
Solo leveling - Life

What if the Absolute being had had another card up his sleeve, another project for his entertainment that he didn't decide to put into action until the last moments of his existence. Perhaps the stories of reincarnated souls that plagued the internet brought him some strange inspiration, or perhaps he himself was the creator of the first story with that plot, who knows. ... I don't know who owns the photo on the cover. If you have a problem with it being used here, just say so and I'll remove it.

Mapachefm · Anime & Comics
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Winning the [Wolf Assassin] title wasn't as difficult as I thought.

Perhaps it is because I am very careful not to attract more attention than necessary.

Leveling up is becoming an addiction at this point.

I picked up all the items left by the wolves and walked forward without looking back.

It's still amazing to me that I'm not peeing in a corner, crying for my life (new life) and for all the women I want to meet and haven't met yet.

I don't have the same motivation as the typical protagonist, my family is not in danger, we are not poor and I don't have any younger sisters to worry about.

Yes, it is true that I have family in this world, but my closeness with them until now is more superficial than anything else.

My motivation for being here is not to protect my loved ones. And, even so, I don't see myself with less motivation than the protagonist of this world.

Maybe it's the thrill of the kill, which I surprisingly like.

'But who cares.'

Seeing Scarface before coming to this world has given me more dreams of grandeur than I count.

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Name: Roy Brightheart

Level 15

Class: None

Titles: None

HP: 1,570

MP: 290

Fatigue: 0


Strength: 30

Stamina: 24

Dexterity: 27

Intelligence: 24

Sensory: 24

Distribution points: 0



Unknown Max. LVL.

Willpower – Level 1.


Quick Race – Level 1.


Current gold: 1,090 (52 Lycan's canines, 1 rusty daggers and 1 craw of a Razor craw brigade).

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The truth is that I don't know if the statistics are the same as Jinwoo's, I don't remember such stupidly precise details.

I stopped leveling up when I hit 15, and to be honest, neither the monkeys nor the panthers nor the wolves have been much of a challenge.

The truth is that I do not understand how they are not. I remember the effort that Mr. Protagonist had to put in against all these beasts, and I'm sure it wasn't easy for him.

And he was experienced.

I wasn't a hunter before entering the dungeon.

My Ability with the spear is average, I'd say. I just do what I understand works best, stab when I can, slash when I can, and back-punch when necessary. Luckily this spear is of good quality, it has hardly received any damage.

I'm in front of the boss room, and to be honest, I'm not afraid.

If I remember correctly Jinwoo spent about a month exercising and then entered the dungeon, and applied all of his points in strength.

But still I'm not afraid.

It's strange, I know I wasn't like this before I came to this world.

Even after making mistakes that could lead me to my third life too soon.

Maybe something changed in me.

'But who cares.'

This has been the most exciting time of my life, even as cold and gloomy as this place is.

'Just adds to the suspense,' I said with a smile before walking into the final room.

In the distance, curled up on itself, I could see something menacing and precious at the same time.

'Yep, I want a snake.'

'Ruler of the Swamp, Blue Poison-fanged Casaka" Said the floating letters above the beast, in an orange color.

Maybe I shouldn't have rushed so much and completed a few more daily quests before I came.

But I have a rea- Two important reasons why I came here today.


Sweating, with little air in my lungs, I looked at the system screen for the 500th time so far tomorrow.

[Daily Quest: Get stronger.]

Push-ups: 100/100 times

Squats: 100/100 times

Press: 100 / 100 times

Running: 0/10km

I still had 10km to go, and about an hour and a half before I had to go to work.

I wiped off some of the sweat with a towel and turned on the laptop in my room.

My reason? Understand in which part of the story did I appear in this world.

The first two days of my arrival I couldn't find out too much, I don't know the dates of the important events by heart, and Jinwoo hasn't appeared in the media either, so I've been more focused on daily missions and getting used to my current situation, which, well, hasn't been that easy, if I'm honest with myself.

