
Snowfall adventures

The story is about a man being tasked by a god to form a peerage. He became a fate version of jon snow and was tasked with visiting worlds with a servant so as to complete the story and recruit one individual to join the peerage. The first world is Harry Potter Pls check out my patr eon. Smithsonian86_

Smithsonian86_ · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Mandrakes and dragons

The Gryffindor common room was rather sullen that night after Dumbledores inauguration as the grand wizard. The wizarding community lacked discrimination based on ones ethnicity in favour of political stance and blood purity, the fact that the leader of light has deemed it necessary to include racism into his portfolio has shook the faith in him that many light family wizards had.

This increased when the wizarding folk had the significance of the situation explained to them. Malfoy learned why he had his nose cracked by Blaise Zabini's elbow and didn't know whether he should complain to his father about it, after all now that he has to worry about appearing racist it may impact his fathers social standing.

Jon and Mordred however didn't give two shits. Instead they chose to laugh about it and question whether they should changed the hogwarts uniform to include a white hood.

Dumbledore went to a hearing at the wizengamot about it, his frail appearing form paled when he learned off how he was pranked. When he defended himself an ethnic member of the auror force who happened to have transferred from the MACUSA fired back "Big talk from someone who goes by Brian! That's a white boys name!"

The situation of the summit that day was left unstated, the daily prophet reported that sounds of a riot were occurring within the closed halls that night.

The start of the next day has Jon's year wearing their gardening outfit. A set of heavy dragon leather gloves equipped alongside a pair of ear muffs designed to block out all sound yet will probably fail horribly.

As the students fraternised in the greenhouse Jon chose to check his ear muffs. He did not feel like being knocked unconscious by a shrill scream. The doors to the greenhouse slid open and Madam Sprout entered to begin the lesson.

"Settle down everyone, as you know this years curriculum will be far more hands on than last years hence the requirement for the ear muffs. Within the pots before you are Mandrakes which will be the main topic covered in this year. We will go over the possible applications of mandrakes, means of which to treat them, environments in which they can grow and analyse variants of mandrakes such as mandragora flutisium which is used as a warding perfum against certain creatures found in the dark forest."

After that we began inspecting several examples of deceased mandragora to see the difference between a freshly planted one, a premature growth, a mid growth and a fully matured one. Madam sprout then discussed the best type of fertiliser to promote their growth and what souls can induce possible mutation. Magical enhanced soils do exists such as soil collected from a dragons den which has bathed in its flames.

"Now then! Prepare your earmuffs as we will now begin transferring newborn mandragora Into a fresh pot of soil. First uses your trowels to remove a little of the surface soil for an easier removal! Then grab the stem of the leaf and.... PULL!!!"

She shouted yanking it out releasing a horrendous mutated baby cry. It was worse than in the movie, but the ear muffs were functioning properly, they'd been enchanted with a muffliato charm to reduce all types of sound.

Wasting no time Jon followed the professors example and yanked his out, the lanky prune like baby looked directly at Jon and screeched louder as if to use a sound wave attack like some anime. You ain't no supper saiyan! Jon though as he smacked the saibaman wannabe upside the head before thrusting it into a new pot and attempting to drown it in soil.

'Your lucky it isn't sement! I'd toss you into the ocean' Jon thought as he continued shovelling. As if sensing his thought the plant promptly shut its mouth.

Jon exhaled and wiped some sweat off his brow, the greenhouse is quite humid after all. Looking around he saw the students had faces of disgust looking at their plants before they attempted to follow the lesson.

Malfoy had broken his finger because he stuck his finger in the plants mouth. Neville was passed out on the floor and Ron is wondering why his plant isn't screaming. Wanna know a fun fact, Ron doesn't use toothpaste! No it's not because his family is too poor to afford it. It's because in his words "a powerful wizard doesn't need to brush their teeth, their wand can clean it much better!"

He uses a charm called Denta scourgify which blasts the built up plague from his teeth, has side effects of bleeding gums and doing nothing to remove morning breath. With the way Ron eats and his lack of proper dental hygiene it's safe to say his breath can contend with a damn ogre.

Jon shook his head and went to nevil, got him over his shoulder and executed a fire mans lift before going towards the professor. She nodded and gestures towards the nurses direction. She then turns to Malfoy who is blathering about his booboo on his finger but she can't see it because of the extra thick gloves he chose to wear to protect his "noble hands".

Jon dropped Neville off with madam pomfree, they had a quick conversation as she made her diagnosis. "Hmm what happened?" "Mandrake day".

