
Solo Killer Machine

A boy who lost all motivation and kept himself hidden for years without gaining the attention of society since the news of his mother's death at a young age. A boy born with a girlish name given by his birth mother and later grows to be an overweight and useless teenager (or so it was perceived) with unusual eye colour and soft skin like a girl. Being mocked and humiliated as the defect of the Hades family by his half-brother taking the lead. The Hades household are known to be rich and well sought out prestigious household known for being brave and strong but it's a contrary description of Mickaila. A 16 years old boy with no power or ability to protect himself was one day tricked by his older brother and his friends, being suddenly kidnapped and dragged to a unknown ominous forest, severely wounded and left to feed the wolves  but instead of giving up, he stood up onto his two feet and roamed the forest for a safe place to stay for the night and that was when he came upon a cave. A unspeakable chill was coming from within, and for this young boy whose curiosity got the better of him went deeper inside to reveal a magnificent historical fashioned double door, with a tiny touch, the gates opened revealing a large temple like room, statues of different entities that Mikaila never seen before laid in front of him, in the middle laid a stand that held a book. Approaching it, he reached out and with a slight touch, a bright light shone in front of him and the next thing he knows a screen suddenly appears in front of him, |your first mission is to kill the dire wolf that is awaiting you outside of the cave. Failure to do so means death| "Wait, What is this thing? And why is it asking me to kill a wolf? I'm injured god dammit!" "Tsk, whatever I bet it's my mind playing with me." He scoffed whilst making his way outside however the first thing that happened was a bloody blood bath, his body scattered into pieces by the dire wolf,  crimson red blood splattering on the cold green grass, "am I dead?" Mickaila questioned, the voice of the system suddenly popped up into his mind at that exact moment, "tutorial is now over, restarting system... welcome new player, your mission is to kill the dire wolf outside the cave. Failure to do so means death. And this time, it's for real!" ———————————————————— Mickaila faces the same old world, hiding behind the scenes and getting bullied by his brother and his friends for so many years hiding within the Hades family shadow, not using his full strength and intelligence in the world that he lives in. However this soon changes with the revelation of a screen suddenly appearing in front of him with a countdown etched inside until the day of chaos, a unknown system that was suddenly implemented into his mind, not knowing the purpose of it but one thing was for certain which is if he doesn't abide, he either dies or severely punished. What would he do with the years of effort hiding behind the scenes and suddenly he was forced to once again use the abilities he was gifted with since birth? A solo killer machine with no guilt of his actions and a secret that would soon unravel about his existence. IMPORTANT INFO: Be warned future readers, this novel does contain slow romance but it only comes later on within the novel along with MC revealing his system at the beginning (i.e. to his sister in chapter 5) , for those who dislike this then this novel may not be suitable for you. But for those who would proceed in reading, hope you enjoy it. Please leave any comments or power stones. I will try my best to improve my writing and make it as interesting as possible. Thank you : ) (Note: picture doesn’t belong to me and all credit goes to the maker)

Zhen0214 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

21 - mysterious awakener

~2 weeks after the uninvited guests~

~within hunter guild meeting~

The hunters guild meeting is held once every 4 months and at rare occasions, individual guild masters may choose to form a meeting on special or rare occasions concerning the battle they are currently facing.

In total there are 4 fractions, the north, east, south and west. Each fraction currently consist of 1 guild who works together to keep the world at peace.

And since hunters were rare, majority of those that were found would be inherently made a member of one of these 4 guilds, a competition that has been ongoing in gaining more hunters under their name to raise their power.

And just like how the world is, these guilds also have a ranking system. And currently the one in the lead is the north fraction, Dragona guild following it are:

2) East fraction, phoenix guild

3) West fraction, Serenepy guild

4) South fraction, Rose guild

And since it has come to that time where the daily meeting is held, all guild masters along with some high ranking hunters from each individual fraction has come together to discuss the progression of their findings.


"What do you mean the monsters have been dissapearing?" The west guild master fumed as he banged onto the table causing some individuals to flinch with the large sound impact.

