
Snakes and Ladders (A Hollywood SI/OC)

Hollywood, the land of dreams, the birthplace of modern cinema, the-. ah, who am I kidding, it's just a big old game of snakes and ladders. You either go up or down, depending on whether you got a ladder, or a snake in your corner. But what happens if you just, flip the board over? Let's see what happens when Richmond 'Ricky' Stirling attempts to do precisely that. Why wouldn't he? When life is just a game for him. Don't forget to add this to your collections for daily updates, and leave a 5 star review will you? It'll be much appreciated. Do share your honest feedback though. As an author, I strive to improve myself and I can't do that without my dear readers' varied opinions. Also, don't forget to join my discord server: https://disc ord.gg/uh2fS Guatb P.S, here is my p.a.t.r.e.o.n account for additional chapters: https://www.patr eon.com/user?u=42 576719 (remove the spaces after copy pasting the link) or just search 'Archonstine' on patreon... whichever works

Archonstine · Movies
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69 Chs


Author's note: I now have a p-word as you all know, so if you feel like reading 5 advanced chapters at the measly price of $3, then do join. The link is in this book's bio, or you can just search 'Archonstine' followed by p-word on your browser.

Also, join my discord will ya? For movie and tv-show recommendations and character images. And also it's the one place where I ask you all for suggestions. The link is in this book's bio.

P.S, donate some power stones while you're at it. And maybe... write up a review?


7th September 1997 (Monday)

Vanessa Campion (POV)

"NO! NO! Listen here you twinkie-"

"No you listen you cocksucker, Hana-bi's unusual approach towards serenity and brutality-"

"Oh FUCK OFF WITH THAT! You really think that holds a candle to 'Amore'? The raw sexuality depicted and Renee's hands down best performance of her career-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU PRETENTIOUS PICKLED POTS! It's the characterization that matters, and good will hunting's sensitive- SENSITIVE DEPICTION MAKES IT THE CLEAR-"

"OH NONE OF IT'S EVEN remotely CLEAR! You hear me? Not even remotely clear, not with all of you shit-faced bastards SCREAMING IT IN MY GODDAMN EARS-"


"Did you just call me a bitch in French?"

And the multiple bouts of verbal abuse reached a screeching halt that very second at that.

Then again, Trehaan called one of the most decorated Italian actresses a bitch to her face… he crossed a line.

His eyes widened as he waved his hands haphazardly in an attempt to dissuade her, "no-no-no-no-no-no-"

"Chienne… that's what you called me. Give me one reason why I should not rip out your balls and feed 'em to the-"

"OKAY STOP! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU… JUST STOP!" I finally intervened, my ears having started to pain from the ruckus these idiots were making, "As the Jury President, I agreed to preside over intellectual, meaningful, and insightful discussions and forums, so that together, we could deliberate the merits and demerits of the competing films in question… NOT TO BABYSIT A GATHERING OF OVERGROWN CHILDREN! BICKERING LIKE A BUNCH OF TODDLERS THE LOT OF YOU! SO SHUT UP! And take a seat at the table please. We have 2 more hours to finalize the winners, so without further ado, let's go over each film in question. Shall we?"

A few seconds of pin-drop silence followed, broken by Dijon who nodded and promptly took a seat, though not without grunting and moaning throughout. "Sounds good to me."


"I'll take the seat."

"It's about time-"

"Oh thank god that's over with-"

It took over a minute for everyone to settle down, before we could finally get to the matter at hand… after all, our decisions here within closed doors, have the potential to make and break careers of hundreds of prospective talents from around the world.

"So Darren Keith wins the male category, and Renee wins the female one. That's the Volpi cup done with. Now, Silver Lion?" I ask, addressing the room in general.

"Gillian Shortland." They all chorused… unanimous then.

I agree really, Gillian truly outdid herself this time. Her work in the 'Kangaroo Konnection', was exemplary. The fact that she scripted it herself, was just the cherry on top.

"All right then, we're done with almost all categories. The only 2 honors remaining are the 'Golden Lion' and the 'Grand Jury Prize', awarded to the best and the runner-up films respectively… 16 films in competition… but I have a feeling that only a select few are in the running. So, kindly name the films each of you feel deserve the most distinguished award of this festival… We go around the table clockwise, starting with Dijon, and ending with me. Each one of you can at max, nominate 2 names, and all films noted down will be dissected by us for the next hour. Any objections?"

