
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Urban
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53 Chs

Whirlpool of Emotions..

l didn't know what to do.l was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Them coming here took me by surprise but l didn't know...l had to face him sooner than later.

l also didn't have..an answer to his confession that day.What was l gonna do now..

l couldn't stay still.lt was a moment l had to push further before l could tell him what l felt or my feelings towards him.

'Even what were my feelings to being with!?'

A question which l pondered on but found no answers towards it.

As the clock ticked towards the end of the class, an unexpected desperation settled over me. Despite my usual disdain for the monotony of the lesson, a paradoxical yearning for time to stand still gripped me. The impending closure of the class felt like a looming confrontation with the past l had carefully tucked away.

l stole furtive glances at the clock, each second ticking away echoing my internal plea for a pause button. The restlessness in the room was palpable, the air charged with unspoken tension that extended beyond my own unease. It was as if the collective heartbeat of the class synchronized with the unspoken script of my impending encounter.

Surprisingly, even the teacher sensed the subtle shift in the atmosphere because a couple of words in the text correcting himself with anxiousness within.But l didn't put thought into it and continued worrying about my worries.

The lesson's conclusion, usually met with a collective sigh of relief, now seemed to drag on, elongating into an uncomfortable stretch of time. The unspoken understanding hung in the air – a shared anticipation that echoed through the room, amplifying the poignant drama of a reunion neither me nor the class could escape.

Surprisingly the teacher who normally extended class through break time said his goodbyes and bolted out of there.

lt was now or never, there was no way escaping it..or maybe there was,i didn't know.

l thought of various incidences of escaping him,going through the window was my closest option of escape but knowing him he would follow me through it too.

So l just had to face him head on.l didn't even take notice until he came standing behind me out of the blue.

"Umi can we talk for moment."

"Um..y..yes we can."

"l mean outside."

"Oh, ok."

l knew l was so nervous to talk but l didn't know l was this nervous.

l followed him out with my jelly legs wiggling about and my stomach still paining.l felt real sick..but what was l gonna do.

We reached rooftop finally after the excruciating stares that followed us through the way.

l still wondered what he wanted to say.What his first words would be.l waited for reality to play its cards as l watched.

He moved forward and backed me at a wall.l instinctively closed my eyes to await l don't know what.

l heard the door close beside me.There was a moment of silence that followed.l gained courage and picked an eye open to find him staring at me with the weirdest look l have seen so far.l have truly never seen him look at me that way..but it was a first..for today.

He still good and fine..mostly good..but you know.l didn't want to be the first to say a word..but the tension was killing me..maybe my heart..but it was literally killing me.

"Um..Riru what did want to talk about?"

l asked trying to escape the close contact between us..but couldn't.He was literally making it impossible.

He let out a heavy sigh.

Time slowed, and the world blurred as his lips met mine, a sudden burst of warmth that sent shivers down my spine. The first touch of his kiss was like the unlocking of a forbidden treasure, a sensation both familiar and exhilarating, resonating with the echoes of a childhood promise.

In that stolen moment, the universe condensed into the tender connection of our lips.l felt the imprint of his unspoken words, the depth of emotions that transcended the constraints of spoken language. It was as if we had stumbled upon a secret portal, unveiling a new world where time stood still, and every heartbeat painted the canvas of our shared history.

lt was a taste the bittersweet essence of this unexpected kiss, a gateway to unexplored emotions and uncharted territories. It was a moment where the past collided with the present, leaving an indelible mark on me.lt made remember how he also stole my first childhood kiss unexpectedly like this.

He stopped his lingering movements on my lips and looked me straight in the eye with a cunning smile.

"l guess l stole it again..my little piglet."