
Solpolus-The world of souls

I wish for a new hope. Waking up after dying, Lex once again find himself inside a living and breathing body. Although he doesn’t know what happened, he’ll for sure not let this chance go. Disclaimer: This novel is inspired by the game Undertale and Glitchtale(Mostly GT). However it’ll only be similar in the world setting(aka souls and monsters) and not characters so don’t expect to find any characters from the game. Even if you DON’T have knowledge about either of them you can still enjoy this. The start is also a bit slow so try to give it a try till the end of the first arc(since each chapter is relatively short)

Opatzo · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Camping trip(4)

Today is the last day of our camping trip. Thanks to the bandages like thing Hans given me, my arm is now mostly healed. It's still difficult to move but there'll be no permanent damage.

Today is also a special day because Hans and Nasha will show us a wizard battle. It's only a mock battle but the children didn't care, they are very excited.

We moved to an open area in the forest. Hans and Nasha stood across each other, there's about a 15 meters distance between them. Covering us was a small dome, created from a device Tok was holding.

Although we have protection, I didn't feel that safe considering there's only kids here. Regardless of whether I feel safe or not, the battle quickly started.

Nasha summoned the 2 whips, wrapping one around her arm and using the other to strike at Hans.

Hans didn't stand still either. Summoning 2 light orbs each for his arms, they started to spin in a circular motion, quickly picking up speed.

Using the spinning orbs, he deflected the incoming attack and close the distance. He was fast, so fast that I could barely follow his movements.

With a punch, a light beam was released from his arm going straight toward Nasha. There was only about 2 meters between them now.

Since the attack was so close, I had no doubt it's going to hit, the same could be said for the children as some of them gasped loudly.

However, soon the figure of Nasha was revealed, completely unscathed. Not only that, one of Hans arm was now grabbed by a whip.

The situation has reversed! Hans instantly summoned 4 more light balls, all of them went straight at Nasha. Using the whip, Hans pulled backwards with all his strength making Nasha lose balance.

Once again the children gasped out loud, wondering how Nasha was going to get out of this predicament. And she didn't disappoint them.

Smiling slightly, Nasha body started turning translucent, leaving only a cyan color figure in her spot.

Right after, Nasha returned back to normal. Using the other whip, Nasha locked both of Hans arms. The scene was similar to when Hans first came to our house.

Raising her hand to indicate the victor, the children loudly cheered for her.

I was stunned. That battle back there was only a mock battle. I can still clearly felt they were holding back with how relaxed they were.

I never realized how enticing a wizard battle was but now that I have experience it, I can't help but wish for more.

Walking to us, Nasha asked teasingly.

"So, how was it? Did you guy enjoy the show?"

"It was amazing!"

"You were so cool mother!"

"Can I do the same as you some day?"

The children swamped her. These kids... are they even more passionate about magic than me?

After calming everyone down, she gives us a brief overview of the battle.

"In a wizard battle, knowing the advantages and disadvantages of both you and your opponent trait is important. In my case, the trait I have is patience thus I usually wait for a good opportunity before striking especially when the opponent is unprepared."

Hans followed up on Nasha, explaining his own side of the battle.

"I have the justice trait. I usually do burst attack to connect one with another. However as you can see, Nasha overwhelmed me before I could start."

After making sure the children understood the importance of knowledge, we pack our stuffs and get ready to return home.

I was quite satisfied even though I had to stay in the tent for half the trip. Just getting some fresh air is enough to satisfied me after all.

On the way back Hans once again separated from us, Nasha said he'll be returning home.

Our short camping trip has ended.

Another short chapter

Opatzocreators' thoughts