
Social phobia and the rock of loneliness

Without simulators and systems, you are the plug-in. I have learned one thing from my short life: the more you are content, the less you can get! (What do you want to say?!) So, I want to be a pervert! ... But it seems that it is okay to be not so perverted. Ishikawa Hayabusa, who was dressed in a white suit, looked back at the four girls behind him who were wearing pure white wedding dresses, looking at him helplessly or expectantly. Links for tip - https://paypal.me/RamanPal183 Patreon- https://patreon.com/Love4anime281 Special credit to @0404

Love4anime · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Declaration of Independence

  What...what should I do? I'm being followed!

  Goto Ichiri nervously quickened his pace, but...

  He also quickened his pace!!

  Yili felt a life-and-death crisis and thought desperately.

  That person was wearing the same school uniform as hers, so he should be just going to school normally... No! Then why did he speed up when I quickened my pace?

  Could it be...that he saw the band peripherals she was wearing and came up to chat with her?

  Yili stopped and looked back stiffly and vigilantly, but his head was like a stuck gear, unable to move at all.

  Can not be done!!

  It was too difficult to turn around and ask others something. If she was denied, her existence would disappear completely!

  During the three years of high school, I never dared to talk to anyone again.

  Just wait for him to talk to you... No! What if he's a scary person?

  Still...need to observe.

  But I dare not look back...then I can only...

  Yili lowered his head, suddenly quickened his pace, and like lightning, he cut through the group of students and rushed towards the school.


  Ah, ran away.

  Ishikawa Hayabusa could no longer follow the girl.

  But he didn't care too much. After all, judging from Yili's appearance, he probably hadn't joined the band yet. He was still a first-year student, in the same grade as him, so he would definitely meet him again.

  Besides, he had already decided to join a band and experience a new lifestyle.

  Not only that, what he wants to do is not to experience it, but to make a living from it.

  "I want to make perverted music that all perverts around the world can listen to!"

  Ishikawa Hayabusa pointed to the sky and announced loudly.

  His loud voice instantly attracted the attention of the students around him. They looked at this first-year student in surprise, confusion and bewilderment.

  But how could Ishikawa Hayabusa be a coward? He walked towards the school like an emperor, stepping on everyone's gaze.


  Behind a tree a few dozen meters away from the school gate, Goto Ichiri looked nervously at the students approaching the school.

  It's neither this one nor that one…Ah, who was that person just now?

  I finally met someone who wanted to talk to me, why did he run away?


  There were so many people watching, I started to feel sick.

  She withdrew her gaze with a sigh, shrank behind a tree and lowered her head.

  My life is more lamentable than that of a worm. I am a caterpillar..caterpillar...


  The footsteps approached, and Yili, who suddenly felt his personal territory was invaded, immediately looked over there.


  Based on his past experience, Ishikawa Hayabusa walked to the vicinity of the school, avoided the crowd and began to look around.

  Generally speaking, when people with social phobia face someone they don't really want to escape from but are afraid to approach, they will just escape to a safe place and observe.

  After entering the school, he finally found the conspicuous pink color under a tree in the corner of the school.

  So he walked over.

  He did not hide his steps and walked to the tree with confidence.

  The girl shuddered when she heard the noise behind her, and timidly poked her head out from behind the tree.

  Her cute and soft long pink hair was scattered because of her crawling on the ground. Her skin was so white as if she had never seen the sun. The cute pink sportswear made her look soft and tender.

  At this moment, she had a nervous expression like a little animal, and her blue eyes looked up at Ishikawa Hayabusa uneasily.

  "Hello, it's a nice day today."

  Ishikawa Hayabusa greeted with a smile.


  Neat short black hair, dark brown eyes, and a bright and confident smile.

  Yili widened his eyes, and then... covered his eyes with his hands.

  My eyes, they are going to burn off!

  Why is the first person I talk to the level max? It's too bad to face the world boss as soon as I go out.

  No, the soul, the soul will be burned.

