
Solitary Vampire

It’s the year 2357 on earth and the world has been at war in a three battlefront against humanoid lizards gifted by magic called dragonkin, aliens that had far more advanced technology called the Xalorians, and the remnants of angels and demons called ShadowFallen.  No to mention the aggressive beasts that roam the universe Through the war humanity has grown too big to stay only on earth, having finally gone to space and occupied planets that one could only dream of, but the universe’s mysteries are far and wide but closer than you may think. Rosaline, a young 16 year old girl, had been given a book to her by her dead parents that had died on the battlefront against the dragonkin before humanity and the Xalorians signed a treaty in the name of ‘preventing’ war and to deal with the powerful dragonkin. Like that treaty had ever stopped war and the Xalorians being hostile towards humanity. But no matter how hard she tries to open the book it wouldn’t give her face, not even pouring acid. But one day just before she goes off to her new military school after middle school, she accidentally poked her hand and a drop of blood fell onto the book.  A system appeared giving her a chance to become stronger, thinking this was a miracle. What she didn't know at the time was that it turned her into something not human. A Vampire. ********************* This novel was inspired by a lot of different media that I have seen so you may see some similarities between them. I will make sure to mention and give credit to the media when that happens. Updates everyday at 16:00 EDT I will probably be able to pick this novel back up again in December of 2026.

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New Martial Arts

Roseline was back in Core Weapons class with Seth during afterschool.

"Let's fight first. It'll be easier for me to decide on one."

Roseline raised her fists up and got ready to fight.

Seth's movements were slow but they seemed to hold some kind of weight to them.

She was the first to start the spar and decreased the distance between them.

She threw a punch at Seth's chest and he blocked by only using his arms.

Roseline tried to get behind Seth's back and had to stop multiple time because of Seth's attacks.

'I need to find a chance. Maybe I will do a faint.'

She got back close to Seth and punch at his right.

Seth went over the block it while Roseline kicked her leg to go to the opposite direction.

With her now finally at Seth's back, Roseline tried to hit Seth's lower neck.

But before she could, Seth turned around a caught her fist.

"That should be enough."

Seth let go of her hand and when over to where martial art books where stored.

He looked around for a bit before picking one up.

Seth came back and gave it to Roseline.

She took a look at it.

It was a black book that had the image of a fist on it.

It's title was 'Shadow Fist'.

"This may be good for you. I noticed that you quite like to get behind people to fight them."


Roseline grabbed the bag ok and read through it.

——— SYSTEM ———

User has learned a new martial art!

Name: Shadow Fist

Martial art progress: 5%


The System has registered Shadoq Fist and Roseline closed the book.

She looked back at Seth and bowed slightly.

"Thank you Mr. Fang."

This was a habit that Seth had beat into not just her, but everyone in the classroom.

She left and Seth looked at her back.

He thought back on his teacher and felt it was only proper that he guide Roseline.

That is, as long as she didn't endanger humanity.

Roseline on the other hand, was thinking about the new martial art she had just gotten.

'It works nicely for me.'

The marital art had a lot to do with hiding intent and doing a job quickly, it was very assassin like.

Together with Shadow blink, it works quite well.

Roseline speed walked back to the dorm and dropped the book in her bed once she entered.

'I should practice this, but I need actual people to perfect this.'

Roseline decided that she would first practice normally until the understanding of it reached 50%.

Then she will look for someone to practice that with.

And when she met by someone, she met by Lucas.

She didn't know anyone else other than Lucas and Emma that could keep up in a fight with her, and she just knew instinctively that Emma would refuse to spar with her.

So, Lucas was the only option.

'Should I look for him now?'

Roseline thought about it for a moment before shaking her head.

'Nah, I'll do that tomorrow. I want to sleep now more than anything.'

Roseline showered,changed, and ate a snack before going to bed and closing her eyes.





A shield blocked all of the attack that came in it's way.

A spear kept trying to get pass it's defenses and somewhat failed everytime.

A blinding light covered the shield and an invisible wall was up.

The light was to mess with the attacker's vision and the invisible wall was to stop them.

Training robots came out from behind and went over to Lucas.

Lucas was currently sparring with Iris.

Iris was a shield user, an of the worse kind too if you were her enemy.

Because her affinities match up well with shields.

They were Spirit and Light.

Iris's brother didn't have the Light affinity and the WhiteHeart hadn't seen it in a person for a while so she learned a bit about it from Atlas.

His teachings could sometimes be seen in Iris's fighting style.

Letting the shield up slightly above ground, Iris ran and the shield infront, becoming like a bull charging towards Lucas.

Lucas used a teleportation spell to avoid it and threw his spear to Iris's back.

Iris turned her back and used the side of the huge shield to swing at the spear and broke it in half.

Iris had more experience when it came to fighting because she had been here before Lucas.

She could easily dodge whatever attack he could send out.

But she wasn't able to hit Lucas either because of his space affinity.

With the way she attacked now, Lucas was able to have time to make a teleportation spell and use it.

They were at a draw.

They couldn't one up each other, so they chose to stop there.

Aiden was watching from the side and was slightly scared of the intensity of it.

Iris glanced at Lucas before thinking.

'The space affinity truly is terrifying if properly trained and used.'

She sighed and went up to Lucas.

"Ah ha, that was a good sparring match,


"Yes it was." Lucas nodded to Iris.

Lucas looked at Aiden and called him over.

"HEY! It's time for your turn to spar."

Aiden gathered his courage and walked up to Lucas.

Before this, they had actually talked about Aiden's future weapon.

In the past, he didn't have one because he had to learn the affinity gifted to him by the military.

But now he had completed learning it.

Having a weapon was a must have.

"Hmmm… maybe get a grimoire."


"Yeah, one of those floating magic books that mages use. I don't know much about

Them. You should probably look for a teacher that does know about them."

Aiden thought about it while Lucas when back to chat with Iris a bit.

"He's going to be a mage? Those are kinda rare nowadays."

"He's a earth affinity awaken the using golems to fight, I think it's a perfect match."

"Well alright then."

Lucas turned back to Aiden and Aiden agreed to being a mage.

After making that decision, Aiden and Lucas went on to spar for a while.

Thank you for the power stones! Comment and critique my work. I hope you guys have a great day, evening, or night!

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