
Chapter 11 : A Bowl Of Ice Cream

I run downstairs as I hear our doorbell to ring. I open the door and almost knock out fully handed Suzy. Her dark eyes look at me with concern when she says :" Girl, I knew something was not right, the minute I heard your voice." She walks by me and puts her shopping bag, full of snacks, on the table. Suzy hugs me, then grabs my shoulders and seriously says :" That bowl of ice cream should fix it all, K?" I nod and smile. I walk towards the door when the doorbell rings again, and there are standing Sarah, Sab and Jen, even more loaded with my favorite snacks. They all hug me and I hug them back. Sab says :" Oh my god, I could not believe when Suzy told me. I thought, you were soulmates!" I think a bit before I almost scream that I found someone else, another person who I'd trust with my life. I hold these thoughts back and just nod again. Because there is a little awkward silence moment right there I laugh :" If my mom would see what is my today's breakfast gonna be like..." They all laugh and show me a list of what they bought and they bought a lot. Like a lot. I smile at their serious faces while they are showing me all of my favorite snacks they bought at the Target :" We should go upstairs, to my room." They all agree and our heavy legs echo on the wooden stairs.

As we finally get to my room, Sab and Jen throw themselves on the bed and unpatiantely look at me, while waiting to tell them a breakup story. Sarah gets unpatient too :" So, what happened?" Suzy looks at me with her drama-desire look and nods :" Jenna, you have to tell us if you want us to help you." I nod and sit on the bed. I look at their eyes full with excitment, to hear for a new scandal without of being in it. I bring a huge scoop of ice cream to my mouth and chew it slowly, to make them even more tense. When I finally swalow it, I break the silence :" He was, kind of, cheating on me." Their jaw drops, because of a broken vision on perfect, popular high schooler Leo. Sab, happy with the scandal that came in her way says : "No way. Leo?" I nod again and tell the entire story about The night.

I don't leave out even a single piece. Not even the way he looked at me, not even the moment when I slapped him. Jen full of fantasies says with complete dedication to the story :" Did you two kiss yesterday?" I wait a bit before answering, but my face probably says it all. They all start screaming :" Oh my goooshhhhh! Bissshhhhhh, you nasty!" or :" I would NEVER excpect that from you!" or :" Girllllll, why didn't you say that before??!!" I blush, embarassed of my bad lying face and try to calm them down :" Luna is going to kill me if you all are gonna wake he..." I stop there as my loud door opens, with an agressive push :" Damn right, I will." Luna says, with her deep, morning voice. "Sorry." Sarah says and keeps her voice quiet. Luna grabs a bag of chips of of Jen's lap and sharply smiles :" That's for waking me up." She steps backwards and closes door behind her.

Sabrina lowers her volume but still quietly screams :" No, you did not!" A grin crawls on my face as I answer :" I guess I did." Sarah's face reflects complete doubt and so does Jen's and Sab's. I nervously smile and say :" I am very uncomfortable with the energy that we created in the studio today." They all start laughing and rolling on my bed. All of the crisps and cookies get crumbled in their boxes and bags, but after we open them, they still taste good. Almost as good as Andre. Wow. That was cheesy.