Seeing them all nod, I point my pen towards Dijon.

"Good Will Hunting." He enunciated before looking towards the one seated at his adjacent.

"Just one? Is your decision final?"

He cleared his throat before replying, "As final as can be… the boy deserves it and more, and frankly his stellar accomplishment needs to be rewarded-"

"But it is being rewarded, no?" Hagel interjected, "He won Best Screenplay. We agreed, 6-2. Hell, I voted in favor of him. But the Golden Lion? At 19? I'm afraid the movie was not that impressive, I mean the plot alone was predictable throughout-"

"Hagel! We have time for this later! For now, either give a name, or refrain from talking until I allow it."

He stared at me for a few seconds before opening his mouth, "Hana-Bi, and 'Foie Gras'. Not necessarily in that order."

"Noted. Danny?"

"Foie Gras, and 'Mailroom'. Again, not in that order… I'm at a loss between the 2."

"Hmm, got it. Sofia?"

"Hana-Bi, and 'Good Will Hunting'. In that order."


"Huh? Oh… 'Hana-Bi'."

"Any other?"

"No. 'Hana-Bi' wins it. Tied for second, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. 'Good Will Hunting', and 'Foie Gras'. I'll share my views later."

"All right, each of you has nominated your favorite picks-" I trail off, when I realize they're all staring at me with a complicated gaze.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

"No… Erm. It's just that-" Hagel began, stumbling upon his words as he formulated a sentence… When Sofia interrupted him.

"You haven't made a pick, Madame President. What are your 'nominations'?" She asks with an intense gaze, clearly wanting my views to match her own.

And to be honest… they did.

"Good Will Hunting, and 'Hana-Bi', I'm at a loss as to which one."

Sofia smirked, and so did Catarina, as they exchanged a glance, before reverting their attention to me.

And now… let's get started.

8th September 1997 (Tuesday)

Ricky Stirling (POV)

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that we announce the recipient of the Golden Osella for the Best Screenplay. This award recognizes outstanding achievement in storytelling and scriptwriting, and this year's winner has truly captured the essence of cinematic storytelling. The screenplay is a testament to the power of words and imagination, weaving a narrative that is both compelling and thought-provoking. And the winner is," Vanessa Campion proceeded to take a pause of 2 seconds to build suspense, "... Ricky Stirling!"

… Huh.

A Golden Osella… my first major industry award, and it's for a screenplay that I might as well have plagiarized.

I embrace my father, shaking Trent's hands frantically, while Pacino pats me heavily on the back of my shoulder, and Christine comes in from the side, kissing both my cheeks, before clapping with fervor.

… A pity my dear Sherry couldn't attend the ceremony.

No worries though… I'll find her outside, and together, we'll go to the afterparty with the rest of the cast.

Outwardly, I behave as if I am struck by a wave of jubilation at the news, my cheeks flush with blood, my eyes wide with wonder as I run my left hand through my wavy but set hair, tussling my soft curls a little, before they spring back to their prior form.

I slowly disembark from the clutches of my friends and family, as I make my way towards the stage of the spacious theater, the 'Sala Grande' in the 'Palazzo del Cinema di Venezia', which is the main headquarters of this festival.

Every row I pass, I look down at the people sitting, staring at me, applauding me so heavily, that I could hear the echoes of it along with the first hand sound.

I wave with fake enthusiasm, my smile exuding charm, revealing my pearly white teeth to the cameras as my eyes fill with unshed tears on command.

I still prance around with a disbelieving expression as I ascend the stage, vigorously shaking the Jury President's hand, before accepting the open box, in which lay a golden colored bullion. I trace the indentations on it, as I make a show of wiping the corner of my eyes with the sleeve of my right hand.

My charisma, and stage presence, working in tandem, to exert my dominance on the stage, as everyone's eyes stay glued to me… and me alone.

Quite a few of them were enchanted by my actions. 23 females even developing an infatuation with my refined, yet youthful beauty… at least that's what my 'Crowd Assessment' skill told me.

