
So im a nen user? So what?

So MC is caught up in an explosion by accident and is sent to another world as an albino horned wabbit with nen (AU for kumo desu ga nani ka, also adding some other elements from different anime in here.) Tags: Isekai, nonhumanmc, reincarnation, ompc, nen, ruthlessmc, noharem Amateur here so don't blame me if its ass

Nxgen_Snail_Kota · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Nen (My basic understanding of it)


Is a technique that allows someone to manipulate their own life energy or aura, and to bring out one's aura, most have to unblock what are called aura nodes, little pores in your body where aura leaks out unconsciously.

Most normal people can see aura and only when all the aura nodes are opened can it be seen and manipulated.

Aura Capacity vs Aura Emmision

Aura can be measured numerically and for the most part, is accurate to how much aura one has, but there is a difference between the amount one has and the amount one can exert in battle or just in general.

Aura accumulates in the body and your maximum aura output potential or M.O.P, varies according to one's own personal training, and there is a limit to how much aura one can exert at one time which can be increased through training.

P.O.P or potential aura output doesn't matter, you could have over 10,000 in aura reserves but only be able to bring out 1/10th of that, meaning you are only at 1/10th of your maximum possible strength.


You face an enemy with a P.O.P of 5000 and an M.O.P of 2500, while you have a P.O.P of 20,000 with an M.O.P of 1,000. In a real battle, you would be at a huge disadvantage, because the enemy can bring out more aura than you, as the P.O.P doesn't matter in a fight.


The process of keeping one's aura flow through and around their body instead of pushing it outwards. Ten keeps one's physical age youthful and reduces aging, it also gives limited protection against physical nen attacks and but is mostly used as a shield against emotional/mental nen attacks.


- Slows the aging process

- Keeps physical looks young

- Shield against emotion nen attacks

- Limited defense against physical nen attacks

- Use in tandem with Ren to determine strength and smoothness of aura flow


By closing all the user's aura nodes the aura that would normally constantly leak out instead is kept in their body for a long as the user wants. It's can counter In and also acts as a minor healing factor by keeping their aura inside one's body


- Keeps one presence hidden

- Gives a minor healing factor


- Leaves the user defenseless to attacks both physical and psychological when in use


Focuses on letting out a large quantity of one's aura and projecting it outward. This amplifies the user's physical strength, speed, and durability for as long as Ren is active and acts as a shield against nen attacks, it also gives the user a large pool of aura to use when activating special techniques at the cost of said aura.

Ren can also be combined with hostile intent to release BloodLust which can paralyze untrained nen users and even kill those who don't have nen.


- Increased Strength

- Increased Speed

- Increased Durability

- Shield against Nen attacks

- BloodLust

- Increased Nen pool


The act of letting your nen out and giving it a specific order to carry out a specific function. Hatus can be used to create unique techniques and attacks specific to the user, it is also referred to as one's Nen ability.

Most Nen abilities reflect one's own personality and personal values. And the way to figure out your own nen ability is with the water divination test. All one need do is surround a cup filled with water and a single leaf on top and 1 of 6 types of nen will be chosen.


- Figures out one's Nen ability

Water divination test

- If the volume of the water changes the user is an enhancer

- If the taste of the water changes the user is a transmuter

- If impurities appear in the water the user is a conjurer

- If the color of the water changes the user is an emitter

- If the leaf in the water moves the user is a manipulator

- If something completely different from the other 5 actions happens the user is a specialist

Aura types

- Enhancer - Strengthing themselves or an object

Each and every enhancer uses aura to increase their own natural abilities, which mostly consist of increases one's own offense and defensive capabilities. Those untrained in aura might think that Ren and enhancer serve the same purpose, but enhancers can do a lot more than just boost their strength as they can enhance one's own healing factor or send aura into an object and enhances its properties.

- Transmutation - Changing the quality of aura to match something else

That act of transmutation is using one's own aura to mimic the attributes and properties of something else that's nonliving. This is not to be confused with conjuration which lets the user turn their aura into physical substances. Most Transumter mimic solid substances but in some cases, they can even mimic the properties of things like electricity or the properties of sticky substances or even flames if they so chose.

- Emission - Detaching aura from the body

Those who are emission users are more capable of separating their aura from their bodies for long periods of time. They can also manipulate the shape, size, and density of the aura over long distances. Most emission users are long-range fighters, choosing to turn their aura into projectiles, or they can imbue their aura with intent and fuse it with objects, although only basic commands can be issued. Advanced emission user's can even separate their aura from their body and phase it through non-living matter, or they can swap positions with the aura to achieve teleportation.

