted black instead of its royal gold. The weapon fully obeyed the barbarian's will, and he commanded it to turn the bloody arrows against Kali herself. The trident complied with the new master's order and, spinning counterclockwise, executed the command. All the arrows flew back towards the queen, who immediately deployed her mighty shield. However, the barrier was shattered by the same trident, and the arrows pierced Kali's body.

Haemon did not give her a chance to recover and unleashed all his fury upon her. His weapons pierced every organ and cell, leaving no inch of her body untouched. And his offspring seared the flesh of the queen down to the bones, leaving only ashes to scatter in the wind.

"And we have a new Lord of the First Circle!"

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