
Solo leveling - Life

What if the Absolute being had had another card up his sleeve, another project for his entertainment that he didn't decide to put into action until the last moments of his existence. Perhaps the stories of reincarnated souls that plagued the internet brought him some strange inspiration, or perhaps he himself was the creator of the first story with that plot, who knows. ... I don't know who owns the photo on the cover. If you have a problem with it being used here, just say so and I'll remove it.

Mapachefm · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Normal Day.



Twenty three.

Twenty four.

[You have leveled up.]


'The bastard almost hit me in the artery.' I thought as I stabbed number twenty-five of the night.

'And the fuckers don't stop coming out.'

"Fuu." If sighing helped me finish the boss faster, I'd already be out of this portal.

It's been about 10 minutes since I entered the portal, and it's not going as smoothly as I'd like.

'I seriously have to go to a dojo or something when I get out of here.' My technique needs to improve if I want to compete against the big boys in the future.

I mean, I'm alright, but I could be even better.


I stopped in place when I felt it.

And shortly after, I saw it, those four menacing red lights of the size of basketballs.

That tower of meat with giant fangs, giant legs, giant snout, shit, it's gigantic ugly.

And it's gigantic ass is to blame for the stench I've been feeling for minutes.

I adjusted my breathing and prepared myself for what was coming.

[Fatigue: 42]

"Come at me, you fucking mutant Micky mouse." 'I should have brought something for the nose.'

[Gudoror Rat King]

It seems like he didn't like what I said, because the next moment-


The maximized Raticate raised a scream that shook the entire cave.

"That won't be enough against me, partner."

I propelled myself as fast as I could.

A jump, a somewhat deep gash in the back and I was already on the other side of the room.

'With this speed, it won't be t-'

In two quick, quick motions, the rat king turned and lunged at me, as if it wasn't injured for my attack.

I blinked once and I already had him in front of me, trying to tear off a piece of my torso with his claws.

But I'm not one to run away from a good confrontation.

With all the strength I could muster, I attacked with the blade of my spear.



The shock sent me flying.


Cough! Cough!

Shit... my rat king bro has a gym around here, doesn't he? I thought wryly as I wiped the blood from my mouth.

'At last, a worthy adversary.' I thought with a smile on my face.

I quickly got out of the crater I had formed, and confronted the boss again.

Surrounding his body, I landed a few punches and deflected a few high-speed slashes.


[Alarm. 'Poisoning' and 'Blindness' have been applied.]

I noticed a system notification, but I didn't pay attention to it.

I kept attacking, swinging my spear hard.


[Skill: Quick race was activated.]

[Your movement speed will increase by 30%]


Stabbing, slashing, hitting, dodging.


All this speed, this adrenaline, this feeling.

Squeak- Sque-

'I'm lovin 'it.'


"Jaaa, jaaa, jaaa."

[The dungeon boss has been slain.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]


"Hehehehe." Who would have thought that one day I could live such an exciting life…

I check the corpse of the boss and take out the crystal I was looking for.

I looked around at the magic crystals surrounding me, and with a smile I took out a pickaxe from the inventory.

'Well, I still have time.'

[Mission: Discover your potential.]

1 portals rank C: 1 / 1 completed.

1 portal rank B: 0 / 1 completed.

Remaining time: 165:41:08.

I lasted 55 minutes in the dungeon, and to my surprise the guards were still knocked out on the floor.

Some snored as if they didn't care about the situation, and I almost woke them up with my laughter.

I reached the outskirts of the apartment, went up the back stairs and into my relatively new home.

I quietly passed the living room, went into the kitchen, got bread from the pantry and loaf cheese from the fridge, made myself two basic sandwiches with a glass of orange juice, and walked into my room.

Mom was already asleep for hours, since she works tomorrow.

I showered, made myself comfortable, and opened my laptop to search for the best spear users in the country and all the B-rank gates in Japan.

'Tomorrow will be a productive day.'

Three days later.

