
The Alpha's Pack

Chapter Two

*****The Alpha's Pack********

*****[RUBY'S POV]*****

I drove crazily on the road maneuvering my way around the cars and earning insults from angry drivers. I took a glance at him and noticed his absence,he was thinking about something I couldn't place my hands on. He didn't complain about the ride,it isn't like we can die via accidents anyway so he isn't bothered."dear",I called out as I drifted into our mansion,the gate has been opened already,he faced me as I parked the car and locked the doors. "seeing you in this kind of condition bothers me a lot,a problem shared is half-solved if not completely solved",I said expecting a reply from him."Unlock the doors,I need to get out of this car"."you are not leaving here until you answer me,I am your wife for goodness sake",I responded and unlocked the car knowing the kind of man he is,he can break the car doors to get out and I don't want that, I love this new sport car,it was presented to me as a birthday gift by my him,I don't want a single dent on it."When I am ready to tell you,I will so don't be bothered",he said and walked into the house leaving me behind.

*****[DON'S POV]******

I pondered on the dream I had in office,the dream looks familiar and I am trying to remember if I have had it before,I discarded it,I am too powerful to be scared of a nightmare. I made some calls to some guys and slept off.

I woke up exactly 12am and prepared for the meeting,I wore an all black outfit and also my dark cloak,it has the figure of a red wolf drawn at the back,it was gifted to me by my father .I heaved a sigh and went to my window as I stared at the stars in the sky. I walked downstairs and found Ruby waiting for me,she wore a the same outfit with mine but without a cloak."Ruby,I don't think you will accompany me to the wolfpack cave today",I told her and she frowned."I should be there as your wife",she replied and I sighed."Today is different,please dear,stay here for me",I pleaded and she agreed,she walked towards the couch an pressed a button underneath it and a part of the room opened revealing a secret staircase."Take care honey",she said and I dimpled a smile. I shifted into my wolf and jumped into the tunnel and she closed the tunnel.


The big black wolf jumped out of the hole the tunnel leads to in the woods and ran for a while before jumping into another tunnel that leads to their subterranean cave,he entered and shifted into human back with his cloths still intact,that's something that few werewolves can do,transforming without tearing their clothes."Welcome Don Giganto",they greeted him as he entered and met them already already waiting for him"I'm sorry for the delay",he apologized."You should know that being an alpha grandmaster is demanding and you have a lot of responsibilities on your shoulder,you are unpunctual to a crucial meeting like this as a grand alpha ,that is uncalled for",Justin;the alpha for the werewolf army clan spoke up. He is the third in line in terms of hierarchical abilities,it is obvious that he doesn't like Don Giganto as he is always against him at the slightest chance he gets,he is the alpha for the werewolf army. The remaining five alphas glared at him and he quickly rendered an apology."Justin,you want my position,I understand but until you beat me before you get it,don't come here to disturb us with your senseless tantrums,you know I am always silent,don't make me howl because you won't like the outcome"He warned sternly."Let's proceed".

The Alpha's pack is the council of seven different alphas representing their pack,since an alpha can't control them all. The leader of the Alpha's Pack is the grand alpha Don Giganto,followed by Bruce(the fangs of supremacy alpha).The fangs of supremacy is a group of seven trained werewolves,they are created for punishing and capturing of rogue werewolves. The next alpha is Justin,the werewolf army alpha .The werewolf army are group of trained werewolves,they are often employed as guards in a fellow were folk's domain. The tech wolf clan is headed by Jones;Don's personal assistant at work,he is in charge of every weaponry activities and the werewolves working under him,he supervises every branch of weapon store in the city. Jack is he alpha of the wolf workers clan,those are the wolves that are not trained and have to rely and pay for guards. They rarely shift as they have weak wolves,they also pay for being a werewolf

Even the female wolves have a clan called the beautiful fire. They aren't easily noticed as they are perfect pretenders. Josephine is their head,she is the strongest and most powerful female werewolf,she has rejected several mates just to be the emotionless assassin that she is. She has a group of female assassins called killer damsel. The last alpha is Richard;the destitute clan alpha. He is a young boy of about 16 or 17 years,his clan is that of destitute kids but they are not really destitute but kids trained to always survey the city,they are responsible for tracing and tracking under the disguise of being hungry kids.

********[DON'S POV]*******

"Let's proceed,let me have your reports",I announced and Justin spoke up"As all know the elites are trying to capture us at all cost,I received the pulse wave guns but I don't think that is enough"."For now,you guys should make do of the ones given to you,I will be making new ones soon"I told him and he kept quiet."Anyone with a good news concerning the infiltration of the elites headquarter,we need to know who they are working for and the brain behind their operations",I asked everyone and they shook their heads."I tried my best but every single person working there is very secretive about their affairs",Josephine replied."The boys couldn't gain entrance,we had to leave there when they started suspecting us",Richard added."You guys should tread with caution,it seems they will pose greater threat than we imagined",I said and they sighed."How did they even get to know about us in the first instance?",Bruce asked rhetorically.."That doesn't matter,what matters is how we get rid of them",Justin interjected."We shouldn't be running,they should be but we need more Power",he added."Speaking of power,what of the supreme blood our ancestors were hunting them before our existence,we should continue from where they stopped",Jack suggested."Can someone enlighten me on the supreme blood here?",Richard requested and Jones heaved a sigh before he started"THE SUPREME BLOOD..."