  I can't breathe anymore.

  At this time, Ishikawa Hayabusa was touching his chin, looking at Yili who was lying on the ground with a strange smile on his face.

  He had never imagined it would be so interesting until he saw it with his own eyes.

  He is afraid of others but wants to make friends with them. He has a cowardly personality, rich inner thoughts, and looks frightened by the aura of popularity. All of them are very cute and interesting.

  This is a million times better than the one in the past who completely gave up on growing.

  "Are you okay?"

  Ishikawa Hayabusa moved closer.

  "Ahh...sorry for interrupting!"

  Yili stood up instantly, using the power of her desire to survive and her few motor nerves to rush out in an instant.

  Excuse me... He is the one who is disturbing me.

  It seems that it is a bit difficult to get to know Ichiri. After thinking about it, Ishikawa Hayabusa gave up on getting acquainted with Ichiri first. Besides, his goal is to join the band, and it will be easier to get in touch with him after joining. And more importantly, it is about how to join.

  First of all, I have to say that he doesn't know anything.

  According to the configuration of the ending band, it is basically complete and he doesn't want to squeeze anyone out.

  No, if his true nature was discovered, he would most likely be squeezed out, haha.

  He thought as he walked towards the school.

  I found my class and looked around after entering. Hmm, it's not the same class as Yili, which is a bit of a pity.

  After that, the teacher gave the usual opening speech, introduced himself, and then the students introduced themselves.

  Ishikawa Hayabusa hugged his chest, tapping his shoulders with his fingers, his face full of disgust, he couldn't wait any longer.

  We are all so ordinary, what about our self as young people?

  While he was waiting, the students around him were unconsciously observing their new classmate.

  The boys secretly observed the girls who introduced themselves one by one, and the girls inadvertently looked at the boys who enriched themselves with various hobbies.

  However, the gazes of some people who were obsessed with looks gradually shifted to the handsome classmate who was sitting with his arms crossed.

  Finally, Ishikawa Hayabusa saw the student in front of him introduce himself and sit down, and it was his turn.

  "Then please invite the next student."

  Hearing the teacher's voice, the man who was extremely proud of his every word and action slowly stood up.

  He spoke.

  "I'm a pervert."

  The voice that comes from the heart is extremely loud.

  In the class, all the students felt that the visual signals they received were completely inconsistent with what they heard.

  A whole classroom of students were blinking constantly, refreshing their vision.

  Ishikawa Hayabusa looked around like an emperor, and when he saw the misunderstanding looks from his classmates and teachers, he continued speaking.

  "Gentlemen, I repeat, I am a pervert. No matter if it is a boy or a girl, no matter what age, no matter if it is organic or inorganic, no matter its life structure, chemical composition, or physical properties."

  He became more and more excited as he spoke, and finally spoke each word slowly as if it was the end.

  "I like this pervert!"

  In the eyes of others, there is only one madman left in this world who is making a lot of noise.

  Seeing the dazed look on his face, Ishikawa Hayabusa restrained himself a little with satisfaction and put on a gentle smile.

  "It is my honor to be here today and to be your classmates. I hope that everyone here can appreciate the beauty of what I am saying with me."

  As he spoke, he couldn't help but wonder if anyone would guess what he meant, but he had said what needed to be said and that was it.

  Then the guy started talking nonsense.

  "At the same time, I received my first mission as a high school student, which is to become the harem king! This is a chance to prove my strength."

  He waved his hand with great generosity.

  "So! Please sign up enthusiastically, whether it's for yourself, for your brothers and sisters, or for your father and mother."

  "Everyone, leave the lines to me! Leave them to Ishikami Kawa, the Ishikawa Falcon of the Falcon's Cry."


  Ishikawa Hayabusa sat down.

  The world's vocal cords seemed to be killed, and even the chirping of insects and birds around had stopped.

  Until a moment later, the teacher, not knowing how to react, froze for a long time, and spoke mechanically in the eyes of the even more bewildered students.

  "Please..the next student please."