
Sold? Oh please.

COMPLETED Jessie Marin is a popular and successful actress at the peak of her career. Until she is in a staged accident and the rest of the world thinks she's dead when in fact she's kidnapped and sold in a trafficking ring to the highest bidder. Jason Kang a wealthy business tycoon, invited by his friends to the auction house, does not intend to buy anyone. In fact, he thinks it's a disgusting thing, changes his mind when he sets his eyes on Jessie. The only problem is he fell in love with her body. Nobody, not the kidnappers or the bidders knew her identity, what happens when Jason finds out? How does he intend to keep a woman who will not be kept? And what happens when a common enemy arises? ~~~ "So what are you going to do? Yes, I escaped or rather tried too, what are you going to do?" Jessie sassed at him. Jason grinned "you're not in the least scared of me are you?" he asked. "Should I be?" Jessie laughed. "You definitely should," He said flipping over and trapping her beneath his own body. "You forget" he continued "You are a captive in this house, not a guest, not a visitor. And you won't take a step out unless I say so. So I advise you to rather stop defying me and behave." "Or what? You'll hit me?" she scoffed. "Oh, honey there are worse punishments than physical abuse," Jason said. Jessie wanted to believe he was bluffing but they were a danger, a deep rage that she saw in his eyes that terrified her. Did she want to find out what was worse than a beating? She bit her lips and tried to push him off her, but he grabbed her arms and held them above her head. Pinning them above her head with one hand and gripped her neck with his other hand. "Don't push me, Jessie, I'm trying, really trying to be good. Be careful with that pretty mouth of yours." Jason warned. "You're trying? I haven't had a proper meal in the last three days, I have no clothes and I'm sorry but I'm I supposed to look at the ceiling all day? There is nothing to do in this house." she snarled. "You say there are worse things than physical abuse what else could you possibly take from me?" Jason smiled and tilted his head as she uttered her last words. Dipping his head he sniffed her hair. Coming down lower and biting her ear lobe. He loved the way she shivered at the contact. "Oh dear Jess, there a lot of things I can take from you" He whispered in her ear. Dragging his nose the expanse of the smooth clear skin of her long neck. When he placed a feather-light kiss on her collar bone she struggled beneath him. But she was not strong enough to break out of his grip. ~~~ Feel free to message anytime on discord @ Obliviousstudent#2356. I do not own the book cover, credits to the artist.

Obliviousstudent · Urban
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380 Chs

21. Rage.

Jason drove as fast as he could, he was sure he went past a few stop signs but he couldn't care less. He reached the address or rather as close as he could get but they was a massive crowd outside the houses that he had to park a block away. Getting down he strained his eyes to see if he would sight Jessie. Although no sensible person would see this kind of crowd and remain. 'But Jessie isn't sensible' a small voice said and he agreed. If anything that woman was incredibly impulsive and she didn't think about consequences.

He removed his phone and called Paul. "Call the police, I'm close to her house but there a large crowd of people rioting."

"Did you see her?" Katherine asked.

"Is this on loudspeaker?" Jason asked. "I don't want to speak to you Katherine."

"Well neither do I but what can I do, the life of an innocent woman is in danger." She said.

"Paul." Jason warned.

"Sorry it's off loudspeaker." Paul said after a few seconds.

"Call the cops and come here asap I need an extra pair of eye... wait nevermind I can see her." Jason said when he saw Jessie struggling to get away from the angry mob behind her.

"Call the cops right now!!" He screamed tossing his phone to the side and jumping out of the car, when he saw her fall.

Were this people crazy? Her head was literally bleeding and they kept throwing things at her. He had never felt so angry in his life. Seeing her sitting there holding her ankle and hugging her knees to herself, he felt such rage. Felt an urge to kill each and everyone throwing things at her, he ran as fast as he could to her. Going on his knees and sliding to shield her from the flying eggs and tomatoes. When a stone hit his shoulder the only thing he could think was how horrible it must have been for her.

Jessie began to struggle aganist him. He held her closer.

"Jessie, Jess it's me, it's me."

"Jason?" She said weakly.

"Yes, you're safe now, you're safe." He said.

The police finally arrived and the crowd began to scatter. Jason put his arm under her knee and the other under her arm and picked her up. Carrying her to the car. After he put her in the car sit he walked over to the other side shedding off his jacket, he tossed it on the road.

Got in and turned on the car, he dialed Paul's number.

"Jason did you see her?" Paul asked.

"Yeah she's right here beside me, make sure no one escapes they are all going to pay for this." He said driving off.


"No way!" Krystal exclaimed. Jonathan looked at her from the side of his eyes. She stared into her phone with wide eyes and jaw dropped.

She quickly dialed on her phone and put the phone by the side of her face. "Pick up, pick up, pick up." She mumbled.

"Oh thank goodness what took you so long?!" She asked when the receiver finally answered.

"Where were you? Oh my gosh, you would not believe what happened today." The caller said through the phone.

"Tell me, what's on you instagram? Jessie's alive?" She asked.

Jonathan turned to look at her instantly.

"Apparently not, they said it's her look alike. But I couldn't tell a difference I swear Krystal." The caller sighed.

"So what then? Where is this woman now?" Krystal asked.

"I don't know the crowd went all crazy at her, it was bad Krystal. They threw eggs, tomatoes and even stones at her."

"Oh my gosh, the poor thing. She must have gotten hurt." Krystal said.

"She did. But some guy came and took her. Before the crowd could actually get to her, she was very lucky. Then the police came."

"So where are you now?" Krystal asked.

"That's the thing, I'm in the station. I might need you to come bail me out."

"You're what! Karen! How could you be so reckless" She scolded her little sister. "How the hell I'm I supposed to find the money now?" She whispered looking to check if Jonathan was listening.

"But Unni, you have to get me out." Her sister whined. "I can't sleep in a jail cell tonight, please. I didn't do anything wrong I promise, I didn't even throw anything at the woman."

"But what can I do? We just paid the rent I don't have any money!" Her sister yelled, forgetting that she was not alone in the elevator. "Why, why why? Why would you get arrested? Haven't I taught you anything? When you in that kind of situation, run away from the crowd or find somewhere to hide. Oh goodness you're still not cut out to be a fan girl. Aigoo!" She said pulling her out of frustration.

"What station is she?" Jonathan asked.

Krystal slowly turned to look at Jonathan, bitting her lip and silently cursing herself for being so reckless.

"It doesn't matter really, you don't have to worry." Krystal said nervously.

"So you're going to let your friend spend the night in prison?" He asked, with an amused expression on his face.

"Actually my little sister and she should suffer to learn" She pouted. "It's not like she doesn't deserve it." She muttered under her breath, but Jonathan heard her just fine.

"Come on, let's go. You may be able to sleep this night but I can't go to bed knowing there's a little girl spending the night in prison like a criminal."

"Seriously sir, you don't have to do this." Krystal said follwing him as they walked out of the elevator in the basement where his car was parked.

"Well I'm doing it. And didn't your mother train you to say thank you and not say no when someone does you a favour?" He said.

"Isn't that not refusing gifts? And no my mother didn't tell me that because she died when I was little. " Krystal said matter of factly.

Jonathan stopped in his tracks and Krystal had to stumble to stop in time not to bump into him.

"I'm sorry I didn't realise." He said softly.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. I never really knew her, it's not a big deal." She shrugged.

Jonathan nodded. "Let's go to the station." He said walking to the car, wondering what on the world he would do if he didn't have his mother.

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