
Soldier Boy: Marvel

follow Daniel in his jorney on the MCU world while he becomes the best "hero". ***I DON'T OWN ANY CHARACTERS OR NOTHING JUST OC***

Forseti_0 · TV
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18 Chs

A gift from a friend.

Ch. 9 a gift from a friend.


I cannot believe what I am hearing. My father is Captain America, this changes all of my plans, I need to think about this opportunity, now I have the number one public hero of my time has a father.

'Wait a minute. This has its fair share of risk too. The entire world still wants the super-soldier formula, hell even in modern times on marvel people still tried to replicate the serum. However, it is a fact that I cannot change. Steve Rogers is my dad, so adapt or die, I have to make the most of this news.'

Lorraine seeing my silence holds my hand and lightly squeezes it. "I know it's a lot to process son, but I also know that you're my smart and beautiful boy, so you'll understand what I have to say next."

I focus on Lorraine and look her in the eyes; she gets down on my level and asks with a serious face. "Have you notice something different about yourself lately?"

I know what she asking me, do you have powers. I was a caught little off guard by that question and genuinely did not know what to say for a second. "I- mom I don't- " I didn't plan to tell her about my powers so soon, but life is funny like that.

"It is ok honey, you can tell me anything."

I take a breath, she already suspect something so denying is only going to make her worry that I do not trust her, it's always better to have an answer.

"I didn't know how to tell you, but I'm strong." She is expecting something and super strength is super-soldier 101 so let go with that, too much power scares people. A boy who can blow up a building with nuclear blasts and is invulnerable is a little much, but a super strong boy we can accept.

Lorraine smiles at me. "It's ok honey, your dad was strong too. He used that strength to help people and fight for what he believed was right. Many people loved your father. One of these people was a friend that gave me this."

She points at the box on the table. "This belong to your father, he used it on his first mission and save his best friend with it. Now it's yours."

I went to the box and opened it. Inside was the first shield of Captain America I could see the dents of bullets and where the Red skull punch it.

[Cap first shield]

"Wow it's beautiful mom, dad used this on the war? Who gave it to you?"

I have a few candidates who could give this to her but when Lorraine told me it was a 'she' that only left one woman.

"You will met her someday but she was a close friend of your father, and loved him very much."

I nod and take the shield out of the box, it's a kite shield painted with the American flag straps and three stars on top.

'Kind of reminds me of soldier boy shield, I like soldier boy shield from the boy a lot and it's better in combat, I can use the tip of the shield as a weapon and it slimier.'

I don't need to throw my shield like a fucking boomerang, I'll just shoot someone if I need to, the shield is more of a symbol, you see a shield you think of defense, protection and someone protecting you is better equip with a shield over a sword or axe.

"Son I told you this because you need to know, but it's our secret ok, you can't tell anyone. Not even your grandparents, you need to be careful, promise me you won't tell who your father is or that you are strong ok."

"Ok mom, you don't have to worry I won't tell anyone, I'll protect you."

I say that seriously, I will not let anyone hurt Lorraine or my family. They are good people that have loved and taken care of me for 10 years, its time I start taking care of them. I can stop pretending I'm normal around my mom, and can even use this has an excuse to start acting like myself more, it's exhausting to act like a 10 year old.

Lorraine smile and hug me. "Let's protect each other honey. We better practice from now on, and I want to see how strong my little man is."

After the talk with Lorraine, she showed me the hidden bunker, it is a fucking bunker under the house, even if a little small it serves as a shelter, it has MREs and I could see a locker in it, probably guns.

When it was time to sleep Lorraine gave a goodnight kiss and put me to bed, now that I was alone I could start to think about all of this.

'Captain America won't come back in time. I won't let Thanos get the infinity stones so he won't have a reason to. In addition, that friend that loved dad is definitely agent Carter, I love her character, she is hot and can kick ass. Her series for what I remember is canon and she should still be single.'

I stop myself from thinking with my dick and focus on the real problem.

'It 1955 so the Vietnam war is about to start, plus if agent Carter is here that means Dottie Underwood and the Black Widow program are in action. This is bad, in a few years, they are going to be a headache, but I can use this. There is going to be other super-soldier experiments so I cannot show myself carelessly I need allies and powerful ones at that.

I need to make Peggy love me more than she loved Steve. she is one of the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a beautiful woman so win-win for love. And I need Howard Stark too he is the moneyman and a genius beyond his time.'

Like that, I slept thinking of the future and trying to make plans for everything, tomorrow was going to be a new day, and I would start to spend more time with Lorraine, I like her a lot.



I'm in a house in Houston, I invented a reason to come here, but I can't stay for much longer or people will wonder what I'm doing, I swear I have more work and enemies now than when I was a agent, and I can't even shoot the idiots anymore. With the Russians gaining more ground on Europe and South America, tensions are high, and that shit storm stating in Vietnam has congress hectic, talks about war are all I hear, the problem is with who. Half want to nuke Russia, the other want to find more allies in Asia by seeding weapons.


'I miss you Steve, in times like this, I want you on my side, just talking would be enough.' I take a picture from the desk and see a little boy smiling at the camera while riding a bicycle. 'You have a son, and he is like you, special.'

I won't let they drag him in this game, so many people died for a vial of Steve's blood, what would happen if they knew he has a son. The leviathan and red room are a threat; I cannot even trust our governed. I need people I trust, now more than ever. It has been a while since I visited Jarvis, I'll call him and arrange a meeting and if Howard is there it's even better.

(The vote for Lorraine as a harem member ends monday so go to ch. 8 and vote please!)

New chapter and the first arc is about to beggin!!!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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