
Solo Leveling: World´s End

Many Worlds in a fiction show a surreal World of Mystery. May it be Magic or other unnatural phenomena. What is seen in them is a Protagonist that harvests the Fate of that said World as a Child of Destiny. Sometimes Fate plays the cruelest of tricks at someone. When two worlds clash together in the very time of their collapse, what will await a simple man if he gets thrown into action that he never before experienced?

Soulcrystal · Book&Literature
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Home Sweet Home

"It was about damn time I found the freaking place." Alex huffed out some hot air in annoyance.

In front of him was a rather spacious two-story home with his own garage to the left side of the entrance.

Walking through the metal gates that lead into the garden he was sure about this home being of rather high quality. Or rich looking in the words of the poor and normal folk.

It seems his grandmother lived a rather good life. That made him smile wryly. He didn't feel as if he deserved this at all. There were not even many memories left in this body about her. And Alex rechecked it a lot.

He could imagine and kinda remember his new parents with their personalities but weirdly enough the memories of his grandmother were faint, nearly non-existent.

That made Alex rethink this even more. But since he woke up in the plane and had no real choice, he at least had to take some responsibility and take care of this place for the time being.

What surprised him was that the house was actually some distance away from the center of Seoul and more on the outskirts in a well-established place where a lot of such homes were standing around side by side.

If he didn't actually get annoyed at some point searching and just used a taxi, he would have not even thought about it being here.

While observing the garden he noticed that it was well maintained. Probably someone that was paid to take care of it.

But what surprised Alex is that there was also some guy in a suit sitting on the garden chairs in front of the huge sliding windows of the house. It looked like he was sipping some tea.

Being noticed by him Alex received a smile and the man stood up.

When he came over he lightly bowed.

"You must be Mr. Strife?", asked the man in a broken English accent.

Alex raised a brow in response to his question.

"Yeah, that´s me. And who are you exactly? What are you doing here on private soil?"

The man that had short black hair opened his slim eyes wide and looked rather surprised now. His black eyes seemed to wander around his face in a haste to analyze the young man in front of him.

"Your Korean is very good. That is unexpected but also a pleasant surprise. That will make things a lot easier, then. I am Mr. Kim Ha-Ryung. You can call me Mr. Kim. I am the lawyer of the late Mrs. Chul."

The man that introduced himself as Mr. Kim took out a business card and handed it over to Alex.

Receiving it, Alex looked it over and saw that it was a layer firm based in Seoul.

"So, I take it you knew I was coming over? What is it, then?", asked Alex and pocketed the card.

"I am merely here to take your signature for the inheritance. Nothing more." The smile Mr.Kim gave him somehow let him feel weird.

Feeling a slight tuck at his temple as if a headache started to rise up. Alex concentrated his senses and started to feel that something was definitely wrong. After a while, he could feel it more clearly.

This guy was after something specific. And it made sense, really. No people just come here to do business like that.

Alex also already had the keys to the house and it made it very suspicious that this guy also had them. It actually rang some alarm bells now after knowing this pest had access to his new home.

"Sure...Let's sit down and get it done."

"Splendid.", nodded the man and lead him back to the chairs.

When they both sat down Mr.Kim handed him a document after taking it out from his briefcase.

"These are the documents. You only need to sign once on the first and last page."

Not getting irritated Alex took his time and started reading the documents.

That actually rose some reaction from the man and he nocked his head sideways.

"Are you wondering if something is amiss? We can assure..."

But before he could continue Alex interrupted him. "Then what is this about 80% of the money going towards Su-Ilm Pharmaceuticals?"

"That..." The man only smiled. "The late Ms. was rather ill and had many health issues. Those are the debts she accumulated at said company."

"Are you taking me for a fool?" Alex´s eyes started to glow greenish after his anger surfaced. Then he threw the documents onto the table and took out his smartphone.

Dialing a number a female voice sounded on the other side.

"Hello dear. Have you arrived safely?"

The man frowned deeply since Alex held up a hand so that the guy didn't even start talking.

"Yeah, sure did. I got a question actually. Was grandmother in need of money or did she have any debts?"

"Not that I know of. She even owned a small pharmacy down in the city. Why? Is something the matter?"

Alex squinted his eyes and started to smile devilishly.

The man saw that and frowned. He could not understand the language spoken by Alex but sure enough, see his expression.

"Oh, no...Everything is fine. I just wanted to make sure and tell you guys I have arrived well. Say hi to pops for me."

"I'll tell your father. Make sure to keep in contact with us once in a while."

"Yeah, will do. Bye, mom."


Hanging up he looked at the man that was now a completely changed person.

"Now then. I will give you 2 options now. First: You walk away on your own and leave the key to the house with me and we later get everything done with other lawyers or second: I sent you straight out with my boots imprinted in your scammy ass...Chose wisely..."

Alex now stared him down.

The men just snorted. "Do you think this will be that easy? The company that is after this land is already too invested to just stop here. Your grandmother already has made a contract that she is not able to fulfill and with her death, it automatically comes to that outcome."

"I don't care. Currently, we are talking about your well-being here. So I presume you are choosing option 2?"

"What can you European bastard even do?"

At those words, Alex grabbed into the air and summoned his blade out of his inventory. Soon after it was placed near the neck of the man only a breath away.

"Mr.Kim...I will not repeat myself again. Leave..." Alex was actually pissed and wanted to cleve this guy's head in two. But doing so would be murder. Not even a Hunter was safe from that. At least not until he was powerful enough.

Mr.Kim actually started trembling and looked at the gigantic broadsword at his side. He was fearing this young man now that was holding it as if it was a toothpick. Being aware of the other being a hunter changed his demeanor 180.

"I...I will do that...Goodbye." Mr.Kim stood slowly up and distanced himself.

"Mr. Kim." When he tried to run Alex stopped him.


"The keys..."

"Ah, of course..." Mr.Kim threw the keys towards Alex and tucked his tail between his legs to get out of here as fast as possible.

Alex only placed his blade on the ground and let it rest against the wall. Then he started thinking.

"Money sharks...How to deal with them? Looks like grandmother was a little bit in trouble. Or at least they scammed her well enough to be sure that 80% of all this goes to them. And knowing them it won't even be enough after selling the house...Well, looks like I got my first job to do. At least I will make sure this house stays safe from them."

His next goal would be finding a normal lawyer that can look into the matter and start getting money.

Besides that, he should also get jobs for getting stronger. Unlike Jin-Woo who could create dungeons, he only had the ones that were available.