
Solace: a Scavenger’s Story

I’m sorry but the first two chapters are out of order!

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Awake on Achto

Her eyes slowly opened. Dawn was barely breaking on Achto. The first light of the morning slashed through the darkness like a lightsaber. Her spine was frozen solid from the rock-hard stone slab bed. She chose to lie there and absorb what little remnants of sleep that still lingered in the edges of her weary mind. Squeezing her eyes tightly closed as if Light itself would pry them open. Despite popular belief, Rey did not mind the Dark. She didn't mind it at all.

She clung to the cozy dark depths that always reminded her of his black magic eyes that hunted for her, needed her; to join him. The thought itself was so intoxicating it actually physically jarred Rey wide awake. Sadly she once again let her eyes be pierced by the lightsabers of dawn. Somehow she managed to rise and get dressed and whip her hair up into her famous triple set of buns. HE was gone-but not forever?? What the kriff was this supposed to mean!?

His raspy voice had reached out to her sometimes in quiet moments but only said "Rey." Each rich timbre and tone of Ben's voice was like a lucid dream. Over and over again but leaving her questions unanswered. No clues. No dagger. No sign of her soulmate to be found. She sighed heavily; seemingly carrying the very weight of the galaxy in that solo breath.

A very cute interruption of excited droid beeps came rolling into the cold damp hut. Rey spent a few minutes trying to calm the droid down and understand the crazy orange and white ball that had stolen such a big chunk of the scavenger girl's heart. BB-8 was one of the few friends she had left after deciding to seek out the world between worlds and bring back Ben. The lovable droid had been working with Chewbacca on the Falcons navigation system and they discovered a hidden holotape in the database. An older message from Leia Organa to Han Solo.

Rey practically charged out of the hut with BB-8 in tow. The poor Astromech droid awkwardly scaling the slippery stone steps as they were covered in ocean spray and morning dew. Waiting for the silly little droid at the bottom was a very different Rey. Excited and refreshed, she finished the trail down to the Millennium Falcon which was actually gleaming in the morning sun. She could hear a Wookiees' version of cursing coming from inside the ship.

Rey shook her head and smiled as she climbed up and found the Fuzzball in the cockpit. Once inside, she could hear an aggressive buzz coming from the main console. Apparently the act of downloading the holotape was a bit too hard on the outdated ship's central processor. Rey and Chewie had done a few tricks and upgrades to keep the old gear alive but this was a bit too extra.

Another blast of Wookiee frustration was satisfied after his big furry paw came crashing down on the console. Rey laughed hard but also scolded him like she would a brother "Chewie!!" He chirped at her apologetically but also pointed out that the buzzing had ceased. Just then the familiar blue glow of the holotape clicked on with an image of a young beautiful Leia; playing with a baby Ben. There was no sound but Leia appeared to be trying to say something. Her face was wrinkled with worries but also serene; seemingly for young Ben. The hologram abruptly stopped because the outdated software was unable to support it any longer.

Just as Chewbacca reached out to turn it off a voice comes through loud and clear; Leia's voice. It was another jolt through Rey's body like when she thought of Ben this morning. Leia's voice came in clear as the crystal foxes on Crait: "Everything you do, everywhere you go; you have the hope of the galaxy with you." Some more loud buzzing ensued and then sparks! Smoke and Wookiee roars filled the cockpit. Rey quickly extinguished the small fire with a nearby blanket. This proceeded to set off another series of Wookiee ranting because Rey had used his blanket; not only did she forget to ask but she slightly burned it. Just then a familiar sound stopped them both in their tracks. Like the cooing of a deranged pigeon: a random porg appeared with his head poking out of an outlet overhead.

To be continued...

This is Chapter 1

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