
Solo Leveling: Ragnarok [FAN TL]

The Earth's existence is under threat once more as Itarim, the gods of other universes, seek to fill the void left by the Absolute Being. Sung Jinwoo has no choice but to send Beru, the shadow ant king, to awaken his son's powers and start him on the journey he once took. Suho must conquer the shadow dungeon and earn his place in the world of hunters as he navigates through a new world against a new evil looking to swallow the world whole. DISCLAIMER: I want to clarify that I did not write Solo Leveling Ragnarok, so I don't take any credit for the story. Why am I posting it then? Well, I wanted to have easy access to it while on the go. The original material is in Korean, and though there are many sites with translations, most only go up to chapter 180. Although there is now an official translation on Tapas, it's still somewhat restricted. I gathered translations from various sites to compile them in one place. For a while, I had to use Google Translate to work on the chapters from the source material. Please note that the compilation may contain grammar errors, translation mistakes, and incorrect names from the original sites. I've tried to correct them where I could, but many errors remain. If you spot any, please leave a paragraph comment with the correction and a chapter comment with a rating of 1 to 7**. If these mistakes bother you, then doing this is a simple thing to do. Also, I want to make it clear that I'm not taking a contract with Webnovel or making any money from this, as it's not my original work. **Read the auxiliary chapters for more info!!!

Craftyprogamer · Urban
Not enough ratings
256 Chs

Chapter 215

[Shadow extraction was successful. ]

[Shadow extraction was successful. ]

[Shadow extraction was successful. ]

... ... .


From the remains of the dragon soldiers who died after being swept away by the power of Astra, the ax of Outer Gods, black shadows are waving their hands toward the sky.

The hands touched the ground and began to pull their souls up from the sea of the afterlife.

There were so many of them that, when viewed from a distance, it was eerie, like seeing a centipede with many legs crawling up from hell.


Rio Singh's complexion turned pale at the sight of a hellish island.

But instead, Liu Zhigangs eyes sparkled.

Suho's appearance reminded me of 'that day' from a long time ago.

The image of Sung Jinwoo leading an army of thousands.

Do not be afraid. It's on our side.

The pitch-black shadows, oozing the energy of death, made the viewer feel fear.

But surprisingly, sad tears were flowing from the eyes of each of those black shadows.

Poor souls who were forcibly brought in and, after suffering through repeated experiments, were unable to even face death as human beings.

No one would have dared guess their miserable and miserable feelings.


'I'll give you a chance.'

A chance to take revenge on Siddharth Bachchan with one's own strength.

All armies!


At Suho's command, they all raised their heads and spread their wings.

And he glared at Siddharth Bachchan with eyes burning with anger.

"Ready! "

At Suho's command, the shadow soldiers who returned from the dead spread their wings.


On the other side, the dragon Legion, who had been their comrades until just a moment ago and were still following Siddharth Bachchan's orders, flew in and began an all-out war with the Suho's army.


From bottom to top, from top to bottom.

At the forefront of that fierce battle, Suho and Siddharth Bachchan also clashed once again.

We don't need those idiots anymore! Because we've already completed Astra!

Siddharth Bachchan has once again wielded Astra, the ax of Outer Gods.


This time, the air, not the ground, was cut, and a gap in the dimension appeared at first glance.

The blue mist that flowed through that brief gap dwelled on Astra's axe held by Siddharth Bachchan.


Beru, who witnessed the phenomenon, widened his eyes.

Now I see that Siddharth Bachchan's plan had a much bigger purpose hidden in it than the purpose of imitating the Dragon

Emperor's Legion.

The overlap of cracks!

Just as a void gate opens when three ordinary gates overlap, each of the soldiers who succeeded in implanting a star fragment gathered together to drill countless tiny holes here.

The energy of the outer universe flowed through the countless cracks, and the result of all that power coming together was

that axe!

Beru shouted, pointing at Astra.

