
Day Six: Reassuring Phoenix (Ben)

The title makes me laugh too so don't worry about it. This is a quick account for today because the only interesting thing that happened was my discussion with Ben. The funny thing about this is that when I was on my way to find Peter he suddenly appeared and asked if he could talk to me for a second. We went back to my room and before I had sat on my bed he asked me what I was actually doing here. I told him that I am doing exactly what he is doing which is putting my strengths to good use. After I had explained to him what those strengths were, we finally got onto the topic of MJ which is what I wanted all along. When I asked Ben what was going on with him he unsurprisingly told me that he was just processing having MJ's older sister in the Compound, which is completely understandable. Although, I am not that terrifying, am I? Having had that sorted I was in much better spirits but Ben than updated me on rumours that have been circling which are that Jack and I haven't been separated since I arrived. I immediately disputed this and went into a long rant about how I have played chess with Vixen every day and lost every time, painted Storm's nails and spent loads of time chatting to Natalie. Ben sat there the whole time smirking at me so I soon shut up as I knew that I could probably be heard from outside my room. I mean, you can't blame me for wanting to spend time with Jack Thomas can you? I had to leave swiftly after this discussion as I had another session with Jack which come to think of it provided Ben with more evidence to use against me in our dispute about me being with Jack all the time. But he didn't, he just smiled and let me go. Before leaving the room I reinforced again the point that Ben should contact MJ as she misses him so much which he said he would do. So all in all it was a pretty successful day. I also impressed Jack again which is an added bonus! Oh God I'm such a typical Captain Thomas fan. But my trick is keeping it all bottled up inside of me and only letting it out in this diary. So that is what I have done, and will continue to do.