
Solo Procrastinator

When I was born I remember a strange light in front of me when I was five I watched a fantasy anime and in tune shouted "STATUS" My mom told me I was delusional and tired at eight I broke someones shoulder by tapping them at twenty I survived being hit by a train some say I have waisted my life but now... I see the same blue light.

Alex_N67 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

A weird sloth

it was a bleak day out, and he was still in bed, not that it would've changed if it were sunny or cold or wet but here we are, a bleak grey day in which our protagonist sleeps, hiding himself from the world, hiding himself from the harshness of outside.

Player: 1578

you have been idle for too long

transport will comence in "5 secs"

of course at this point he didn't pay attention to it instead chosing to grab a bag of cheetos but as he went to take them out of the pile of asorted snacks the world around him dissapeared, his fingers just managing to pull the crinkly bag of chips as he was sucked into a bright white room.

"Player 1578?"

"hey dude can you turn down the lights this hurts."

before him, floating in the air was a small humanoid figure, her face dashed with brown hair carefully tucked into a sloth costume.

"wha... what?"

"its so bright." yuki sat down popping the bag of cheetos open and munching.

"you're not confused?"

"Gah i'll think about it later,"

"wha... what?"

"broken record."

"um well, youre world has been chosen to participate in the game called apocolypse."

"no thanks, sounds like energy."

"wait, please you are the 1578th player of 3000, but you have not accessed your skills or begun to level up as i can see, you haven't opened any chests, dungeons so i have brought you here to get you to play."


"what no, IU am a slotheton ... i have come here to prepare your world for the begining of the stream."

"bug someone else sloth dude, ill do it at somepoint"

"LISTEN HER YOU LAZY FUCK!! i have no idea why on thois side of the infinate dimensions i was assigned to you but lets get this clear, I'm giving yopu the chance to survive and apocolypse and become one of the most powerful, so be greatful, maybe even bow but don't ypu dare act like you're doing the favour."

"jeez, take a chill pill you need to leanr how to relax," he took another cheeto lying on the empty space that held him up. "the lighting in here is harsh but I'll deal with it tomorrow."


you have entered the first floor of the starting tower.

please make your way up in time for the beginning of the stream or your life will be terminated'

yuki stared into the eyes of a giant surpant, his hand curling gently around a chip and quicly whipping it into his mout ensuring completely that no crumbs would fall for this would m,ean that he would have to dust his sheet... or the floor and this would require effort. but stangely the serpent did not aprechiate the skill involved in such a feat and still attacked,

its segmented bopdy curled its scales shifting like a cascading rockslide each movement mimicing a rod of beeds each moving after each other in a graceful resonance the coiling body snaking (I'm so funny) up to a head, the blades of skin curles back into green scaled head the pattern of each scale leading onto the glinting red eyes. a highly suspicious blue liquid dripped from its fangs dragging behind the snake as it lurched and sprang atr yuki's motionless body.

at this moment there is one view that is impotant to view, the 'sloth dude' this up and coming interdimentional streamer had one thought rushing through her head as she watched the boy helplessly thrust into a high floor lay motionless at the sight of a considerably petrifying monster her face twisted in an exprecion of pure villanous exctacy, the typre of grin you only get when say a bully trips over or you tease someone to the point of speechlessness.

the jaws closed around his blanket crashing through the cheetos but again something that no one present, not the sloth, not the serpent and maybe not even yuki would be able to explain happened. the serpents teeth broke. it sprayed the blue liquid over his blanket and washed over the remaining cheetos. all was silent for a second, but slowly and quietly he picked himself up slapping the dust off his clothes and removing the shrapnel from his hair, his eyes stared right through the snake so much so that a solid chunk fell out onto the floor.

"do you know?

Do you comprehend the amount of time it will take to wash this blanket?



His fists curled as he walked over to the cowering snake, the snake that was chosen from the infinate universes to guard this floor, the undefeated king of all reptiles shaking in fear at the sight as yukiu leered at him, his fist white with the preassure a burning fire bellowing through every fibre of his body.

and then he hit the snake, its entire body exploaded in ribbons of various coloured bloods the floor arropund him errupted into thousands of peices the walls, ceilings and floors shattering and exploading around him.


Player: 1578 has cleared the tower in: 00/00/00/00/04/36'