
Chapter 12 : Still Full Of Crumbles

" So, girls, what is our group costume gonna be. We are soooo late." Jen says. Sarah sighs :" Hmmm... Do you know what?" We all look at her with too big excpectations. Sarah claps as she gets an idea :" We could be a Pixar sign!" I could say, our expectations were NOT pleased. I say with confussion when a thought crosses my mind :" And why, exactly, do we need a group costume?" They all look at me, like I would be a weird creature :" What do you mean? There is a party tommorow. The Halloween one!" My face mimic probably says it all, because Sab continues :" Oh. We kind of didn't tell you." I open my mouth out of disbelief, but before I could say anything, Jen completes :" I know why we didn't tell you! Because you were invited to Le-*khm* party and we completely forgot!" I suspiciously shoot them with glance and slowly say :" Are you sure you didn't purposely forgot to tell me?" - " How can you even think of that? Of course not!" Sarah assures me. I give up and sigh :" Ok, I will go to that dance. Where is it?" Sab, Jen and Sarah look at each other. Sab whispers something to Jen and she says :" Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. It's in Anderson's Chamber."

My jaw drops. That's a chamber that Leo's family owns and rent's it for parties and weddings! Sab covers her face with a pillow almost as she would be scared of me slapping her and maybe I even would, if I wouldn't be so shocked. " That's why you didn't tell me before, isn't it?!" I yell as I finnaly get my voice back. Even Sarah, who always has some words on a tip of her tounge, is just opening her mouth like a Goldfish. Sab nervously guides her hand, full of small chocolate chips,into her mouth, while Jen is tapping with her skinny fingers on her thigh. "So?" I ask. Sarah finnaly produces a sound :" Mhm... But you know, there is a big chance that Leo won't even be there." I frown as I hear "his" name getting mentioned :" Yeah. And there is a big chance of him being there! You didn't think of that, did you?" - " Yeah, I did. But please come!" Sarah almost drops on her knees. My indulgence gives in, again, as I say :" You know what? I'm over him. I will go. " They all smile at me and Jen even lets out a winning :"Yesssss!" before I continue :" But only under one condition. I get to choose our costumes."

Sarah and Sab look at each other and whisper again and they both stretch out a hand and Sab seriously says :" Deal. But you will dance with us. "- " Oh,no I won't." I say while nervousness is slowly breaking my walls of sureness. "C'mon. It will be fun!" Jen says. I mean, yes, I don't want to be left out and, yes, I don't want to dance, but it's a dance right? Everyone, even me, with zero dancing talent,has to dance on a dance. " Fine, I will let you win this time, but I will still pick our costumes, k?" They nod and start unpatiantely asking :" So, what are we gonna be?" I get a brilliant idea :" We should be... devils and an angel!" Sab mumbles :" I wonder who is going to be an angel." I yell :" Me!" All of the girls start to clap and are joining my overly dramatic acting. " We have to start searching and making our coustumes, shall we girls?"

We grab all of our snacks and put on jackets and rush out the door. Since my mom and dad are out of the town, I don't have mom's car here, so we all have to tightly squeeze in Jen's Mini Cooper and go shopping!