[Solord! If I leave that ax alone, this area will turn into the world of the ice elves! ]

It was said that the dimension was torn apart like the frigid land where Cha Hae-in and the ice elves lived.

Then I guess I should block it instead of avoiding it.

Suho's eyes flashed and his strength increased.

[Use the skill Giants Armor. ]


When Suho used the giant's armor, something different from usual occurred.

The black flame burning to devour Suho mixed with the energy of the shadow and began to affect his skills.

As a result.

<Ring >

[The level of Skill: Giants Armor has increased. ]


The armor covering Suho's entire body became stronger.

Suho glanced down at the full body armor covered in black flame and then rushed at Siddharth Bachchan at incredible speed.

And before I knew it, I swung the horn of Vulkan in my hand.

[Use Skill: Storm Slash. ]

It was the same this time too.

The Dragon Emperor's flames caught in the bitter wind that blew from Suho's sword.


A storm of black flames rages.

At that moment, Suho felt that the pain from the fire that had been tormenting him had disappeared, even if only for a mom


The flames of the dragon that burned him spread out to Siddharth Bachchan.

"Okay. Thats it!

Hearing Liu Zhigang's shout coming from afar, Suho smiled faintly and nodded.

... ... It was something like this.

The way Liu Zhigang constantly drained all of his strength out of his body over the years to avoid having his mind eaten by 

I tried imitating the trick while using the skill, and it was effective.

That realization soon led to skill evolution.

['Skill: Storm Slash Lv.4' evolves to 'Skill: Black Flame Storm Lv.1'. ]


Siddharth Bachchan swung Astra and tore up the storm of black flames.

Then, surprisingly, the sky split in half and the storm was cut off.

However, it was not completely blocked.


The dragon's flame persistently stuck to Astra's ax blade, and soon transferred to Siddharth Bachchan's body, causing serious burns.


It's a tough situation. I just briefly sampled it.

The scream that came out of his mouth was so exhilarating that Suho laughed.

The brief rest was like honey, but Suho was once again engulfed in the flames bursting from the heart of the Dragon Emperor.

But I got the trick.


Suho immediately used the power of the ruler to step into the air and jump higher than Siddharth Bachchan.

Then Quay, the shadow lancer who flew in at the right time, appeared behind Suho's back, grabbed his body, and spurred him to flap his wings.

Nettle liquid-

Quay turned and accelerated Suho's attack, which fell vertically.


[Ugh! ]

The protective flame also attached itself to Quay, and began to melt his shadowy body.

However, Quay gritted his teeth at Yongje at the fact that Suho was suffering this much pain alone, rather than his own pain.

However, Suho did not pay attention to it, as if he were a person who could not feel pain but rather concentrated the pain on one point.

By using the Power of the Ruler.

Gather together.


The black flame that burned him began to be concentrated on his right arm by the ruler's power.

"more! more! more! "

How dare you imitate me!

Siddharth Bachchan gritted his teeth and swung his Astra towards Suho, who was rushing vertically from the sky.

Meanwhile, all the black flames in Suho's body were concentrated to the point that his right arm was completely burned.

Suho felt like he was going to faint at any moment due to the terrible pain, and swung the sword with his body, even the cold sweat evaporating from his body.

You take it too.

Forcibly twisting the corners of his mouth up.

[Use Skill: Storm of Black Flame. ]

The power of the skill is mixed with highly compressed black flames.

The moment his sword and Oesin's giant ax Astra clashed with each other.


... ... !

For a moment, Siddharth Bachchan couldn't believe his eyes.

Astra... ... ! '

Astra's ax blade was given by the great god!

The moment it touched the Suho's black salt, it began to boil and melt!

Oh my!

Siddharth Bachchan hurriedly took the Astra back.

Then, as if Astra's ax blade had melted, the blue energy came together and the ax blade began to recover again.

The material is, of course, outer space mana and blue fog that flowed from a dimensional crack.

But it wasn't a moment of relief.

