
Solace: a Scavenger’s Story

I’m sorry but the first two chapters are out of order!

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15 Chs

Wraith in Darkness

The swollen hope in Rey's chest almost caved in as she felt a dark presence; more menacing than the first visit. Her travel through the dark opening also seemed to take far longer than she realized. Her body was wrapped in invisible dark tentacles; seductively suspending her through time and space. Finally bursting through a world of water, she sought safety on a dark blue sandy shoreline. As she caught her breath, the sand shimmered all around her like bioluminescence; her own personal moonlight. Rey struggled to stand up and fully collect herself for a few seconds as she surveyed the strange dark cave for any signs of danger.

Visibly shaking from being wet and cold, Rey stumbled around in the dark looking for the ice mirror she had seen once before but nothing looked familiar to her. A new hope clouted the darkness trying to entangle her mind as she ignited her brilliant gold lightsaber. "I have a bad feeling about this," she said quietly to herself.

She fought to keep her mind quiet and the ever constant hum of her lightsaber and it's warm glow kept her company. "Where the kriff am I?"She wondered out loud. She knew with a deep sense of dread that  she was no longer on Achto.  Succeeding to conceal her fear on the outside, she ventured on towards menacing spires of stone and gravel. A small fracture of light suddenly cracked across the landscape as if a sun was on the rise. Rey could now see some of her surroundings but only faintly. She appeared to be on the outside of ancient ruined city.

The crack of light grew slightly larger; slowly illuminating the dark ominous ruins. Rey proceeded with perfect precaution because she had yet to locate the source of dark energy that brought her here. Lingering in all the darkness behind her, the dark force seemed to be tracking her progress throughout the unknown world.

Rey looked around with more intrigue than fear; almost more excited to explore the decay and wreckage-like a scavenger. Though crumbling into ruin, she knew that this had once been a great and beautiful city. Amongst all these visions of former grandeur, Rey still felt an evil and violent presence. Shivering again, the wind wrapped her up in a sea salty embrace. The feeling of ocean was reminiscent of the planet Kef Bir where she'd met the darker version of herself on the fallen Death Star. The place where she battled Kylo in the waves; where she killed Ben and then saved him. This was NOT Kef Bir she decided. Thinking of Ben really rejuvenated Rey as she reached the edge of the city, which was indeed alongside a dark but gently waving sea. Wordlessly, she asked the force for more guidance as she purposely lost herself in the mesmerizing glassy water that slowly crept up the shore.

Rey could not resist the sudden tears that streamed across her cheeks as her request for guidance still remained unanswered. Unabashedly she stood, meditating there with her back to the ruins and staring off into the barely illuminated Black Sea. The dark force itself still lingering in a cloud above her; out of sight but NOT out of mind. Rey actively chose to barely acknowledge its existence until she could learn more about her situation. Once again, she reached across the sea with her feelings as the cloud above her grew darker and began to spiral into the ground behind her.

An icy blast of wind forced Rey to turn around to meet the dark cloud that had manifested itself into a mysterious hooded figure; which stood taller than her and completely shrouded in darkness. A black glove promptly ignited a red lightsaber, it was similar to a Sith lightsaber but not hilted like Kylo's saber. Rey was already twirling her own saber; every nerve in her body exploding with energy. The cloaked figure's face remained hidden as gold and red sabers crashed against each other; the first blow simultaneously blocked with skill on both sides. The opponents were equally matched as they danced with fate and chased one another back into the dark ruins. Rey recalled all her former battles with Kylo and she swore that the fighting style was so familiar! Spellbound in the moment, neither said a word but continued to lock lightsabers until Rey finally cried out "Who are you!" Peering into the dark hood she saw nothing but darkness.  The hooded figure roared back in murderous laughter which seemed to bounce off the crumbling towers and dead landscape around them.

Rey somehow found the courage to swallow her inner terror and asked the force to be with her.