In the news of the day, it was mentioned how all several guards associated with the Draw Sword Guild tasked with guarding a C-rank portal were attacked at night by an unidentified hooded person.

Investigations were made from the Japan Hunters Association, but they were unable to find any relevant clues.

Yesterday I went to the first C rank portal starting from the guild, thanks to my good performance in the previous raids.

Some people in the group wanted to make things difficult for me at first, but mentioning the name of the person who recommended me was enough for them to become friendly.

'The truth is that I am very lucky, and I don't have time to waste with little shits.'

The stocking has also made it somewhat difficult for me to go out on the street, but with a good costume and my speed I didn't have any mayor problems.

I researched which spear users could teach me something in this country, and to my surprise, none met my expectations.

Maybe it's because of my dexterity, but all the movements I saw on video were either very glamorous and unnecessary, or just as effective as the ones I already do, so I ended my search.

"Hi Ma'." I told mom as I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

She's cooking lunch, and it smells amazing.

"Hey, how was your day?" She told me as she stirred some sauce and condiments into a bowl.

"It was ok, I take my nephew little devil to the park. He told me that he already has two girlfriends at school, and that they know each other and everything."

"What?" She answered me with a surprised face.

"HAHAHA just as you hear it. He took my advices and now he's popular at his school, that little shit. My brother went for it 2 hours later. He sends you his regards, but you know how that asshole is."

"Roy, I already told you to stop holding a grudge, that the past stay in the past. You can't go on fighting forever, and I forgot about that a long time ago."

"No, if he doesn't change, he doesn't deserve my kindness Ma'. I bear it only for you, you know it."

"Fuuu, what shall I do with you."

I know I should put the things he did in the past, but until I see him on his knees apologizing to mom, I won't forgive him.

Maybe it's part of the influence that the memories of the previous Roy had on me, but I know that in my other life I would have wanted to hit that shitty brother of mine too, knowing what he did.

But hey, negative thoughts for another time, I have better things to do.

We ate and talked for an hour or two. We talk about how she's been doing this week, what we have to buy at the supermarket, the series we've been watching in our free, a little bit of everything.

It feels good to have such a nice mom...

"Roy, you've changed."

"Eh? How have I changed? 'Is this the famous woman's intuition?'

"I don't know, I notice you more distracted, but with more confidence. You no longer hang out with your school friends, Sato, Takahiro, Tomomi, or with the same Amaya you talked about so much. Did you have a fight with them?" Shit, hearing her so worried makes my heart a little tight.

"No Ma', I just couldn't get the time. I've been very busy lately, you know that. I'll call them later. They understand." The truth is that I had to change my cell phone the day I got here, Roy's memories didn't come with the fucking cell phone key.

And, unfortunately for me, he didn't have a good cell phone that could recognize faces either.

And even if I had access to the cell phone, I hardly remember the faces of these "friends".

"Well, don't neglect your relationship with them, you know how hard it is to meet nice people these days. Take advice from your mother."

"Yes, yes Ma', I'll call them in a while. By the way, today I have another raid. Nothing to worry about, I will return at night."

"Hmm, don't you dare give your mother a heart attack. Protect yourself properly, if you make me bury my son I will not forgive you."

"HAHAHA you know I'm invincible Ma', you worry about nothing."


A kiss on the cheek and I went to get ready for the night.

Back in my room, I began to tour the store.

Current gold: 31,520.

D rank monster magic stones sell well, and C rank boss magic stones much better.

The thing is, I want to buy something that can last me a long time.

Not full-armor, as with my upgrading speed, it will quickly become obsolete.

Not a weapon ether, since the one I have now is not bad at all.

Let's see what I find.

About 15 minutes after search and meditation.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------

[Armadillo Lizard Scale Armguard]

Rarity: B

Type: Armguard.

Strength +10.

Increases physical damage reduction by 15% in the area of ​​the arms.

The claws, due to their amazing sharpness and sturdiness, can pierce rank [A] materials if enough force is applied.

