
Sold? Oh please.

COMPLETED Jessie Marin is a popular and successful actress at the peak of her career. Until she is in a staged accident and the rest of the world thinks she's dead when in fact she's kidnapped and sold in a trafficking ring to the highest bidder. Jason Kang a wealthy business tycoon, invited by his friends to the auction house, does not intend to buy anyone. In fact, he thinks it's a disgusting thing, changes his mind when he sets his eyes on Jessie. The only problem is he fell in love with her body. Nobody, not the kidnappers or the bidders knew her identity, what happens when Jason finds out? How does he intend to keep a woman who will not be kept? And what happens when a common enemy arises? ~~~ "So what are you going to do? Yes, I escaped or rather tried too, what are you going to do?" Jessie sassed at him. Jason grinned "you're not in the least scared of me are you?" he asked. "Should I be?" Jessie laughed. "You definitely should," He said flipping over and trapping her beneath his own body. "You forget" he continued "You are a captive in this house, not a guest, not a visitor. And you won't take a step out unless I say so. So I advise you to rather stop defying me and behave." "Or what? You'll hit me?" she scoffed. "Oh, honey there are worse punishments than physical abuse," Jason said. Jessie wanted to believe he was bluffing but they were a danger, a deep rage that she saw in his eyes that terrified her. Did she want to find out what was worse than a beating? She bit her lips and tried to push him off her, but he grabbed her arms and held them above her head. Pinning them above her head with one hand and gripped her neck with his other hand. "Don't push me, Jessie, I'm trying, really trying to be good. Be careful with that pretty mouth of yours." Jason warned. "You're trying? I haven't had a proper meal in the last three days, I have no clothes and I'm sorry but I'm I supposed to look at the ceiling all day? There is nothing to do in this house." she snarled. "You say there are worse things than physical abuse what else could you possibly take from me?" Jason smiled and tilted his head as she uttered her last words. Dipping his head he sniffed her hair. Coming down lower and biting her ear lobe. He loved the way she shivered at the contact. "Oh dear Jess, there a lot of things I can take from you" He whispered in her ear. Dragging his nose the expanse of the smooth clear skin of her long neck. When he placed a feather-light kiss on her collar bone she struggled beneath him. But she was not strong enough to break out of his grip. ~~~ Feel free to message anytime on discord @ Obliviousstudent#2356. I do not own the book cover, credits to the artist.

Obliviousstudent · Urban
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380 Chs

22. Crossing the line.

Jamie Anderson walked home after a long day I the office contemplating strongly within himself.

'Should I have fought harder? Perhaps I shouldn't have given in so easily' he thought. This was the first time he allowed himself be influenced into letting a case go just like that. Everything from the investigation, evidence and prosecution was absolutely wrong. He didn't want to let it go but what could he do? He wasn't the prosecutor neither was he in charge. He constantly tried to convince himself constantly that he wasn't to blame there was nothing he could do, but why couldn't he get rid of the weight on his chest then?


He looked up and saw Lenora sitting in front of his house. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"What does it look like? I was waiting for you." She said, standing up.

"Well, I have nothing to say to you so please leave." He said curtly.

She sighed " Well I have something to say to you."

"I don't want to hear it, so go." He said firmly.

"No. Jamie please listen to me, I-"

"Stop! What else do you want? What lie are you going to tell me now? Look we ended things a long time ago let it remain that way, hmm. Reporter Ju." He said.

"Reporter Ju? Jamie, now your speaking formally to me?" She asked in disbelief.

"What? Does it confuse you? Why? That's all we were anyway, and even after everything I was foolish enough to believe you again." He scoffed.

"Jamie, how long are you going to be mad? Yes I admit I took information from your laptop but I didn't use it, you don't know the mess I got into in the office because I stopped a story that we had exclusively. Besides it was still the exact thing I took that you released to the press." She explained.

"And so!" He yelled. "Does that justify the fact that you still betrayed my trust? Huh! What do you want? Do you want me to be thankful, oh I'm so grateful for what you did, at least this time you had the decency to not put my job in jeopardy again is that it?"

"Jamie" she said softly but the tone of warning was there.

But Jamie ignored it and continued "I should have known that people don't change. You were such a conniving person back then what makes you any different now."

"You're crossing the line."

"Oh yeah? If you're truly sorry you'll automatically filter my words." He stated bluntly.

Lenora bit her lips and blinked back the tears that threatened to fall, clearing her throat she spoke. "I promise I did not come to you that day with an ulterior motive, but I saw it and I couldn't help myself. I realise that I made a mistake and nothing can justify what I did but I am really sorry."

He nodded. "You're right nothing can justify what you did. And even if you didn't come to me with ulterior motives, when you first approached me you weren't sincere."

"You're right, but that doesn't mean I didn't love you, and besides you also weren't sincere with me." She said.

"Yes, but I was truthful. I told you how things were at the beginning you took advantage of me." He said.

"Alright then, I'm an incredibly horrible person I agree. But please listen to me, it is about the Jessie Marin case."

"That case is already closed. I don't have the permission nor interest in talking about it further and especially not with you." He said.

"Come on, you can't say you aren't also interested in that case. If I know you well, there's no way you okay with the conclusion. Something is fishy, I can't do it alone I need help please investigate this with me."

"I already told you this case is closed and it's done. Besides it's not as if you really care for the victims. All you want is a nice little scoop" He said walking past her to his door.

"Detective Anderson, I know you better than that. You and I both know this case is deeper than a dead murderous actress. Don't play hard to get now because I know you're itching to investigate and get to the bottom line." She said turning to face him.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble Lenora but you are own your own. I was that man too, but somebody changed me. Now I'm just a pushover with no power." He said without facing her. "Go home." He said walking into his house.

"Jamie! Jamie! Don't do this, please I really need your help. Jamie!" She yelled. Groaning when she heard his door slam.


So what is the history between these two? What do you guys think?

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