

A story about a boy who died and got transmigrated as Sung Jinwoo in the Solo Leveling Manhwa world. Follow how he became not only the Monarch Of Shadow but more then a Monarch. How he became the One And Only God Of Chaos. Join him on his journey and see how he also travel through different worlds. The cover is not mine. Additional Tags- world travel, yuir(only with the presence of mc), milf. Patreon- patreon.com/NOVELLOVER800

Novel_Lover459 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs


The first light of dawn filtered softly through the curtains, casting a gentle glow across the room. In the tranquility of the morning, Jinwoo stirred from his slumber, a sense of warmth enveloping him. As his senses awakened, he realized the source of this comforting warmth: Joohee, sleeping peacefully on his chest.

Her breathing was even and calm, the rise and fall of her chest in sync with his own. Jinwoo gazed down at her, noticing the way the morning light played across her features, softening them, making her look almost ethereal. Her hair was splayed across the pillow and his chest, a cascade of silk threads that he resisted the urge to run his fingers through, not wanting to disturb her peaceful slumber.

Jinwoo's mind drifted back to the events of the previous day. They had sex all night without any rest.

Now, in the quiet of the morning, Jinwoo felt a profound sense of contentment. There was something incredibly intimate about this moment, something deeply comforting in the knowledge that Joohee felt safe and relaxed enough to sleep so soundly on his chest. He felt a protective instinct surge within him, a desire to keep her safe and ensure that this tranquility in her life was a constant.

As he lay there, lost in his thoughts, Joohee shifted slightly. Her eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, she seemed disoriented. But as her gaze focused on Jinwoo, a soft smile graced her lips.

"Good morning," she murmured sleepily, her voice a gentle whisper that seemed in perfect harmony with the peaceful morning.

"Good morning," Jinwoo replied, his voice low and filled with warmth. "Did you sleep well?"

Joohee nodded, snuggling closer to him. "I haven't slept this peacefully in a long time."

Her words filled Jinwoo with a sense of happiness and purpose. Purpose to keep her and other women wlho will come in his life to keep them safe from any danger.

As they lay there, in the soft embrace of each other Jinwoo decided to give her the necklace he get from killing Cerebus.

"Joohee there is something I want to give you". Jinwoo said looking at her face with a small smile.

Curiosity flickered in Joohee's eyes as Jinwoo took out the necklace from the inventory. Seeing that he took out a necklace out of nowhere which at first shocked her but then she remembered about the system he told her about.

"This," Jinwoo began, he showed the necklace"this is the necklace which I get from killing a monster".

Joohee's eyes widened in awe as she took in the necklace. The pendant was intricately crafted, with runes etched into its surface, pulsing faintly with a mystical energy.

"It's beautiful," she whispered, her fingers tentatively reaching out to touch the pendant.

Jinwoo carefully lifted the necklace, his fingers deft as he clasped it around Joohee's neck. "It's not just beautiful," he said softly. "This necklace will increase your sense and agility by 20%. It will protect you, make you faster, and stronger in battle."

Joohee's hand went to the pendant, feeling its energy coursing through her. A sense of empowerment washed over her, a tangible increase in her abilities that left her both stunned and grateful.

"I don't know what to say, Jinwoo," Joohee said, her voice thick with emotion. "Thank you. This means so much to me."

Jinwoo smiled, his eyes reflecting the depth of his feelings for her. "You don't need to say anything. Just stay safe. That's all I ask."

"And this is just temporary in the future I will make you strong". He said with a confident smile on his face.

As they sat there, in the soft light of the morning, a new day beginning, there was a sense of unspoken understanding between them. They were not just fellow hunters they were now lovers for eternity.

The necklace was more than a gift; it was a promise, a vow from Jinwoo to always be there, to protect and cherish the one who had come to mean so much to him. In this world of chaos and danger, they had found something rare and beautiful – a haven in each other's presence, a strength drawn from their unity.

As they were sitting on the bed Jinwoo's phone ring and he already had an idea whose call that may be.

"Hello Hunter Jinwoo". He picked up the call and answered with a normal voice.

The call was from the guild in which he belong and just as what happened in the manhwa they asked those who returned alive from the double lair dungen to go on a raid.


Just as he ended the call Joohee's phone ring.

"Hello Joohee here". She answered the call and what she heared made her look towards Jinwoo who had a smile on his face.

The call was from the guild asking her to go on a raid, hearing it she looked towards Jinwoo who had a smile on his face.

Seeing him smiling she understand that the call from earlier was also from the guild.

"It looks like we have a gate to clear". Jinwoo said with a teasing smile on his face while coming near Joohee and hugging her from back.

"Hmm, It looks like our first date is going to be in a dungen".

Joohee said turning towards him and kissed him on the lips lightly.

"Let's continue in the bathroom". Jinwoo said and took her in his hands and started walking towards the bathroom. Hearing him Joohee just nodded with a blush on her face.

After having morning sex in the bathroom and taking a good bath they had breakfast and then they left for the gate.


"Sigh, a D-Rank dungen this time". Song Chi-Yul said who was walking on the road with a serious look on his face.

'Since my awakening didn't affect my strength, my sword doesn't work on the monsters'. He thought with a sad look on his face.

"If I can't use the sword skills that I have learnt over the decades then what's the point of it". Song Chi-Yul said while clinching his fist.

Then after walking for some time he reached his destination.

"Huh, Miss Joohee is also here". He said when he saw her but then he looked at the man who was standing beside her and for a moment he couldn't recognize him.

But when that man saw him and smiled seeing him. Seeing that smiling face a name came out from Song Chi-Yul's mouth.

"Mister Sung".

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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