
Solo Leveling: Ragnarok [FAN TL]

The Earth's existence is under threat once more as Itarim, the gods of other universes, seek to fill the void left by the Absolute Being. Sung Jinwoo has no choice but to send Beru, the shadow ant king, to awaken his son's powers and start him on the journey he once took. Suho must conquer the shadow dungeon and earn his place in the world of hunters as he navigates through a new world against a new evil looking to swallow the world whole. DISCLAIMER: I want to clarify that I did not write Solo Leveling Ragnarok, so I don't take any credit for the story. Why am I posting it then? Well, I wanted to have easy access to it while on the go. The original material is in Korean, and though there are many sites with translations, most only go up to chapter 180. Although there is now an official translation on Tapas, it's still somewhat restricted. I gathered translations from various sites to compile them in one place. For a while, I had to use Google Translate to work on the chapters from the source material. Please note that the compilation may contain grammar errors, translation mistakes, and incorrect names from the original sites. I've tried to correct them where I could, but many errors remain. If you spot any, please leave a paragraph comment with the correction and a chapter comment with a rating of 1 to 7**. If these mistakes bother you, then doing this is a simple thing to do. Also, I want to make it clear that I'm not taking a contract with Webnovel or making any money from this, as it's not my original work. **Read the auxiliary chapters for more info!!!

Craftyprogamer · Urban
Not enough ratings
255 Chs

Chapter 214


High up in the sky, Siddharth Bachchan was seen bewildered. 

"Oh, this can't be done! This is ridiculous!" 

I've never been so embarrassed in my life. 

All the soldiers of the Dragon Legion that they had worked so hard to create, all the soldiers folded their wings and bowed t 

heir heads before the young Hunter. 

The great warriors, who have far exceeded the limits of the human species, are trembling like frightened mice before mere 



The humiliated expressions on their faces did not subdue their minds. 

Their intellect still wanted to tear Suho's body to shreds, as Siddharth Bachchan had ordered. 

It's not difficult. 

Their prey was within reach. 

But their instincts are. 

Hemolysis in the heart. 

Their will was being forcibly suppressed. 

Submit to the authority of the dragon emperor! 


But it wasn't all good. 

The excruciating heat that seemed to melt even the soul made me feel a terrible pain that seemed to make me lose my mind at any moment. 

Looking at the HP that was falling all the way in real time, Suho finally realized he can see why it's level 99.' 

Why did the minimum qualification given by the dragon emperor have to be level 99? 

"If I had a low total of HP, I would have burned to death before I could use my power properly." 

The Black Flame, which originated from the Heart of the Dragon Emperor, was about to devour Suho's body, with the threat of burning and destroying everything in the world. 


Suho pulled out a healing potion and drank it, but it was only enough to slow his health loss slightly. 

As long as he couldn't suppress the blazing black flames, it was only a matter of time before he was swallowed up by them. 

[Do you understand now?] 

Antares the dragon emperor smiled meaningfully at the sight of such a guardian. 

[I have clearly warned: how foolish and foolhardy it would be for a mere human who is not even a dragon to claim to be a dragon.] 

But he wanted to. 

He was willing to risk his life to accept the ordeal. 

[Previous Quest: Trial of the Dragon Emperor-2] (73 

The powerful flames of the Heart of the Solvent are burning your frail body. 

If you don't level up before your HP reaches 0, you'll end up in a handful of ashes and perish. 

(Remaining HP : 49,891/96,140) = 

The reward for taking on the ordeal was several times the amount of mana before, but the risks involved were. _:atal. 

But Suho felt like his mind had cleared up. 

Potions only buy time, but if you level up, all status ailments will be cured in an instant. 

lt was nice to have such a simple solution and the Clarity of wnat needed to be done. 

"If you want to live, level up." 

As always. 

Suho's eyes flash in the flames. 

As the level increases, the amount of experience required to level up increases exponentially. 

In the end, it means that you have to hunt down opponents that are that strong. 