The first thing I did was look up the latest events in South Korea.

And today, to my not-so-surprising but surprising surprise, I found the news of the event that started it all, the massacre of the statues.

'So I don't have any more time.'


I decided to enter the dungeon the moment I heard the news, since, by luck or fate, I had already gotten the dungeon key from one of the daily random gifts.

The other reason is, well… I want to be stronger than Jinwoo, that's all.

I know that a 1 month head start with this system will help me a lot, and it's not like I was physically weak before I got the system, I just wasn't a hunter.

Yes, he was skinny, but the previous Roy made the effort of eating right and exercising a little from time to time to keep his figure.

Maybe I was impatient, but this is the decision I made.

3rd POV.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Roy lunged at the beast with spear in hand.

Casaka noticed his presence when he arrived in the room, so he reacted quickly and rushed towards him as well.


The beast was fast, of that there is no doubt.

The distance between them shortened in a moment.

The chief opened his jaw with the intention of decapitating, and the boy raised his spear.

In a quick game of hand and foot, he rammed the spear into the top of the beast's mouth and dodged to the side as a worn dagger appeared in one hand.

The beast screamed in agony as its blood spread across the room, and directed its gaze at the boy with the intention of ending the plague that dared to touch it.

Roy, with a maniacal smile on his face, returned to his stance and prepared to do battle with his dagger, as if he laughed at his great opponent.

The beast lashed out with its tail, breaking the air with speed.


'Quick.' Roy thought, as he deflected the attack as best he could.

The impact flung him toward a pillar, making a web on the concrete.

Blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth, but his smile didn't waver.

He decided to wait for Casaka, and the beast did not disappoint him.

Again the creature opened its jaws and launched itself at Roy, while he waited for the moment to act.

The moment he waited for arrived, and just before the beast got close enough, he feinted to the side, shifted the dagger to its other hand, and deflected the enemy's attack with it, causing it to collide with the column. behind.

Seizing the opportunity, Roy lunged forward, grazed the snake's head and plunged the dagger into one of its eyes with all his might.

Casaka screamed in agony at him and tried to smash the boy against a wall.

But Roy wasn't done.

He pulled out the embedded dagger, and nimbly plunged it into the other eye, enough to do damage to the enemy before breaking his weapon.

'It lasted more than I thought.' Roy contemplate, as he was thrown to the ground.


Beast and boy kept fighting, fighting and fighting, without rest until one of them was victorious.

The snake, now blind and in suffocating pain, decided to charge everything in its path one last time.

Roy, bleeding from various parts of his body, picked up a piece of debris on the ground with the hand that he could still move and waited for the final attack of the Boss that had given him so much trouble.

The snake managed to hit him, but he ended the fight using his remaining strength hitting the boss's face, until he succumbed.

Roy's POV.

[Fatigue: 85]

The truth is that I deserve it.

"Damn, you were fucking resistant."

I collapsed next to the boss after making sure he was no longer breathing.

My left arm is broken, my right leg I would say fractured as well, and some of my fingers are bent in ways that shouldn't be possible.

But it was all worth it.

And it's not like I didn't have an ace up my sleeve yet, I just didn't feel the need to use it.

"Accept status recovery."

Yes, I can still fight.

My body recovered completely, as if nothing had happened, if you didn't take into account my clothes that were now unusable.

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

I checked the system, and I couldn't resist the slightly macabre smile that formed on my face.

[Alert: New mission.]

'That is new.' It seems that I really have a unique system.

[Mission: Discover your potential.]

1 portals rank C: 0 / 1 completed.

1 portal rank B: 0 / 1 completed.

Remaining time: 359:59:59.

'Ohh, it's not so bad-'

※ Note: Final bosses must be defeated solo.

'Well, that complicates things a bit, but maybe not that much.' Although it's a short time.

I looked at the body of the boss and found the two items expected.

