

A story about a boy who died and got transmigrated as Sung Jinwoo in the Solo Leveling Manhwa world. Follow how he became not only the Monarch Of Shadow but more then a Monarch. How he became the One And Only God Of Chaos. Join him on his journey and see how he also travel through different worlds. The cover is not mine. Additional Tags- world travel, yuir(only with the presence of mc), milf. Patreon- patreon.com/NOVELLOVER800

Novel_Lover459 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs


"Mister Sung". Song Chi-Yul said with a surprised look on his face.

"Mister Song". Seeing him Joohee said and came near him with Jinwoo.

"Its nice to meet you again Mister Song". Jinwoo said with a smile. Hearing him Song Chiyul was now sure that he was Sung Jinwoo.

"You are really changed, I didn't recognize you at all". Song Chiyul said with a shocked look seeing JInwoo who once was a weak looking boy but now he is totally different.

He now carries a lean and athletic build. His stature is marked by well-defined muscles, not overly bulky but clearly toned, indicating a regimen of regular exercise. His posture is upright and confident, suggesting both physical strength and a sense of self-assuredness.

Jinwoo's movements are fluid and graceful, hinting at agility and perhaps a background in sports or dance. His skin appears smooth and well-cared-for, and he moves with an ease that speaks of both youth and vitality.

"But how did a torn leg became normal again". Song Chiyul said while looking at his leg with a shocked look on his face.

Seeing it Jinwoo smiled inwardly. "When I came to my senses it was fine. Even I am not sure what really happened". He said with a smile while scratching his head.

"PFFTH". Seeing him acting like this Joohee almost laughed.

"Haha,What a relief, after all it's not good if a young man becomes disabled ". Song Chiyul said patting his shoulder while laughing.

'He is really a good person'. Jinwoo thought inwardly. Because in the double lair dungeon only Joohee and Song Chiyul were the only people who stayed with him until the end.

Jinwoo than looked at his left hand which was not there'I will make sure to heal you'. He thought with a smile on his face.

"It looks like you and Miss Joohee already meet each other". Song Chiyul said and looked towards Joohee who blushed hearing it which didn't go unnoticed by Song Chiyul.

"Wait are you both". Song Chiyul said with a curious look while looking towards Jinwoo who just smiled.

"Hahah, it's good. It looks like Miss Joohee's wish came true". Song Chiyul said while laughing and then tooked towards Joohee with a teasing smile.

"M-Mister Song-". Just as Joohee was going to complete her she saw someone coming towards their direction.

Seeing her looking somewhere else Song Chiyul and Jinwoo also looked at her direction and saw Kim Snag-Shik.

Seeing him Joohee was angry and wanted to confront him but seeing that Jinwoo didn't even react looking him, she decided to stay silent.

When Jinwoo saw him he didn't get angry or felt any kind of emotion seeing him. In the manhwa Jinwoo was angry but he was not the same Jinwoo anymore, he knew that humans are greedy and at that time Kim just wanted to save himself.

He knew that in the dungeon kim Song-Shik is going to die and he has no plans of saving him and why should he save someone who left him to die. He was nor a hero nor a villain, he is someone who will do anything to protect his loved ones.

"It's all right Joohee". He said while holding her hand with a gentle smile on his face.

"What a romantic scene". As they were talking they heared a voice to which they turned and saw 3 men coming out of a car wearing prisoner clothes and behind they came a man wearing black suit.

"Shut up you fools, this is not a picnic". Kang Taeshik said with authority in his voice, hearing him the men in prisoner clothes smiled towards him and then left with the other two.

"What the hell is this". Song Chiyul said with a confused look while looking towards the three men who left just now.

Hearing him a small build men came out of the car and near them "Sorry for being late you all must be the hunters we summoned and about those three they are the rehabilitators who will join the raid with you all".

Hearing him Except Jinwoo all of them were surprised.

"WHAT REHABILITATORS, ARE YOU TELLING US TO GO ON A RAID WITH CRIMINALS". Song Chiyul shouted with a angry look, hearing him the small build man got scared and answered with a scared voice.

"Even if they are criminals they were hunters in the past and its not rare for hunters who commited crimes to 'serve time' in the dungeons".

"Are you serious". Song said with a surprised look whiel looking towards the criminals.

"And you dont have to worry monitoring departments B-Rank hunter Kang Taeshik will also participate in the raid with you all and those three criminals are all C-Rank". He said while pointing towards Kang Taeshik. 

"Jinwoo what are you going to do". Joohee asked with a normal voice but when she saw the confident smile on his face she get his answer and both of them walked towards the entrance of the gate.

"Sigh, it looks like this is fate". Seeing them still going to enter Song also followed them while thinking that those who survived the double lair dungeon, they all are once again going to enter a gate.

As he was thinking Kang Taeshik came near them.

"My name is Kahng Taeshik from the Monitoring Division. I believe you've been informed of the situation. I'll keep a very close eye on those three, so you can rest easy."

Kahng Taeahik then beckoned the three convicts to come closer. They all trudged towards him and presented their hands. With a practised hand of his own, Kahng Taeshik swiftly undid their cuffs.

"Wowsers. I thought I was gonna die from the stuffiness just now."

"We ain't even slaves, so isn't it against our rights for you to drag us around here and there like this?"

The convicts massaged their freed wrists and continued to pile on their complaints.

Kahng Taeshik roundly ignored them and returned his gaze back to the Hunters.

"Who will be taking the lead today?"

Song Chiyul, having led raids before, raised his hand about half way up. Kahng Taeshik nodded his head.


With Song Chiyul in the lead, Hunters entered the Gate one by one.

"Let's get going as well."

JinWoo and Joohee also entered the Gate, albeit at the same time.

Perhaps the trauma from the last incident remained with her, because she ever so slightly held onto JinWoo's sleeve, seeing it Jinwoo patted her hand with a smile on his face.

Seeing it Joohee became normal and with a confident look entered the gate.

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