
Time to build relations

The guys returned to the room they were in before transferring to Altaria, It took them to regain their senses. After they did, Maikeru and Aneru immediately snapped at Migeru.

"You could have done that all the time," they said

"Yeah..yeah" Migeru feeling ashamed

"Then why didn't you?" Aneru asked

"If I say I forgot" Migeru smiled awkwardly

"I will call you an idiot" Maikeru chimed in

"I forgot" Migeru admitted

"Your an idiot" Maikeru shaking his head in disappointment

"Does it really matter we're still alive and Shaya will never find out about this, So let's calm down and go have lunch shall we" Migeru explained

Maikeru and Aneru stood looking at something behind him, They looked defeated while shaking their heads. It finally sat in for Migeru and that awkward smile turned into a frown.

"She's right behind me isn't she?" He asked

Maikeru and Aneru shook their heads telling him yes

"She like she want to kill meh?" Migeru asked

"Yup" they answered

"On a scale from 1-10 how screwed am I?" He asked

"Like a 9 I'd say" Aneru answered

"Mhm" Migeru mumbled

Without turning around he tried talking to her.

"Hello there love, You look wonderful today is that a new hairstyle" Migeru sweating

"You really think flattery would help you now" Shaya in a calm but stern tone

"Yes" Migeru trembling

"What did you do this time," Shaya asked

"Www...well the..the..the thing is" Migeru stumbling through his words

"Get on your knees and face me" Shaya commanded

Maikeru leans over to Aneru and whispers to him

"Isn't this a let kinky"

"This is not the time okay" Aneru whispered back

Back in the Altaria the body of Eduart was found and was carried to his family estate- the guards we sent to the infirmary somewhere in bad shape.

Shiann stood there watching in silence, Bodies being carried away seeing someone dying in front of her. She stood there on the brink of tears, nothing made sense anymore.

The guys that she hung out with were the people she was supposed to fight. She felt a hand touch her shoulder. She turned around to see King Vadis, his warm smile made her feel better.

"Hey there, how are you feeling?" King Vadis asked

"I don't want to do this anymore. I can't deal with this especially since I have to fight my friends. I'm sorry this isn't for me, I thought I could it " Shiann answered

"Wait what do mean, you don't want to fight my friends?" King Vadis confused

"My friends where the trouble makers wait could they be the demon lords?" Shiann asked

King Vadis used the mind flare crystal to send her into a trance then replaced her memories of this event. He sent her back to the castle but stayed there himself, the king started looking for traces of magic.

After fifteen minutes he found a magical trail that lead back to the forest around Altaria.

"Hmm this is strange" King Vadis thought

[ Inside the Demon Kingdom ]

"So let me get this straight. You teleported over to Altaria" Shaya said

"Yeah" Migeru

"Made fun of a noble then killed him" Shaya added

"Not before beating up his guards" Migeru added

"How can I forget that part, thank you for reminding me" Shaya sarcastically

"Your welcome" Migeru softly

"Shut the" Shaya stopped herself

She took in a deep breath then looked him in his eyes.

"I know you want to explore the world, But you're all still kings of this kingdom so that means you can't leave whenever. What if something happens so think things through okay" Shaya said

"Okay I'm sorry" Migeru apologizing

"Wait wait wait, you're not going to yell at him" Aneru confused

"During our training, I've learned he responds better to positive reinforcement and soft-spoken words," Shaya said

"So he's a big baby," Maikeru said

"Basically yes" Shaya agreeing with him

"You know what fuck yall" Migeru protested

"You're just proving my point," Maikeru said

"Enough we have some things to discuss" Shaya said

[ Back in Altaria ]

King Vadis finally returned and headed straight towards Sabar's tower. It was broken down covered with moss and vines. He open the door and grabbed Sabar by the neck.

He jacked him up against the wall almost pushing him through the wall. Grabbed his Kings hand trying to escape. His eyes bulging out of his head as he gasps for air, King Vadis tightened his grip even more before asking him a question.

"Did you summon all the children here?"

Gagging, Sabar answered "I did…I did"

"But did they all come here!!" King Vadis barked

"Well three of them didn't make it through the transfer. I thought they die during the transfer so that's why I didn't report anything" Sabar squealed

Satisfied with his answer the King threw to the floor. He turned away from him while he got to his feet.

"What happen sire?" Sabar asked

"I know where those three are now" King Sabar answer

"What, Where are they we should retrieve them," Sabar said

"They're helping the demons, no better yet, they're ruling them" King Vadis

"No, they're demon lords" Sabar

"They are but keep this from the others. We don't want them to give up on their training. Speaking of which sign them up with an adventures guild, they need to get used to battle and killing." King Vadis commanded

"I could use magic to suppress their emotions. They will become the finest killing machine" Sabar smiled

"No, we need heroes for the public still. So instead of suppressing all their emotions just suppress fear and shock." King Vadis ordered

[ In the demon Kingdom ]

The boys and the sisters met in the conference room. The room had pillars with carvings of flower vines. It had large windows with curtains flowing in the gentle breeze.

The oval table was polished as they sat all around it.

"We have a problem. Since you were appointed rulers of the kingdom we've allied with doesn't want to trade with us unless they meet one of you" Layla explained

"So we want one of you to go over to introduce yourselves" Asai continued

"I'll do it" Aneru offering himself up

"So Migeru I want you to go, with me of course," Shaya said

"Why him tho?" Aneru pouting

"Because he's more sociable than any of you" Layla bluntly

"Well damn that's a good point," Aneru said

"Seeing that I don't have a choice here. When do we leave" Migeru asking

"Tomorrow" Shaya answered

"I want to see the world" Aneru complained

"Well there is an elven village west of here you could visit them if you want" Asai suggested

"Yes adventure" Aneru smiling

"Sorry Maikeru you'll need to stay here," Layla said

"Meh" he shrugged

"You could at least pretend you're disappointed" Layla pouting

The next day arrived and they stood by the gates saying their goodbyes

"Wait are you not teleporting there again?" Maikeru asked

"Because Migeru doesn't want to. He wants to the see everything" Shaya answering

"Have fun out there bro but before you leave though" Migeru said, "Neuro Link, there you should be able to contact any of us now"

"Same to you bro. Don't die okay" Aneru said before launching himself into the forest. He ran through it at breakneck speeds, swinging through the trees before throwing himself high into the sky. You could hear his screams of joy from the kingdom gates.

"Sounds like he's having fun" Migeru smiling

"I think it's about time we headed of," Shaya said

"Okay, Maikeru do that thing?" Migeru asked

"What thing" Maikeru confused

"You know that thing," Migeru said

"Oh that, no" Maikeru refusing

"Please" Migeru begged

"You could basically do the same thing" Maikeru protested

"It will be cooler if you do it" Migeru complained

"Fine but you know what I want in return," Maikeru said

"Yeah yeah" Migeru waving him off

Death magic: Willow's carriage

A black carriage that was being pulled by obsidian horses with manes made of blue fire erupted out the ground. The ground beneath the carriage was on fire with azure flames, the horses pulled out it forwards out of the flames.

"There happy" Maikeru annoyed

"Very much so. The pc is in your room" Migeru smiling

Shaya and Migeru packed up the carriage and finally started their trip together