For example, me... Someone like Siddharth Bachchan. 

"Okay. I'm willing to prove it." 

Even in pain, Suho grits his teeth and forcibly raises the corners of his mouth. 

He threw away the empty potion bottle he was holding in his hand and gripped Volkan's horn tightly in each hand. 

Then, engulfed in black flames, he slammed hard into the ground. 

To Siddharth Bachchan. 

"T don't know if I deserve the Heart of the Dragon!" 


The recoil dented and shattered the ground where he stood. 

The karma of hell that sprang up after it swirled like the tail of an ascending dragon. 

On the other side, Siddharth Bachchan bared his teeth with an even more ferocious expression. 


His arms swung like pitchforks, wrapped in dragon scales. 

Following him, the Cyperan Auror sprawled out, slicing through the air and clawing at Suho. 


Tu Quaang- 

The sky split in two. 

Those who sold their souls to the foreign gods in order to become dragons themselves, and those who risked their lives to a 

ccept the trials of the dragon emperors. 

The clash of two seemingly similar but completely opposite forces sent a tremendous shock wave sweeping across the sky a 

nd the earth, sending out in all directions. 


"Sa, Save ...!" 

Swept away by the shockwave, Suho's comrades screamed and fluttered in the wind. 

Even the dragons who were forced to lie on the ground couldn't bear the aftermath and bounced in all directions. 

The effects of Dragon Fear had long since faded, but the situation had become even more chaotic. 

Tukwa Kwok Boom! 

The sky was torn apart by the incessant clash between Suho and Siddharth Bachchan. 

Suho used his skill "Ruler's Power" to stomp through the air, slashing Siddharth Bachchan with countless straight swords like a thunderstorm. 

The winged Siddharth Bachchan clawed and crushed Suho's body in countless curves. 

Coincidentally, neither of them had any intention of defending against each other's attacks. 

Believing in their own solid defenses, they can only attack and attack! 

If you want to avoid an attack, you have only one purpose. 

It was to squeeze through the loopholes when the opponent was attacking and inflict a fatal blow. 

"Oh my God! Suho is stronger!" 

Rio Singh, caught in the whirlpool of the storm, marveled at the absurd sight. 

He knew that Suho was a growing Hunter, but now he had far transcended the realm of the Incomprehensible. 

As proof of that, look! Isn't that Liu Zhigang confused when he sees Su Hou! 

"After all, Suho ... amazing!" 

"Stupid! It's not that simple!" 

Liu Zhigang made a fuss about Rio Singh's fuss. 

You see as much as you know. 

Liu Zhigang, who had been walking the path of martial arts for many years before he awakened as a Hunter, was able to see exactly what the state of Suho was, which was exuding such immense power. 

"Sung Suho, that's it now! He's taking up his life!" oh 

"Yes? Sue, longevity?" 

Liu Zhigang gnashed his teeth with a very angry expression. 

"Yes! They re burning their own life force to draw their strength! To protect us!" 

At that, Rio Singh's eyes widened in amazement as he looked at Suho. 

Liu Zhigang's thoughts were a little misunderstood, but they weren't far wrong. 

And it was Siddharth Bachchan who noticed it. 

"Haha! A bastard like a harpoon! You're fighting for my life!" 

Siddharth Bachchan sneered at Suho who stood up to him, engulfed in black flames. 

I was taken aback by the sudden appearance of someone stronger than I had imagined, but it turned out to be a Berserker 

who was fighting with his own life force! 

He was a creature that would self-destruct in time. 

"You don't even know the subject, and you covet too much power!" 

Siddharth Bachchan instinctively sensed the strength emanating from Suho. 

However, his reaction was completely different from that of the other Dragon soldiers who succumbed to its power. 

Obsessive, relentless greed radiated from him. 

"That power is too much for you! I'm going to kill you and I'm going to take you!" 

He was confident. 

Many of his Dragon legions were still alive and well in this area. 

Although they were temporarily confused by the authority of the dragon emperor, the power implanted in their bodies was not the only dragon blood. 

