
Solo Procrastinator

When I was born I remember a strange light in front of me when I was five I watched a fantasy anime and in tune shouted "STATUS" My mom told me I was delusional and tired at eight I broke someones shoulder by tapping them at twenty I survived being hit by a train some say I have waisted my life but now... I see the same blue light.

Alex_N67 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

A Very Successful launch

A word rang through the entire prime universe, shattered.

The tower was shattered

the sloth's reputation was shattered

the cheetos were shattered

maybe the last one was less relevent to them but the idea that a mortal human was brought to this sacred site, and shattered it. the planet everyone thought was a joke cleared the tower in one of the quickest times ever.

but qa far more rare sight was saw on that day, not the serpent of Molodual crapping itself, not the tower shqattering, not even a dragon flying from the top of the tower, not even cheetos in the prime universe.

no the rarest sight on that day, one of maybe a dozen was yuki actually doing something, anyone present surely would have followed suit after the serpent, the look of anger burned into their skulls the pure power released, unrefined, untamed, pure rage fueled power.


"uh... yes.... sir.... sire... please don't kill me."

"you keep talking about an apocolypse, will it be loud and will it destroy my house?"

"uuuuuh yes, please don't hurt me."

"dammit, this is the worst possible outcome, How will I sleep during an apocolypse? How will I snack? not to mention if my favourite TV show ends???"

"Um thats what you're concerned about?"

"what else?"

"the fate of the world?"

"NO! I can't... the world would better off alone, but I'll end the apocolypse, and then i can go back to procratinating."

it was a strange time for humanity, as expected of the end of the world, everyone was given player designations but only a few skills and even fewer knew what to do with themselves, most thought it was fake, a mass halucination, some gamers and shut ins went outside to try to gain experiance but quickly gave up deciding it was stupid, or more acurately they realised the lifestyle of a hardcore gamer isn't the lifestyle that prepares you for a couple of pushups let alone saving the world the government covered it up blaming other countries and governments, some were honest but none knew what to do. in total there were two hundred and ninety nine people on planet earth that knew what was going on, however aproximately 167.983333 hours the game launched.

it would not be an understatment to say it was a smash hit 7.9 billion players in the first seconds of the launch, however i doubt the reviews would have been satisfactory.

and this my dear friends was the start of the end of the world

and the begining of the laziest hero across the countless itterations of this vast space time continuum we call home.

The Solo Procrastinator