Casaka's Poisoned Fang [C] and Casaka's Venom Gland [A].

The dagger with that 'Poisoning', 'Bledding' and attack power could be useful.

And the gland, well, I don't know what powers I'm supposed to get in the future, so for now I don't know what I'm going to use it for.

[Alert. The boss has been defeated. The interior of the dungeon will return to normal.]


'Thankfully, the action is over for the day. My brain can't take it anymore.'

Now I have to get out of here, and go quit my other job and register as a hunter.

Yeah, I quit my first job yesterday.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I came out of the dungeon with a return stone, an OP dagger, a bag of poison, a good amount of money, and stronger than before.

'Yup, that was a good idea.' I thought with a smile as I skipped towards the exit.

A week has passed since then.

Complete daily quests, research the monster species I was most interested in, look up videos about using the spear (curiosity), and spend time with my new (old?) family.

I easily got my license as an attacking C-rank hunter, and entered directly with a provisional contract with the Draw Sword Guild.

Having an S rank cousin has its privileges.

She even recommended me to the guild for FREE, which I honestly didn't believe atthe first or second time.

My mother was a little concerned when I broke the news, but knowing that she semi-raised Akari, and being the great mother that she is, showed me her support.

I started with D rank portals, to test my skill and all, and I have to say I got a bit bored.

I was only allowed to enter the portals every 3 days, so I've only been to two so far.

At least it helped me to see other hunters in action, and improve my fighting style.

But I can't keep up with this slow progress, can I?

3rd POV.

11 p.m.


"Shit Gyu, remind me why we picked this schedule?"

"Because we have no other choice stupid."

"Oh right."

Tap… Tap… Tap…

"Do you hear that?"


"Who's there?" The man said as he got closer to the sound.

The night was dark and cold, and the lights did not have enough power to illuminate the entire place.

"I said, who is there? This portal is owned by the Draw Sword Guild."

Tap Tap…

Tension rose as sweat trickled down the guard's neck.

"I said tha- AHh-"




"Well, that was easy." Said the hooded figure as he entered the portal…

Roy's POV.

Who knew that each C rank portal only has 4 people guarding it at night.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Getting my new spear out of inventory.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------

[Giganto Anaconda Fang Spear]

Rarity: C

Type: Spear

Attack Power: +30

Inflicts 'Poison' and 'Blind' on attack.

'Poison': The target will lose 1% health per second.

'Blindness': The target will lose 25% of sight while the effect of 'Poison' is active.

Spear created from the fang of a "Giganto Anaconda", noted for its great resistance and poison.

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I had to sell the dagger and spend some of my coins in the store, but I think it was worth it.

Due to my inexperience, I'm not confident enough getting that close to giant monsters with a dagger, and spears are damn cool, so worth it.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The area is dark and humid. Drops can be heard falling in various parts of the great corridor before me.

"Oh, first of the night." I said as I smiled at my first prey of the day, a gigantic ass rat.

With a few movements of the spear and taking the position to which I have become most accustomed, I propelled myself towards the rat, breaking the floor that was holding me.

'It's fast.'

The rat came closer matching my speed, but I could see her and feel her moving.

'Those points were well spent.'

Pulling from behind, I attack the rat from the side just before intercepting.

She reacted in time, and countered with one of her legs, which, it seems, are damn hard.

'This bloody underground bear is strong.' But not strong enough.

With my current agility and strength, I was able to finish her off with a fast slash in the neck.

Picking up the item left behind, I noticed several red eyes staring at me from the shadows.

"More Exp for the body." Sheess, maybe I'm smiling.

Yep, I'm smiling.

Second chapter of this idea of mine.

New stats:

Level: 20

HP: 2095

PM: 390

Strength: 43

Stamina: 35

Dexterity: 35

Intelligence: 32

Sensory: 30

Points: 0

Give me feedback pls. Hav a gud day.

Mapachefmcreators' thoughts