A source of power that carries more weight than just a few drops of hemolysis. 

It's just a piece of star. 

It was the power of the Itarim. 

"God! Answer my prayer!" 

He parried Suho's blow and cried out to the sky. 

At that moment, a shard of star embedded in his forehead emitted a blue glow. 


"May your loyal priest be your strength, noble and beautiful!" 

His powerful prayers flashed the countless shards of stars embedded in his body, each exuding blue energy. 

Countless beams of light branched out like firecrackers in all directions. 

The beams of light forced the Dragon soldiers to their feet, trembling under the authority of the dragon emperor. Like a pu 

ppet hanging by a thread. 

Then they, too, began to soar into the sky, spreading their wings and spreading their wings in unison from the star fragmen ts on their bodies. 

"Little Monarch, be careful! 

Suddenly, Beru felt something wrong and showed his face beyond the shadow of Suho. 

But Beru wasn't just warning of the dangers of the vast Dragon Army. 

Beru's narrowed eyes turned to Siddharth Bachchan. 

[The Apostle of the Itarim has revealed its existence in earnest!] 

With a flash! 

As he spoke, he saw all the blue beams of light in all directions coming together in Siddhat Batchan's hand. 

"Itarim! Give me strength! More! More! More! More!" 

The power was being compressed and compressed again and again by the continued fervent prayer. 

And finally. 

He gripped tightly at this powerful power handed over by a great god who existed far beyond the outer universe. 



The name soon became a substance, manifesting itself as a powerful weapon in his hands. (73 

[Lord So! Be careful! Is that real... The power of the Itarim is coming!] 

Noticing the familiar power, Beru stepped out of the shadows of Suho. 

[Apparently this Apostle is more prepared than the others I've met ... before!] 

Before Beru could finish speaking, the great Axe of the Outer God, Astra, slammed into the crown of the Gua 4 hi a huge 



The air was torn vertically. 

Its power tore the ground beneath it in half. 

A truly natural disaster. 

Roads and buildings collapsed under the force, and the bodies of the nearby Dragon soldiers were shattered. 

"Oh my God." 

Fortunately, Rio Singh, who was far away, was so stunned by the power that it was so far beyond common sense that he muttered with a hollow expression. 

"Astra.... A legendary weapon summoned by the power of the gods." 


In Indian mythology, which means "weapon' in ancient Sanskrit, a weapon or spell summoned by the power of the gods was called "astra." 

And now, the power that Siddharth Bachchan displayed was worthy of being called the power of the gods. 

"Uh-huh. You've managed to avoid it." 

Siddharth Bhatchan smiled wry when he spotted Suho standing in front of him, still intact. 

It didn't matter if he was fine. 

On the contrary, it was exhilarating to know that the one who had been so cocky and had been fighting all the attacks with his body was frightened and dodged for the first time. 

He bared his teeth as he held up the Astra that God had placed in his hand once more. 

"me again. Like a frightened rat." 


Combined with the sight of a large number of Dragon soldiers flying behind him, it was a terrifying sight. 


He had no idea. 

What a grave mistake he had made in that attack a moment ago. 



Gray, the canine wolf who had come close to the call of Suho, burst into tears. 

The corners of Suho's mouth went up. 

"Come in." 

[In the priest's body, the spirit body of "Pet: Gray" is embodied.] 


Suddenly, Suho's hair bleached white, mingling with the flames of the solvent. 

[The King of Beasts and the Monarch of Fangs, bares his teeth with a ferocious expression. ] 

"There's a lot of mana, and we're going to go all-out from now on." 

Suho's gaze drifted to the ground. 

To the corpses of the dragons who were torn to shreds by Astra. 

"Arise, all of you." 

Legion in Legion. 

The cries of countless shadows, whose bodies had been modified and their souls mocked by the power of the foreign gods, 

shook the heavens and the earth.

MTL Translated

T4 Editing


Craftyprogamercreators' thoughts