
Solo Leveling: World´s End

Many Worlds in a fiction show a surreal World of Mystery. May it be Magic or other unnatural phenomena. What is seen in them is a Protagonist that harvests the Fate of that said World as a Child of Destiny. Sometimes Fate plays the cruelest of tricks at someone. When two worlds clash together in the very time of their collapse, what will await a simple man if he gets thrown into action that he never before experienced?

Soulcrystal · Book&Literature
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8 Chs


A handsome face was sleeping soundly and the golden eyebrows that were relaxed a moment ago slowly wrinkled themselves into a small frown until the eyelids trembled and sky blue eyes with a small green tinge around the pupil revealed themselves.

The person rubbed his sleepy eyes gently and looked around.

'Did I only fall asleep and dreamt all of that?', thought the person and looked to his right side.

A man with black hair and small eyes framed by glasses noticed his gaze and looked back.

The golden-haired male's eyes shook open even more and he hastily averted his gaze and looked around. He could now see where he woke up.

He sighed out in relief after a bad premonition came into his head. 'Thank god...So I am just on a plane. Then that means I did not just dream everything.'

Looking at his clothing he could see that he was wearing the standard clothing a first-class member of SOLDIER from Shinra Electrics would wear.

It included black combat boots at his feet, black cargo pants over his legs that were tightened around his waist with two brown leather belts that had a wolf head motif as bucklers and a pair of leather braces that grabbed the pants and traveled over the black sleeveless wool shirt at his torso and his shoulders and ran back together at the back and ended at the same belts.

What surprised him was that he was not wearing any shoulder pauldrons or gauntlets around his arms. There were only black gloves around his fingers.

But what was an actual pleasant surprise was that his belts did not have that fat part where the Shinra logo was on.

There was also a zipper on his shirt that was already unzipped to reveal his neck.

'I guess this is more the advent children outfit. Good, I don't like the color violet and also didn't like that makeshift pauldron and gauntlets he wore.' The youth that was now inhabiting this body had to smile about the fact that he did look rather dashing.

Shaking his head a little bit he had to throw all the unnecessary thoughts out of his head.

'No time to think about shit like that. And...' He was glancing over to the man beside him again. 'I think this guy thinks I am crazy after noticing my smile out of nowhere.'

Sighing he concentrated and tried to get his menu out and with just a simple thought he got his status window out.

'Nice, it´s a system that is very easy to use. Let´s see here'



Name: Alex Strife - LVL 1

Class: Freelancer - LVL 1

Title: None

HP: 168

MP: 34










'What the hell!? Wow, that is a rather high-grade start if I had to say so myself. Wait, does it have something to do with my skills?'








'Go figure with that muscularity being at max level. That big ass sword sure weights a lot but what is mako enchantment?'


MAKO ENCHANTMENT - Body of individual was bathed in the lifestream of a planet. Affinity to the supernatural increased. Attacks can hit the intangible and deal out physical as well as magical damage. MP+50%


'I see now. That´s an extremely useful skill.'

Nocking his head sideways he started to think about his status. The first thing he came to notice was his name.

'Alex Strife, huh? They mixed my real name from my old world together with Coud´s last name. I guess it would be otherwise strange to be called a cloud. Even though I would not mind...'

Then he went on towards his stats and what affected what.

'So each point in magic gives me one mana if I consider that 50 % boost from the mako and then add up the other 5% from the Materia...Looks like my choice with the Materia was a very good move since it boosts both. The amount of mana I have currently is rather low though. How did Jin-Woo gain so much mana again? I think it increased magically after he leveled up? I hope it does the same in my case...'

He squinted his eyes. 'Maybe it doesn't even matter? I still don't know how much casting spells costs.'

Come to think about spells he went and opened the magic window to look if he had something. Look and behold, nothing.

'Guess that would be asking too much. So I need to find Materia or buy it from the shop? But what about Jobs?'

When he tried to open Jobs a message opened up instead.

*Please reach Level 10 to unlock the Job system.*

With a raised brow he sighed and then just simply thought about the menu.

Then a transparent window opened up with various options and Alex nearly choked on his own saliva after seeing the massive collum of options.

There was the Status, Inventory, Shop, Jobs, Magic, Guardian Force, Summons, Weapon Modification, and even things like the freaking Sphere Grid were included.

Coughing a little, Alex thought he got himself more than he could chew. How in the world should he see through all this crap now?

The person beside him glared with a fierce look on his face.

"Ah, sorry. Just a small cold.", said Alex when he looked at the guy.

"Then please use a handkerchief or something.", commented the man with an annoyed undertone and looked away again.

'Huh!?' Alex was surprised again. He could understand this man but he also knew that he was using another language than him just now. 'Could it be because the games were in various languages that I can now understand some of them and automatically talk in the person's language?'

Just when he thought that an announcement happened.

"Dear Guests, we are shortly arriving in Seoul, South Korea. Please fasten your seatbelts for the landing until the red lights dim. We hope our flight was to your liking."

That sentence repeated itself a few more times but in different languages like English, German, Russian, Japanese, or Chinese.

And Alex could understand all of it. A smile appeared on his face like a little child that found something interesting.

The man beside him just sighed and averted his gaze away seeing that expression. Yup, he definitely thought that Alex was crazy.


After landing at the airport Alex stood in front of the luggage belt and soon saw some very interesting containers. One was was normal sized but another was rather elongated and flat. But what caught his eyes was the Wolf head in white on them.

'Definitely mine...Even without guessing much.', he thought and picked up the first trunk where his number was written on a paper that he found inside his wallet together with his plane ticket.

Then he also grabbed the elongated trunk and lifted it up. It sure had some weight to it and he supported it with heaving it over his shoulder horizontally.

'This definitely is the Buster Sword. Looks like running around with weapons is prohibited but transporting them is alright. Could also have something to do with the Hunter ticket that I found together with my plane ticket.'

He only sighed a little bit now while looking around.

'What am I even doing in Korea? I am only a lowly E rank from the ID that I have. So much for the excitement of evaluating myself.'

In this world, Alex was a 21-year-old young adult of Swedish nationality with his mother's side of the family being of Korean heritage. His grandmother died recently and he inherited everything she had.

Since his parents knew that he was going to have it hard as an E-Ranker they told him to accept the inheritance and start over with a blank slate.

Where did he know all this information? He had an old fashioned letter from his grandmother and various text messages on his personal smartphone with "Dad" and "Mom" on it.

There were surprisingly no other contacts. Was the previous owner of his body a total loner? Could be. But for now, he had to find this address he got. At least the Korean language felt more natural to this body than most others and he didn't feel out of place.

Even though he told himself that many people were glancing over to him. It may be because of his luggage or the fact he was a natural blond. Both were kinda eye-catching.

One thing was for sure though. Not being able to get a cap with this sword is a massive problem. He forgot that he had a spatial container in the form of an Inventory.

He really had to get used to things at some point and he didn't want to put it into his inventory now while so many people were watching.

Okay, I may have gone a little bit overboard with the wishes xD Gotta figure out some way how things work out in some sort of harmony.

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