"Ah!" She nodded as she went to grab some potions before stopping and asking "did anyone prod the mandrakes?" "Draco Malfoy used his fingers as a pacifier" Jon replied causing the nurse to sigh in exasperation. She then began to rant about how she hates the Malfoy family. She had to tend to Lucius back in the day and when she was abroad training in France she encountered other Malfoys who had a similar world view as draco. Yikes!

After Jon left he pondered about returning to class, nah~ was the answer. Instead he chose to go the library after getting changed. When he entered he noticed Madam Pince was on her coffee break so he went to find a book about tea. Jon wondered if mandragora leaves could be used for making tea.

After finding the desired book he went to the seating area which would normally have one or two ravenclaws in it at all times. Instead what he found was a lone hufflepuff first year staring at a boom tiredly.

So Jon walked and sat across from him while setting his book down. The noise snapped the first year to attention, he looked up and saw Jon taking his seat. Jon then greeted him "hello, my name is Jon Snow what's yours?"

Not used to the social interaction the young hufflepuff responses shakily "hhh-Hiccup DeVast". Jon rose an eyebrow at his name whilst hiccup looked down as if expecting someone to call him out on his first name.

Instead he got "Why are you by yourself Hiccup?" Which caused the boy to ponder before replying "my friends are all in the other houses, We had a shared class with ravenclaw right now but the professor had to step out and go to the ministry, something about Dumbledore".

"Hmm don't have any friends in your own house?"

"Not really, they all laugh at my name and only talk about quidditch. Doesn't help when they ask a hobby and I reply dragon studies. They think I'm the next Newt scamander, so they assume I'm a weirdo."

"So you left to come the library then? Are you reading ahead on the class?"

"Yeah though I've already read the book from cover to cover. Couldn't get the books I wanted".

"Why not?" "Restricted section" was all he replied causing Jon to chuckle. "Which books?"

Hiccup then said "uhhh the draconic Deaus guide by billla yawnt, studies of scaly scares by doramu and Peculiar Poisons Volume 13".

Jon nodded before walking away, several chains could be heard rattling in the distance followed by a thump which resembles someone punching a wooden post. Jon then walked back in carrying the three books with relative ease. They were quiet large but Jon carried them with one hand.

Hiccup just looked at him blandly so Jon asked "what? Never seen a strong guy before?"

"All the time actually, back in berk physical strength was a common thing to boast about. One of the reasons I'm glad to gave left. How did you get the books?"

" unlocking charm on the chains, used the shelves as foot holds and just punched the monsterphilia book before it could bite me."

Hiccup gaped "that's 12 feet off the ground?!?" Jon just shrugged and decided to continue the conversation. "So were you the only magical child from Berk?"

Hiccup began checking the covers of the book before replying "no they all decided to go to durmstrang, it was more their personality anyway." He ended the sentence in a depressing tone. Jon decided to tease "sounds like a lady friend didn't follow you to hogwarts~"

Hiccup snapped towards his face "how did you know?!" Which was met with a smug grin causing Hiccup to bury his face in the book.

Jon laughed "well if your Berk friends didn't come what about Merida?"

"Is this cause we're both Scottish?" "No it's cause she sat beside you the entire time at the dinner and came upto you at breakfast".

"Well she's a childhood friend from a neighbouring tribe. We met one day out in the woods, my dad was trying to teach me to hunt with a bow but I'd rather climb a tree and get an apple. Merida was happily accompanying her father to hunt.

Our parents crossed paths on a trail for a deer and we made conversation whilst they bantered for hours on end. They hit up a pub once we got to a town so we talked. She really liked to hunt and I knew a lot about animals."

"Aiming to be a magizoologist?" To which he nodded vehemently. I asked about the others of his group and he said they were kept together on the journey over, they were all international students not from the UK and he wasn't British so they were out in the same bus and train car. Merida broke the ice and Anna was super social.

Jon then steered the conversation to dragons which Hiccup appreciated. When hiccup learned about Jons encounter with drogon he demanded details so Jon told him all about the Targaryen family history with dragons.

Their conversation was good and Hiccup became much more social. Jon checked the books out in his name which he could get away with because madam Pince likes him and Dumbledore doesn't want to offend a royal... again. Yeah he most definitely pissed off a royal line some point in his life. Jon actually researched that and found Dumbledore offended a Russian princess at one point at the ICW (international confederation of wizards).

When they reached the great hall for lunch Jon ended the conversation so he could eat with his classmates and prepare to face Lockehart and his pixies. Hiccup saw all his friends approach him. They were surprised to see him smiling and noticed Jon walking away. Elsa grew curious about how the other students were looking at Jon so asked "Hiccup who was that?" And that was how the Animated crew would start to befriend Jon Snow.