
Social phobia and the rock of loneliness

Without simulators and systems, you are the plug-in. I have learned one thing from my short life: the more you are content, the less you can get! (What do you want to say?!) So, I want to be a pervert! ... But it seems that it is okay to be not so perverted. Ishikawa Hayabusa, who was dressed in a white suit, looked back at the four girls behind him who were wearing pure white wedding dresses, looking at him helplessly or expectantly. Links for tip - https://paypal.me/RamanPal183 Patreon- https://patreon.com/Love4anime281 Special credit to @0404

Love4anime · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

I am a pervert

 A mediocre life and work, facing people I don't want to face.

  What we look forward to every day is an unchanging tomorrow, because change is usually not a good thing.

  Although it has been polished smooth, the rough sandpaper is still creating new scratches and continuing to polish.

  In the past, I could rely on animation and games to numb myself, but gradually, these spiritual nourishment could no longer satisfy the growing void.


  Amid this tired sigh, a dazzling and heavy light was approaching, and the shrill and panicked horn sounded louder and louder until...


  Ishikawa Hayabusa opened his eyes.

  At that moment, his eyes lit up, he threw off the quilt and jumped off the bed.

  He put his hands on his hips and raised his head and shouted.

  "Today, I am also perverted enough!"

  "Brother! It's so noisy!"

  In the next room, his sister was shouting and complaining.

  But as a pervert, how can you just accept complaints without responding?

  Ishikawa Hayabusa opened his door like lightning, rushed into his younger sister's room who was in the third grade of junior high school without saying a word, and pointed at his sister who had just got out of bed and was still in her pajamas.

  "Foolish sister, how dare you resist me as your brother?"

  Ishikawa Hayabusa's movements are graceful and his handsome face is full of integrity.

  She was just wearing light blue pajamas.

  As the younger sister, Ishikawa Hibiki's face turned red in an instant, not because of embarrassment, but because of anger.

  With a brother like this, she won't have to worry about low blood pressure in her life.

  "You! Get out of here!"

  She shouted and grabbed the nearest hard object without saying a word, stood up, took a small step back, and used her strength as the president of the ballet club to kick high, accumulate strength and quickly throw the alarm clock after landing.

  Throwing alarm clocks at speeds up to 100km/h!

  Clock throwwwww~!


  Ishikawa Hayabusa steadily caught the alarm clock thrown at his face, put it on the ground, looked up with a smile, and walked out triumphantly.

  He even closed the door.

  Walking back to his room, Falcon changed into his school uniform. The dark brown suit-style uniform was not enough to highlight his handsomeness.

  But he still raised his head with satisfaction and picked up the handbag.

  "The second stage of perverted evolution, high school student, has begun!"


  Ishikawa Hayabusa walked down from the second floor.

  As someone who had experienced a bad life, he decided to live a different life.

  If he continues to be timid like in the past and does not resist the things that are suffocating him.

  Then no matter how many lifetimes you live, you are just a bug.

  A tiny, insignificant insect that works hard.

  "Good morning! Mom and Dad, this is a greeting from a perverted high school student."

  Ishikawa Hayabusa walked down the stairs and raised his hand to greet his parents who were sitting at the dining table, one reading a newspaper and the other drinking coffee.

  "Good morning, Falcon."

  His mother didn't care about his strange remarks at all and responded to him softly.


  His father nodded.

  After years of his abnormal remarks, the two of them have become accustomed to this slightly abnormal greeting.

  Ishikawa Hayabusa sat at the dining table and started to eat breakfast, and soon after, Ishikawa Hibiki also came down.

  When she saw her brother sitting at the dining table, her brows jumped, and she walked over with hesitation and sat next to him.

  But he silently moved his chair away from the pervert.

  Ishikawa Hayabusa, who was eating toast with sweet ketchup, noticed the movement of the chair and turned to look at his sister, who was wearing a long autumn and winter school uniform and black tights on her legs.

  He held out his hand, smiled and gave a thumbs up.

  Instantly, Ishikawa Hibiki shuddered and looked at her parents with horror.

  Her parents turned a blind eye to it.

  For his own safety, Ishikawa Hibiki prepared to divert the trouble away.

  "When will pervert brother get a girlfriend?"

  The father, who was obsessed with his daughter, didn't even look up from the newspaper headline and just echoed the words.

  "It's hard to meet a girl you like after high school."

  "Mom agrees too. Falcon, please stop being so perverted and crazy. Girls will be scared away."

  Facing the siege of three people, Falcon drank the coffee and swallowed the last bit of bread.

  He stood up.

  "In two months, I will show you the power of the Harem King!"

  After saying that, he walked towards his parents confidently.

  "A goodbye kiss from a high school student!"

  Amid their helpless yet relieved expressions, he kissed them on the face one by one.

  Finally, he walked towards his sister, and regardless of her frightened look and desperate resistance, he kissed her on the face. Finally, he picked up his schoolbag and walked to the entrance.

  "Good afternoon! This is an advance greeting from a pervert! Bye."

  "Bon voyage~"

  His mother said goodbye to him with a smile.

  As he walked out of his house, Ishikawa Hayabusa raised his hand generously to greet the neighbor grandfather who was watering the flowers nearby.

  "Good morning, Grandpa. Please give me your granddaughter's LINE number!"

  "She's only 7 years old, how can she do that? Get out of here, you little brat!"

  Hearing the neighbor's grandfather's laughter and scolding, Ishikawa Hayabusa smiled and quickened his pace.

  He greeted everyone he knew on the way, and in response to his ordinary perverted greeting, some people didn't care about the perverted part at all and responded with a smile, some complained, and some even responded in a similar tone to him.

  He also smiled all the way.

  Until he saw a girl standing in front of the window, the smile on his face turned into surprise.

  "So that's how it is..."


  Although he has knowledge from his previous life and various literary works, Ishikawa Hayabusa doesn't really want to use them.

  He wants to live a different life here, relying on himself.

  Maybe bad things will happen, maybe you will fail, maybe you will hit rock bottom again.

  But he felt that if he took the works of others from his memory as a layer of bricks on his own tower of success, wouldn't he become the kind of person he hated the most in the past?

  Get money by any means necessary and usurp the efforts of others to gain status for yourself.

  Maybe he thought a little radically, but he had his own pride.

  He doesn't want to be corrupted.

  He has lost everything, but what if he also lost the last bottom line in his heart?

  So what does he have left?

  Therefore, he has been living an ordinary life for the past ten years. Although he is a bit of a genius and occasionally writes novels with novel plots to earn some pocket money, he has always been ordinary.

  But this did not suit his idea.

  How on earth is he going to live differently?

  He kept thinking.

  Today, when he saw the girl wearing a pink tracksuit, carrying a guitar, with various band pendants on her hands and several band badges on her bag, he suddenly had an idea.

  He knew, no, it should be said that he might know this girl.

  If he guessed correctly, her name was Goto Ichiri, a person with severe social anxiety, a character he knew from anime games in the past.

  At this moment, standing right in front of him.

  Vivid and three-dimensional.

  He looked at the mirror with some anticipation and an incomprehensible smile on his face, but after his eyes turned away, his face suddenly tensed and he walked forward with stiff movements.

  Ah, I was discovered.

  Ishikawa Hayabusa didn't feel guilty at all for staring at the girl for a long time and scaring her.

  Instead, he followed her slowly.

  "As a pervert, stalking should be normal."

  Ishikawa Hayabusa thought about it and felt that this was very reasonable, so he followed Goto Ichiri who was becoming more and more nervous without paying any attention to him.