
Snowy Red

L still felt hazy. It was still all chaotic. I didn't know what going on around me.But all l knew was I had to give in to my instincts and fight.Maybe for my life or for someone else. The big bulky man landed a heavy painful blow through my face.l thought my skull got crushed at that moment.l landed face down onto the ground.

Karma_yukida · Urban
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53 Chs

Chapter 18

The weekend passed over faster than l imagined so was that eventful day.

Not only that day passed but it been almost two whole months since l came here.

My fierce bunny of a cousin was also enjoying her new environment which was also a surprise to my and my aunt and uncle because the start of the semester she was all moody but now..now l just watch her in the sidelines being all smiley and jumpy with her new friends.

As for me well you can say that love just dropped in front of my doorstep,the cute and lovable puppy l seem to never stop admiring.

l casually walked the hallway with emma chatting about random stuff.We decided to walk through the school grounds and happened to accidentally come across a love confession.

We got a bit curious and stayed a bit,ok actually it was me who got curious and my cute desk mate didn't have the care in the world how it will turn out.

But l really still wondered how her love life is practically speaking with that kind of attitude.l giggled as l imagined it.

Emma was kind of unique not only with her behaviour and attitude but also her features that made her look godlike practically it made her stand out from the rest.

She had short silver jaded hair and beneath those clear glasses were far more beautiful features hiding like her unique double colored eyes.

One was like the colour of a dark night shadowed with the crescent moon making it a peaceful moment with its glow emitting.

And the other..the other was like the dark depths of the sea emanating its dark blue aura captivating its audience with a feeling that's never ever been felt before.It was dangerous yet it was still unknown what treasures hid deep inside.

She was a site to behold.Even though people called her cold and distance.She was the opposite of that truly showing me gestures and goodwill when am always with her.She was a sweet and gentle soul to keep around l knew it deep inside.

Visions sometimes are a bit complicated sometimes but when they really wanna get it hits real hard.At that instant moment l felt my whole world crumble down.My heart aching like a billion knives that stabbed my heart..

The girl who was confessing her feelings to the boy who was Shoji,stepped forward and kissed him on the cheek.

L know it was pretty childish of me to make a run from there but l couldn't stay,l just couldn't.l didn't know if he saw me or not but l just couldn't..

l found an empty classroom to sit in quietly as thought things over.lentered and close the door and door palmed myself.

"Dummy..what were u thinking"my eyes suddenly started to become wet.

l knew this would happen eventually even without me wanting.....

why was l like this even though we weren't even a thing...


"A heartbreak..."a voice echoed behind me.

l turned a cute red haired boy looking at me sleepingly.

"maybe l can help.."l looked at him with surprise tears still pouring without a stop...