"Calm down, we would discuss this matter at hand but for now you should sit." Says the east guild master in attempt to calm down the west guild master who took some time before seating back down.

"So now that everyone is calm, shall we proceed with the meeting." Which everyone nodded in agreement as the west guild master puffed with anger.

"So as I was saying, monsters have been dissapearing from the system lately and the reason is still unknown." One of the hunter from the east guild said whilst the west guild agreed.

"How can this happen, you were at the scenes, there must be something left to give you a clue of what happened." One of the north guild hunters said.

Both the hunters sighed and was also displeased with their findings, as the east fraction's hunter began speaking "yes we should've however...." as he stopped, the west fraction guild hunter took the lead and carried on speaking, "by the time we arrived to the scene, nothing was left except the battle marks that was left on the walls and as you know, as soon as a monster is defeated, they would dissipate into the wind and we have no clue beyond that and who or what happened." He finished leaving a eerie silence within the meeting room.

"Is there a possibility that it was one of your hunters that did it?" The north fraction most leading hunter (Sophia) said.

But both the hunters looked at each other and shook their head in denial, " no, everyone that was at the scenes were battling whilst the rest were still at the base" they replied.

Sophia nodded, "then that only means there is a new hunter upon our midst."

"That seems to be the most conclusive explanation" the north guild master nodded in agreement.

"However, no signs of new awakeners  were found on the radar making this a mystery."

As everyone kept silence, until the east guild master laughed out loud, "well I guess this new awakened hunter is great at hide and seek. Then why don't we play along." Catching everyone's attention, as the north guild master sighed, "you are as childish as ever for an old man." Making the east guild master smirk.

And with that the mystery of this new awakened hunter is still a mystery to be discovered.

~Mickaila out in the mountains~

Mickaila jogged to a stop at the top of the mountain where his daily quest has come to an end, with the past few weeks of extreme exercise, his body has become stronger and more durable along with a decrease in fatigue and an extreme lost of weight. He has also found that his stats would slowly recover by itself after a few seconds of rest by 5 due to the increase of his stamina rather than waiting for a few minutes to recover the same amount. It also helps to know that he doesn't have to  always rely on the healing liquid or status recovery mechanism unless it was of extreme need. Thus as of the moment these have been stocked up in his inventory however for the status recovery, they would expire after 24 hours of not using it which was quite a shame to know about.

And since Rosalia was called back to army base since two weeks ago, Mickaila has took this opportunity to go out at night disguising himself and battling monsters in the dark and escaping through the grasps of hunters to not get discovered.


Name: Mickaila Hades

Species: Human

Level: 24

Job: None

Titles: Troll slayer

HP : 965/ 965

MP: 546/546

Strength: 80

Intelligence: 68

Vitality: 66

Agility: 85

Sense: 83

Luck: 60

Skills: Dagger slasher (lvl 19), Heightened perception (lvl 12), Encase (lvl 10), Detox (lvl 8), fire-blade (lvl 10)

Basic points: 0

Magic types: Darkness, fire 

Coins: 345

With the amount of basic points he has gained over the past two weeks he has rationally allocated it to the relevant stat meter. Despite defeating a few monsters, majority were low ranks and it didn't give enough experience point to level up that much however his skills have took a leap and has become stronger and more accurate in battle which was useful to know.

[Hmmm, one more week left] he sighed knowing how the new academy term was about to start and time was passing quickly. Knowing that Rosalia won't be back till the term starts, it was a great opportunity for Mickaila to head out to the Hallow museum before it will be too late.

Looking up from his system screen, he headed down the mountains towards his home.

~15 minutes later~

Heading straight up into his room, he took a quick shower before changing into another set of comfortable clothing which he brought a few days back since the old ones were too big for him now.

After he was complete with packing the necessities he needed, he headed straight back downstairs where he wore his comfortable trainers and headed through the back in attempt to not be seen on camera another time.

'system, show me the shortest route to Hallow museum.'

Whilst the system processed the potential routes, after a few seconds, the route was imprinted into his mind. He smiled and tucked his head under the hood and wore a mask covering his features with only his eyes out in plain sight. "Now then... monsters here I come!"