At that moment, Suho appeared through the swirling storm of black flames and arrived right in front of Siddharth Bachchan.


... ... !

His strong grip held Siddharth Bachchan's horns tightly.

Then, through him, the flame of the Dragon Emperor spread all over Siddharth Bachchan's body.



Hold on. Because this is the power of the Dragon Emperor you wanted.

Suho grinned at him, who was writhing in pain, curled his fist and struck him vertically.


I hit my head with my fist, and each time I hit it, a loud noise like a gas station exploding erupted in succession.

And in the end, Suho and Siddharth Bachchan, who were fighting in the sky, plummeted to the floor from the momentum.

... ... Quang!


Siddharth Bachchan's eyes grew as if they would pop out due to the shock he felt behind his back, and he vomited blood from his mouth.

But even at that moment, he had no intention of admitting defeat.

Even in a dizzying moment, he was looking at Astra, who had fallen from his hand and was floating in the sky, with his eyes

wide open.

Astra! Kill this guy!


Astra happily complied with the order.

The huge ax blade fell straight down, aiming for Suho's back.

[Stop it! ]

[Protect your master! ]

Numerous shadow dragons resolutely flew in to protect Suho.

At the forefront, Greed and Iron stood in front holding huge shields.

Damn it!

Astra tears through the air and comes down like an inescapable judge of death.

However, even as their bodies were torn apart by the huge ax blade, the shadow soldiers did not retreat.

Greed and Iron, whose bodies were shattered first, received a huge amount of magical energy flowing like a tidal wave from Suho, quickly restored their bodies, and stood up to protect Suho.

But something surprising happened.


Flames as hot as a haze also clung to the black bodies of the shadow soldiers regenerated by the magic power originating f

rom the Dragon Emperor's heart.

[... ] ... ! ]

The magic power of the Dragon Emperor boiling up in their bodies was a double-edged sword that even the Suhos could not control.

The magic power that flowed from the Dragon Emperor's heart was regenerating the shadow soldiers and at the same time

melting their bodies and destroying them.

It seems as if the power of the Shadow Lord and the power of the Lord of Destruction are in a tug-of-war.

That moment.

Greed and Iron looked at each other as if they had made a promise, their eyes shining.

They instinctively realized what they were doing.

[Everyone, listen!]

[Everyone, charge!]

They threw away their shields and launched a hand-to-hand assault towards Astra with shadow soldiers burning with the Dragon Emperor's fire.

Grumble! Ku-kwa-kwang!

Then, Astra's ax blade came into contact with the hot flames, and large and small holes began to open.

Astra, which was being struck with the force of God's divine punishment, lost momentum in the air and began to scatter.


Seeing that absurd scene, Siddharth Bachchan dug his claw-like nails into Suho's side as if he were struggling.


Finally, Suho's defense was pierced and blood burst out.

But this level of pain was nothing to Suho anymore.

The blood that burst from his side was instantly evaporated by the flames of the dragon that were still burning his body, and

Suho's hand was still holding on to Siddharth Bachchan's horn tightly, as if the pain was of no concern to him.

Aaaah! Let go! Let go!

Siddharth Bachchan desperately struggled in the dragon's flames and mercilessly attacked Suho's body with both hands.

But rather than fighting back, Suho just held on to him in silence.

Because that alone was enough.

And soon, Siddharth Bachchan's attack began to noticeably slow down.

And then in the end...

[hmm. Thats it. ]

Dragon Emperor Antares, who was watching from afar, muttered bitterly.

[A dish of inferior quality will eventually break. ]

... ... Tuk.

Siddharth Bachchan's hand fell to the floor weakly.

Charred Black

<Ring >

[Level up!]

[You have reached level 100. ]

[The completion conditions for Job Change Quest: Trial of the Dragon Lord-2 have been met.]

A mysterious wind swirled around Suho's body, and the Dragon Emperor's flames died out like a lie.



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