

Inside king Vadis castle, Shiann was swarmed by her classmates. They blasted her with questions about the kingdom. Since they arrived they hadn't had the chance to explore the Altaria because of the training they do.

Their teacher told them to stay inside since they don't know much about this world. Then King Vadis himself asked Shiann to help capture some bandits. Miss Ramdar was beside him giving her permission. The children were creeped out but the smile on her face so they just assume she got some and moved on

"You got hurt?" Donna Mae asked

"Yeah I'm good, it was easier than I thought" She answered

"Was there good lucky boys tho?" Shermica asked

"Why thirsty so girl" Jerome laughing

She rolled her eyes and turned away

Zion, Uchenna and Jadon watched the commotion from the back of the room. They had noticed the weird magic coming off of their teacher. It seemed like the others didn't notice, they hoped that their friends are safe.

They decided to keep to themselves for now so they observe everything. The trio stuck off to the King's throne room to look for clues. They looked for some sort of magical tool or artefact to prove their theory.

The doors to the throne room blasted open.

In the carriage carrying Migeru and Sheya was in complete silence before Migeru jumped up screaming.


"What's wrong is everything okay?" Shaya panicked

"I.I.I.I can't believe we did that. How could we make that mistake, that shouldn't be possible at this point, We know better I can't believe we did that omg omg omg, wait well O my Ria, O my Ria" Migeru is now in the fickle position

"What's going explain yourself damn it" Sheya a little annoyed

"We left Maikeru in charge of the kingdom while we're gone" Migeru shuttering

"You serious" Shaya looking at with all the disappointment in the world

"Let's home the Kingdom is still there by the time we get back" Migeru calming himself down

"First of all that was unnecessary, secondly there's no need to worry about the Kingdom being ran into the ground because my sisters are there" Shaya explained

"Oh yeah I forget about them for a second there" Migeru let out a sigh of relieved

They rode in silence for a bit before Shaya started explaining the rules of the trip

"Rule number 1 you are to wear this ring at all times" She commanded

"Oh Shaya I will marry you," Migeru said playfully

"Eww no what is wrong with you" Shaya showing her disgust

"I don't know why but that hurt my feelings a little" Migeru rubbed the back of his head with his face feeling red.

"And I should care about your feelings because?" Shaya already other this

"Oh come on was that necessary you could have ignored that last statement" Migeru continued his argument

"Are you done or are we going to continue this discussion?" Shaya said

Inside his head, he could hear Maikeru say the words "Bitch made"

"Oh go fuck yourself with a porcupine" Migeru shouted out loud

"Bro she did just bitch you" Aneru chimed in

"Why are you two eavesdropping anyway?" Migeru asked

"Boredom" Maikeru answered

"I made you a Pc three hours ago." Migeru in a perplexed tone

"I jump on yet," Maikeru said

"Why tho?" Migeru asked

"King stuff" Maikeru answered

"You actually do shit" Aneru pleasantly surprised

"What that supposed to mean" Maikeru offended

"Are going to continue this discussion or are you going to talk with your friends' Shaya angrily

"Guys I got to go okay" Migeru disconnected from the link

"Put the ring on hurry up" Shaya gave him the ring

When he placed the ring on his finger he felt some magic was sipped away but not enough to cause any complication.

"Some magic was sipped away what's with this ring" Migeru admired the ring. The ring was gold with his name carved into it. With the crest of the ring being the centrepiece, one of the hydra's eyes were glowing.

"Ria made it for you especially since your magical power is insane and you have a tendency to want to help. I didn't want you blowing up the entire kingdom just to help out a homeless woman okay" Shaya shaking her head

"You have no faith in my ability to hold back do," Migeru said

"Not one bit" Shaya not even hesitating

"That's fair actually" Migeru agreeing

She gave him rules that a mother would give there child when going into a store. Migeru laid back and stuck his ear pods in his ears then drifted away.

Through the forest Aneru swang from tree to tree. Flipping and chasing any random animals he could find on the way. He sat on a branch to take a break when he heard a little boy screaming for help. He sprung to his feet and used his hearing to find them miles away, he ventured deeper into the woods.

He saw three human men with a boy with green skin, the boy's eyes were so green it could be mistaken for emeralds. Leaves as pants also as bracelets, he backed himself into a corner trying to fight off the humans.

Aneru swung himself high into the air then crashed down into one of the men. It sent shock waves throughout the forest. You could hear the spinal cord of the man he landed on cracking and snapping. Blood flew out his mouth, the rumbling vibrated in his ears, his teeth vibrated because of the force.

The aura around Aneru warped as his magical power leaked forming a hydra with only one head.The men pore raised and their throats became dry staring at this being of pure force and brutality. They gathered all their strength and ran leaving their companion, Aneru shook his head and picked up the man he landed on. Aneru threw him at his friends screaming "You guys forgot your friend".

After being nailed by their friend, they picked him up and retreated from the battle. Aneru dusted off his hands and turned towards the boy. He stood there in awe of the powerful being he stood in the presence of. As Aneru approached him, he instinctively bowed his head and bent a knee-trembling in fear.

The boy felt a hand on his head, he raised his head to be met with a warm smile. Tears ran down his face, the boy hugged Aneru squeezing him tightly. Aneru didn't stop him or even tried to get him off. He just watched the little boy cry and felt nothing but pity for this child.

Inside the realm of the gods. Ria was 'summoned to the chambers of Albatross, she grumbled all the way there. When she arrived, he had magical windows watching the adventures of the boys- Albatross watched just in case they decide to do something stupid.

"Do you enjoy watching kids now or that's a new thing?" Ria asked

"You have arrived I see. Come let's watch their adventure and you're not to interfere no matter what.Do you understand Ria" Albatross demanded

"I feel like you're up to something Albatross" Ria sceptical

"Just sit down and watch. You're blinded by the fact their your champions so you need to see their true nature" Albatross said

" Looks to me like there good boys like I said" Ria confidently

"We'll see," Albatross said