
Solo Levelling x DXD

Arcinster · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Character's List - 1

Name: Ryoma Tachibana [Initial Stage]


A handsome black haired man young boy having hazel coloured eyeballs.

Ryoma is 174 centimeters tall. He is stubborn about becoming a ranker.

He is always thinking about making more money for enjoyment and better lifestyle.

He is quite decisive about quest and dungeons.

He aims to be the strongest ranker in the world. He is humble and respectful towards his friends and his mother.

He has the potential to kill brutally the person who will lay hand on his beloved ones. As the story progresses, he becomes more psychopathic, blood and power hungry and as well as bipolar.

He is quite obsessive about money and his weapons.


1. Katana: He has mastered the way of holding and attacking the opponent with his katana.

When he infuses mana into the katana and wields it, it puts much more heavy damage on the opponent.

He also thinks to upgrade the material of his weapon when he will have enough money.

2. Dagger: He puts the secret dagger inside the socks. He is quite swift and trained when it comes to dagger fight and slash.

3. Rod: He used it to defeat the lizard men and goblins.

Sorry for long hiatus...

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