
Day Eight: Meeting Lee Cameron

Today was a great day (well I mean it has to have been otherwise I wouldn't have written about it). It started with me being dragged out of bed by Jack who insisted that we go on an early morning run together. But let me just point something out about this early morning run. It was 5 am!! That's too early! But I persevered and we ran for two hours before I started to need to drink more water, more frequently. So we stopped for a bit and that's when I was introduced to Lee Cameron! Just by our first conversation, I can tell that we will get along really well. I mean, I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it as Jack's friends are usually awesome. Once I had been introduced as the "newest recruit" I was made to take another lap of the park whilst Jack and Lee chatted. What Jack doesn't know is that as soon as I was out of sight I whipped my phone out of my pocket and tried to make myself look better which didn't work as no matter how many times I wiped my face with my hand, I was still a sweaty mess. I have no idea what they talked about but what I do know is that I was left stranded at the park by both of them. At first, I was very angry and a bit upset actually but then my senses kicked in and I realised that it must have been something important otherwise they wouldn't have left so quickly. I know that Natalie picked them up as Jack texted me apologising. So in the end I just ran/walked back to the Compound where I drank a whole bottle of water in the space of probably thirty seconds. When I got back I realised that it was Davis who had called the others back. Being the nosy person that I am, I sat outside the door to the living room and listened to what was going on inside. David had handpicked Jack, Natalie, Storm and Lee to undertake a mission in France which seemed to involve them having to stop Victor, a bad guy, from stealing a powerful weapon from a lab. I was about to leave when I heard Jack, with a harsh tone, questioning why I wasn't coming on the mission. I felt tears pricking my eyes as I didn't want to be the cause of another disagreement between Jack and David but when David told Jack that I was staying behind to manage the "legal aspects of the mission," I felt clogged with pain and anger. Jack seemed to take the words out of my mouth when he told David how unfair he was being and that the whole reason I have been training so hard is to impress him. If I didn't like Jack before, my goodness I certainly did now. When others such as Natalie, Storm and Vixen voiced their opinions on the matter I sat back against the wall and let the happiness soak right into my bones. I was now included in this mission and I could feel the ecstasy pass through me like a warm ocean wave, washing away the stress of my day to leave me refreshed inside. I know why David doesn't want me going to France, its because he doesn't want me to get hurt. But at the same time, I need to be allowed to participate in missions as that's what Freedom Fighters are supposed to do! I moved away from the door when I heard the conversation draw to a close and as I opened my bedroom door I saw Jack out of the corner of my eye and he came up to me, hugged me and said "your first mission is in two days. Training starts now." Confused as to what this training was as we have already been training relentlessly for these past eight days, Jack just smiled and walked away. That man sure knows how to win over a lady that's for sure.