
Snow Curse (GOT SI)

A man that hated the last two seasons of GOT dies and is brought back in the body of recently betrayed Jon Snow with the powers and knowledge of Ryomen Sukuna, Megumi Fushiguro, and Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen. ======================================= - I don't own Game Of Thrones or Jujutsu Kaisen or any other form of media mentioned in this story. Only my SI. - Crack fic. - First time writing. - This is a rant about season 7 and 8, despite that, I don't claim that this fic is an attempt to fix them but more like wish fulfillment.

tikller · TV
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20 Chs

Chapter 6

Thank you for all the support and Go check out the ending of chapter 4! it's been updated!


Taking the traitors beyond the wall, I make sure that we are at least 5 miles from the haunted forest and the heart tree which I swore my vows in front of. I don't need magic interfering with them turning into wights.

My decision to have the ones responsible for the mutiny be turned into wights and taken to the south wasn't welcomed by the brothers of the Night's Watch. Edd even had me take a test of whether I was a White Walker or not by slashing my hand with Longclaw, Which I let pass through Limitless, and see if I shattered or drew blood at all. In the end, They all agreed that this was the only way to get help from the south.

Once we were sufficiently away from the wall, I tell the men to stop. Looking at the ones who stabbed the original Jon Snow to death, They were still restrained and had a piece of cloth in their mouths to prevent them from biting their own tongues, They looked horrified when they heard what I planned for them. Now that we were beyond the wall, it didn't matter what they did, they will turn into wights whether they like it or not.

"Why are you panicking? I thought that you didn't believe that White Walkers were real, Isn't that why you murdered me?" I state, looking at them as the men remove the piece of cloth from their mouths.

"If I turn into a wight, the first person I am haunting will be you, Jon Snow!" Olly screamed with impotent rage.

"Are you gloating, Snow? Well, no matter. Tell the men to prepare the gallows. I will never beg you for an easy death." Alliser spat out after he was able to speak again.

"You might be getting executed, but I take no pleasure in the suffering of others even if they were you, Alliser. Hanging will result in you suffocating either by the robe pressing on your windpipe or by breaking your neck," I take a bottle filled with a colorless liquid out. Maester Aemon was through in managing his medical supplies and there was more than enough of this one. "This is Sweetsleep melted in water. It will let you slip into a never-ending sleep. It's great mercy compared to what you have done to me. If you have any last words, now is the time to say them."

"You shouldn't be alive, It's not right." Bown Marsh looks at me fearfully while he says it. As if I was a freak.

"You are right, It's not right," I nod at him, before looking him and stating coldly, " But neither was killing me."

"My mother is still living in White Harbor. Could you write to her? Tell her I died fighting the wildlings." Yarwyck pleads to me.

"... I will tell her that you died fighting for what you thought was right." I grant this little favor to the man that witnessed both me and Sam swear our oaths before the old gods.

I move to Alliser, sensing the final moments, talks to me sincerely since... well, forever. "I had a choice, Lord Commander. Betray You or betray the Night's Watch," He smiles, "You brought an army of wildlings into our lands," He looks at Tourmand and the others "An army of murderers and raiders..."

He looks at me and continues "If I had to do it all over, knowing where I'd end up. I pray I make the right choice again." I hated this man, both as a viewer and Jon Snow, But I have to admit that I respect him for standing up to his convictions.

"I am sure that you would Sir Alliser, I am sure you would," I tell him.

"I fought, I lost. Now, I rest," He seemed to be at peace with himself. "But you, Lord Snow. You will be fighting their battles forever." At that, he looks in front of him, Content and ready to face his death.

'I will not be fighting their battles forever,' I thought. 'I plan to go to the summer Islands after all this ends and spend the rest of my days there.' I wanted to say, but you know what? I will give him this, let him die content with his perceived superiority.

I move to Olly, But he refuses to say anything. Just glaring furiously at me. "I blame you the least, Olly, I want you to know that. I know Ygritte killed your father and Styr ate your parents. I wanted to groom you to become the next Lord Commander, I didn't know when I was going to die, And I knew that I needed to help the next generation like Lord Jeor did with me." I smile. "Didn't think that you would be the one to kill me." He spits on my face, and since it's not lethal, the spit falls on my cheek.

I stare at him then wipe it with my glove. "Cover them in chains and administer the poison. If they resist or spit it out, then stab them in the heart. After they die; put each of them in a crate and haul back them to Castle Black. Don't allow anyone near them. I want five guards at all times for each of them." I tell them before going to the haunted forest.

"Where are you going, Jon?" Edd stops me.

"Don't worry, I will be back soon. I just need to do something." I assure him.

The last thing I hear before I vanish into the forest along with Ghost are the shrieks of the new wights and the shouting of men.