
The Nightmare



Written by Prince Gifted

Chapter One

*****The Nightmare******

*****[DON'S POV]*****

I stared at space as I thought of my business, being a weapon dealer isn't very easy but I am the don, Don Giganto. A quick introduction about myself. My real name is Ethan Alfred,the only son of the greatest alpha;Fergus Alfred. I am a man of great ideas and weaponry is part of it.I am the most feared weapon manufacturer. All other producers have to take permission from me before they take any decision. I have a wife called Ruby,she is the only family I have and I am ready to lay down my life for her.

I switched off the light and the only illumination in the room is the reflection of the light outside into my office, I loosed my tie and rest comfortably on my chair,I heard a loud howl and I quickly jolted out of my slight slumber. This is Floriada and everyone is always alert during sunset. It is night time already and this calls for a great cautiousness in the city. A fierce wind began to blow all of a sudden blowing the curtains that were trying to hinder its movement,the loud howl came again,I saw a shadow flash past my eyes,it was too fast for me to see,I noticed a figure behind the floating curtain,as the greatest alpha,I showed no fear as I approached the figure. I raised the curtain and couldn't find the shadow again,I heard a mocking laughter behind me and faced back to see a giant claw approaching my face. I quickly jumped from the spot and tried to attack the werewolf but it was gone,so fast that I couldn't sense it,I heard the laughter again and looked around but couldn't find the source of the mysteriously sound."I AM YOUR END",the voice hollered as I felt sharp claws pierce my stomach from behind and I gasped for breath.

"Dear,Wake up",I heard and jerked up from my chair,I took a deep breathe as I remembered the terrible nightmare,who was that?,I thought. ",are you okay?",Ruby asked and I nodded affirmatively,"You look tensed,did you have a nightmare?",she asked and I heaved a sigh"I am okay sweetie,are you done with the survey?",I asked."Yes,the pulse wave guns are ready to be delivered to the wolf army,but I don't really understand,why do we need this weapons apart from selling?we are werewolves,we don't need weapons to fight",she said and I smiled at her cleverness she exhibited."we don't really need it but the Anti-wolves Elite are stepping up their game,they were able to capture Topaz,a guardian,a single guardian attacked him and she unleashed a gas that temporarily Lock his wolf,if not for the immediate backup he got,he would have been captured by now. They are advancing and creating new weapons to kill us so the weapons can come in handy when we are left with no other option",I elucidated and she. She nodded thoughtfully .The Anti-wolves Elite is a group of secret trained martial artists and soldiers that are meant to guard the people in case we try to harm them,they were nothing compared with us as we are faster,swifter and more durable but they began to have an upper hand when they developed technologically and created silver based weapons,they created suits that we are impulsive to, I make my weapons for sale and export but I had to create contingency weapons for us,it is expected of me as the great Don Giganto.

"Let's go home honey,you need to take a rest",she said and I replied"You should be bothered about yourself,you are a woman". "You are wrong dear,I am your mate and I know you know what it means to be your mate"."You've forgotten that you are still my little girl",I mentioned and she chuckled slightly .I stood up and threw the car key at her 'You are driving", I announced as she caught the key mid air.I called my assistant to inform him about my departure so that he can supervise things fully. I was about to lock my door when I noticed the figure behind the curtain again but it wasn't there in a second,I shrugged it off and joined my wife in the car as she already ignited the vehicle."Let's ride",She said and sped off the road,she can be a crazy driver at times.