
Solo Leveling: I Am The Only Supreme With the Cheating System

After getting betrayed by his love, Michael was granted another chance to rewrite all his past mistakes. in a world ruled by AI virtual reality game, granting everyone with random life times on their wrist which determine their lives on planet earth, if your life times got to zero that is the end of your life. with no way to gain life times, more than half of the world joined the AI Virtual Reality game. This game is not like your common game you played on your phones, PC, or tablet. The game throws the players in a world where they have to fight either monsters or other players, if you die you die for real. no next life, no second chance, if you survive and be the last winner standing you win life times and other valuables. it all up to luck and skills. _ Ok let me stop there, this is my third book, if you want you can give it a try. I will release one or two chapters a day depending on my health. Thanks for checking out my book. Please leave a comment and review after the book passed the tenth chapter. Thanks again. No excessive explanation or complex grammars, just as simple as the title. Note: characters and surrounding description will be well describe. please leave a comment and review.

OP_Supreme · Games
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55 Chs

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A Lincolns stopped in front of Blackwater neighborhood, as two men clad in black walked out from the front seats and opened the back door. They both stood straight, waiting for the one inside to step out.

A red high heel step out of the car, then a young and beautiful lady with blue long hair step out.

The car, bodyguards and the breathtaking beautiful lady, appearing in a run-down neighborhood surely attracted onlookers' attention.

"Who is that?"

"Wow. She is so beautiful"

"Look at her wrist, oh my god... that is a golden bracelet, and those guys' are platinum!!"

"One golden medal and two platinum medals rank holders!"

"Have someone offended a powerful player or guild?"

The lady, who was putting on a brown windbreaker coat and a short skirt looked around the neighborhood with a small smile.

"Boss, why are we here?" One of the men asked respectfully.

"I am here to check up on a friend." She said, her smile still on her face.


The two men were stunned. 'Our boss only called those with terrifying backgrounds friends, who will have such power and live in a place like this. This is just too low-key.' The man thought.

"Let go in" she said walking inside.

"TSK...! Why is she here?!"

A guy with red hair hissed, he was sitting on his bike, staring at the lady with a deep frown. He then raised his bracelet and called his father.

"Dad, she is here"

"Who are you talking about?" Joker's voice sounded.

"Queen of death"

The other side remained silent.

"What should I do? She might also be after supreme."

"Hmm... what ever you do, don't get in her way, she is not called the queen of death for nothing." Joker said in a dark tone.

"Father, did she have a guild?" The guy asked.

"No, just stay out of her way"

"Ok dad, but I still have to complete this quest" the guy hanged up, after waiting for a while he walked inside the neighborhood. 'This place smells, how can people even live here?'


Skull guild's headquarters

"Boss, The shadow guild is attacking us, they already started mobilizing their members!!"

"What?!! How much time do we have?!"

"One hour!!"

"An hour!! Do you know the number of members they have?"

"A total of 30 members, Fifteen bronze medal 1 rank holder, all of them are level 10, Ten bronze medal 2 stars, they consist of five LV 14 and five LV 17. The remaining five are coming last. There is also news that a female player joined them not long ago, boosting their power. We won't be able to win in a confrontation."

"Those bastards!!! We refused their Guild Wars invitations, now they want to take us down with force!... wait, is there any lead about supreme?"

"No boss, but... there Is another report" the man said.

"Tell me!!"

"A High ranking player known as Queen of death is around the area, at Blackwater neighborhood."

"Huh? What is that demoness doing here?"

"You know her?" The man asked in mild surprise.

"Forget about that, I got an idea!" The guild leader suddenly said.

"What is it boss?"

"Tell them we accept the quest, the battleground will be decided by us."

"Uh... What are you saying boss?!" The guy was dumbfounded by his boss plan.

"Go, tell them our battleground is Blackwater neighborhood, prepare our members!"

"Ok guild master" the man nodded, even though he was confused by his boss's idea, which he knew nothing about, he still has to carry it out.

'Shadow guild, I will use someone's else knife to end you.' The guild leader thought.


Shadow guild's headquarters

"Guild leader, the skull guild has agreed to the guild war" a man putting on a black outfit said with a smile.

"Why would they suddenly agree to it?, they have refused countless times" a man with long black hair muttered. He was sitting on the head chair in the meeting room.

"I heard a high rank player just arrived at the location they set for the battle, they are hoping for us to anger the player?" A blonde hair lady revealed.

"You are right Ro, any way, we will turn their plan against them, continue the preparation, we are attacking in an hour." The guild master said. While Ro and the other three men present nodded.


"Please who are you?" Mrs Jones who was also Michael's landlady asked with a smile.

The two men looked around the lobby with a frown. "Boss, Do your friend live here?" The first man asked.

"This is where I once live, we both spend a lot of time together before I move out with my family, we even went to the same collage before he dropped out." She said with a sad smile. Shocking the three people present.

"Are you... Jennifer?"

"Yes Mrs Jones, long time" Jennifer gave Mrs Jones a bright smile.

"Wow! I can't believe this, it has been so long, How are your parents?"

"They are no more, hmm... Mrs Jones, where is Micky?"


"Fufufufu... I mean Michael."


Supreme looked at the Spider's carcass. "Come out you two!"

The space distorted as two figures appeared in front of everyone.

"Oh my God!!"

"What is that monster with wings?!"

"Is that also a pet?!"

"What is he planning on doing?!"

The remaining five players were stunned.

Supreme observed the arena. "This spider is too venomous. Go and finish that ape, and feed on it."

'That is what I am talking about!' Drakon flew into the air and shot towards the ape, which was about to die, and roasted it alive with its dark flames.

'What are you doing lizard! I like the raw flesh!!' Reaper yelled at Drakon.

'If you call me a lizard again, I will roast you next, I know you will be tasty.'


'Stop complaining and taste it.' Drakon said, and started feasting on the big ape. Reaper quickly dived inside, and its eyes widened after taking a big bite. It didn't say anything and furiously dive into the ape.

'Table manner!!' Drakon yelled.

'We are eating on the ground, there is no table manners here!' Reaper answered.

'Huh?' Drakon was stunned.

Supreme just stared at them with widened eyes, he surely heard everything Drakon said, but he couldn't hear reaper's.

"Forget these two" he turned to the spider, seeing small light orbs floating around it.

"Is that the soul essence?"

{Yes host, do you want to absorb it? Or pass it to someone else?}

"I thought you said, that won't be possible?"

{With me, everything is possible.}

Supreme rolled his eyes. "Do it."

{Absorbing process... 50%}

All the glowing light flew towards supreme, entering his body.

{Absorbing process.....80%}

The last light orbs flew and enters his body.

{Absorbing process successful.}

{Because of the vast different in rank. Host have successfully broke through to the bronze medal 2 stars.}

Supreme nodded calmly.

{Congratulation for completing a quest.}

{New function have been activated.}

Supreme nodded. "Open function."

{Ok host.}


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What is the function? And who really is Jennifer.?

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