Arm protector created from the scales of an Armadillo Lizard, specialized in absorbing damage and its sharp claws.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------

There were more options, like earrings or rings, but I decided to choose this for two reasons.

1. Although I don't want full armor, I also don't want to be unarmed. I think that if I use the arm guards well, both the defense and the new attack alternative it provides will be very useful in the future. Sure I'll change it in like 1 or 2 months, but for now it will do its job.

2. It looks very epic.

I know that those two reasons are good enough to make my choice.

I also bought HP and mana potions with the gold I had left, you never know.

Current gold: 20.

'It's about time to level up to death.' I thought as I headed out towards the portal today.


"Fuyu, to your left!" A man in armor said as he slammed a hammer at the humanoid monster in front of him.

"Understood, captain!" His partner replied as he launched a fireball at the enemy approaching to his left.

'Boring' I thought as I ripped the head off one of these weaklings with my spear.

The stronger I get, the fewer opponents I get, at least in this clan.

But I don't have a millionaire friend to back me up, and in Japan, the Draw Sword Guild literally monopolizes the portals.

'What if I go to America?'


"Well done Roy."

'Nah, Thomas Andre and his guild I'm pretty sure control all of America at the moment, and I'd only be back where I started, with no support to start a guild by myself an-'


'These gloves are crazy. But shit, you can't think in peace without a mosquito buzzing in your ear.'

'Perhaps I should take over this guild? Hmm, that wouldn't be a bad idea. The thing is, I still can't make my strength public, I wouldn't survive a day.'

"Fuuu, good job guys. Healers, take care of the badly injured. We stopped for 3 minutes and continued."

""Yes captain!""

"Roy, did you hurt yourself somewhere?" Miss Hoshi, the group's C-rank Healer, said as she looked at me worriedly.

I know that she is attracted to me. After all, if before I could consider myself handsome, now with the levels of the system I am better than any movie actor.

"No, thanks for asking Hoshi." I responded with the most attractive smile I could put on.

'Yes darling, I will capitalize on my beauty as much as I can.'

"MMM." The girl nodded as she looked down at the ground, all flushed.

Actually, she is attractive. That reddish hair, those western features and those curves, wow. You know what, why limit yourself?

"Stay close when we move forward, you should care more about your well-being." I said with the same smile as I held one of her hands.

The poor girl, when facing the boy 1.90 meters tall, straight brown hair, an athletic body and a face chiseled by God himself, could only get like a tomato and remain silent.

'Yes, this, this is life HAHAHA.'

"Mages, attack the right flank!"

""Yes captain!""



"Jun, distract the right flank! Hoshi, help Reizo!"

"Yes captain!" x2

"I got this!" 'I'm already bored of this.'

I sped towards the catfish-faced humanoid and with a quick flick of my spear, pierced the monster's neck.

He didn't even know how I killed him.

I turned to the boss of the dungeon at the distance, humanoid, giant, a little hurt, shark-headed, or something, and threw my spear with all my might.


It went through the boss's head like a hot knife through butter, killing him instantly and stunning my teammates.

[You have leveled up.]

"Fuuuu, Fuuuuu, I-I can't take it anymore." I said as while lying down. At the moment it suits me best to act like the actor I'm, so that's what I'll do.

"Excellent Roy, EVERYONE, clean up the room."


After the raid (and a little conversation with Miss Hoshi about life) , the guild told me that I needed to sign a contract to be able to continue working with them, and they offered me good deals. However, decline each of them for now.

It's not like I can make much headway with the guild anyway, and I have enough money to survive.

I already have planned where I will complete my main mission.

The hooded man will attack again.


Well, third chapter of this child of mine. 2k w/chapter, if u were curious.

Now, the updated stats:

Level: 24

HP: 2515

PM: 850

Strength: 52 (+10) = 62

Stamina: 39

Dexterity: 43

Intelligence: 36

Sensory: 34

Points: 0

Basically day 13 of our MC in that world.

Give me your opinions and ideas about the current title of the fanfic. I have things prepare, lets see if I can implement them well enough.

Mapachefmcreators' thoughts