
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Urban
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Chapter 43

"Text them the place to meet up."l said with all the courage l could master up.

Yes,l knew the idea was foolish and idiotic which was made in a whim of the moment but l couldn't just let Mia stay with those creeps.l had to save her with any means necessary.

l also knew l broke Hiro as those words passed my mouth.He was left utterly speechless for a while,mabye minutes or so.

"Say something,dammit!?"

He finally let out a heavy sigh and released my grip from his shirt as he proceeded to the door to shut it tight.The gesture alone sent shivers through my spine.We were alone and it was like a prey walking into a predictors tuff..so.l really had no time to over think of it,it was Mia who was the most important here.


"What?"He said as he sat down on his bed.

"Text them back,so we could meet up."


"l know what your gonna say,that it dangerous and we don't know what their up to but..this is for Mia,so please just text them already."

Out of the blue, he ended up on top me glaring at me with his blue crystal eyes which were more darker er than usual which gave room to his rough side.

"Umi,you know you could be in a lot of danger if we went to them,right?"


"Then why do wanna do something foolish."

"l just wanna save Mia!"

"l also wanna save her but l cant drag somewhere that's not safe."

l reached out my hand to touch his soft face.

"l know but am not a fragile doll,Riru.l can protect myself you know that right."

l grasped my hand a kissed it softly."l know that but..l cant help but worry."

"l know."l brought him closer as l kept my hand around his neck"But you have to trust me."

He finally gave in after a moments of talking and sent the text.Surprising they text back faster as if they were awaiting this moment.

Riru still let out a heavy sigh looking at the message.l could tell he more bothered by it than me.l held his face again to reassure him everything would be fine as l smiled brightly at him.

"l hope so."