- Conjuration - Creating objects from aura

Those who are conjures use their aura to create physical objects that are separate from their own body. Most conjures can only make a couple of things at a time and after they are created they stay the same until de-summoned, but the more skilled users can manipulate the density and length of objects even at range. However, the biggest drawback is that a conjurer can not make something that defies human capabilities such as a weapon that can cut through anything, although some conjured items can have special abilities on their own based on the user's own personality and mindset.

- Manipulators - Controlling animate and inanimate things

Those who are manipulators use Nen to control both non-living and living things including aura constructs. A very basic nen ability but also one of the more powerful ones as if the self-imposed conditions are met the user can end a fight in mere minutes or even seconds. The degree of control is based on the user's own skill and the higher the risks of the self-imposed condition, the more power, and control they can gain. Most manipulators rely on a medium or an object that carries their own nen and more often than not manipulators can use their nen imbued objects to influence living beings via mind-control, but the user would have to have direct contact with the target at all times or send aura into the targets body to control them.

- Specialist - Unique effects

Specialists have nen abilities that done belong to any of the other categories, meaning they are for the most part completely unique and can't be classified and are thus called specialists.

Self-imposed conditions

- The act of making a contract with nen to give one more power based on both the risk of the contract and the user's own feelings. It is a double-edged sword as the bigger the risk and more intense the emotion, the more power the user will gain based on the conditions of the contract.


- Create conditions and if said conditions are fulfilled the user will gain the power they decided on when the contract was made, and if the user tries to use the power when the conditions are not fulfilled the user's self-imposed risk will activate, such as the loss of ones nen ability or even death.

Compatibility with other nen types

- A user is not limited to only one nen type. The water divination test only determines what affinity the user has the most synchronization with, meaning the user will have an easier time learning that aura type, which means a user can learn the other types but never can they achieve 100% proficiency with another type.

- If Enhancers 100% - Then Emission/Transmutation 80% - And Manipulation/Conjuration 60% - Fainlly Specalization 0%

- If Emitters 100% - Then Ehnacement/Maniplation 80% - And Transmutation 60% - Then Conjuration 40% - With Specalization 0%

- If Transmuters 100% - Then Enhancement/Conjuration 80% - And Emission 60% - Then manipulation 40% - With Specalization 0%

- If Conjuerers 100% - Then Transmutation 80% - And Enhancement/Manipulation 60% - And emission 40% - With Specalization 0%

- If Manipulators 100% - Then Emission 80% - And Enhancement/Conjuration 60% - Then Transumation 40% - With Specliazation 0%

- If Specialists 100%- Then Conjuration/Manipulation 80% - And Emission/Transumation 60% - Finally Ehnacnement 40%


The act of sending one's own aura to a specific part of their body to enhance it in every way, such as sending aura to the eyes will give a user increased sight and perception, and sending them to the brain will increase your processing speed and comprehension.


- Allows the user to enhance parts of their body by sending aura to the area they want


An advanced application of Zetus, which allows the user to render one's own aura and Nen constructs invisible, and only through Gyo could one be able to see the aura.


- Makes the user's aura invisible


An advanced combination of both Ten and Ren. With ren one's own aura normally only takes up a small amount of space around the user and En is when a user expands the aura then uses Ten to give it a shape as to not waste or use up an unnecessary amount of aura.


- Increased range of perception


The advanced form of Ten where a user allows their aura to encompass an item of their choosing and use it as an extension of their body as well as strengthen the item immensely


- Strengthen items with aura for increased durability and item proficiency


A combination of Ten, Zetus, Hatus, Ren and Gyo, where the user concentrates all their aura into one specific part of their body.

-Ten is used to keep the aura in place

-Zetus is used to stop the flow of aura from any other part of the body

-Ren increased the amount of aura sent, but leaves the rest of the body vulnerable

-Gyo is used to focus on one part of the body


- Increased power in one part of the body with a base of 10x no matter the amount of aura one possesses and the multiplier increases with the amount of aura one can utilize


An advanced version of Ren and Ten where a user maintains a state of Ren for an extended period of time and the amount of aura surrounding the user's body is about 10 times higher than during Ten.


-Gives an almost perfect defense from all sides but is very taxing to maintain


An advanced application of Gyo where a nen user can manage the amount of aura sent to parts of their body at a single time. Such as having 10% of your nen in your feet while maintaining 50% in your fist at the same time.


-If mastered then you are a certified Nen master


Although aura is supernatural in nature it is not some mystical force that surpasses all reason, and as such human limitations apply to Nen as well, meaning such things as impossibilities, like raising the dead, or creating a weapon that can destroy anything are not possible with nen.