It took 12 more seconds for the applause to die down, as I took my place before the mic, addressing 1029 people from the entertainment industry, some of whom either wield significant power in world cinema, or will grow on to do so, either through their raw talent and skill, or via connections.

Nevertheless, my first major address to a crowd of bigwigs, as I attain the opportunity to flesh myself and my personality out, a fresh start so as to speak.

I blink rapidly for a second, once again making a show of clearing out any residual tears, an act that no-one will be skeptical about… except perhaps daddy dearest and Trent… and Pacino… and probably my sweet 'Sherry'.

2 of them have known me for years, one of them played a significant role in shaping my current demeanor, and the last one doesn't know me as well as the others, but is just unusually perceptive about these things.

I take a deep breath, thinking back to my past, to ad lib, what is probably the real kick-starter of my public profile, before finally opening my mouth.

"Before being an actor, a director, a composer, or editor… I'm a writer. You know, 6 years ago, when I started college at the age of 13, I was a lonely boy, with no outlet for my thoughts. I had ideas swimming around in my head, and for a long time… I never reached deep within my mind to extract any. But then, I made friends… and oh such wonderful friends they were. 5 years older than me, they perceived my solitude… never pushing me into anything, but the moment I narrated a story to them around a campfire… they gently started nudging me to write it down. So I did, finding an outlet in the process, and publishing my very first feature length novel when I was 14. And now, to see the acknowledgement of my writing capabilities first and foremost, and having them be recognized through the medium of this prestigious award… I- I would like to thank the Jury for finding me worthy of being presented with this Golden Osella… I'll be sure to cherish it forever." My final statement drew a series of soft chuckles as everyone smiled warmly at my 'heartfelt' speech…

"I would like to thank my friends, who inspired me down the path that eventually led to this moment- I-I won't take names for the sake of their privacy, but… you know who you are. I would like to thank my father, who has supported me in every single endeavor of mine till date, and whose confidence in me, was the much needed catalyst to get this movie made-"

All of a sudden, a soothing, but loud orchestral music began picking up… clearly signaling me to end my 'little' speech.

I sigh audibly into the mic, before making a final remark, "It seems I've exceeded the time limit and so- thank you everyone for having the patience to hear me out! And goodbye… I guess?" I conclude, before making a slightly confused face at the camera as I proceed to walk down the stage and to my designated seat.

The moment I take my seat between Trent and my dad, they both start congratulating me together, as I lend an ear each to both of them.

My father keeps stating how proud he is of me, again and again and again…

And Trent keeps stating that I should be proud of myself… for what though?

For what action of mine should I be proud of? Is it the award? But I won it because of the airtight screenplay, that to the wider public was penned down by me.

But only I truly knew who was really responsible for it. It was after all, the pet project of 2 college roommates, 2 actors and film-makers, who took Hollywood by storm multiple times, and have given out absolutely mind-boggling performances at times.

Matt Damon, and Ben Affleck. The first is one of the most bankable actors in the world, and the second... married JLo.

They are both legends, or… Were, I suppose.

And here I am, reaping the benefit of their absence, as I turned their brainchild into my claim to further fame.

Even disregarding the guilt I feel, which is truly miniscule in comparison… I don't see a reason to feel 'proud' of myself. And frankly seeing other people feeling proud of me, is just even more sickening.

"The Grand Jury Prize goes to… 'Foie Gras'!"

And there it goes… any further chance I had at glory. I won a single accolade in this festival, and that too for the one aspect of film-making which required the least amount of work… bare minimum even.

The only award remaining is the 'Golden Lion', and there is absolutely no way in hell, are they going to award it to a 19-year old kid, when movies like 'Hana-Bi', or 'Amore', are far more deserving and likely to win, considering they are art-house films with abstract themes, that are sure to satisfy the ostentatious palette of a movie critic-

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, comes the time to give away the most coveted award of this ceremony. But today, we have an unparalleled moment in the history of this film festival. After careful deliberation, the Jury has reached a decision to award the prestigious Golden Lion to not one, but two outstanding films. Note, that this incident is not without precedence, but rather happens to be the 3rd time overall in this award's history. This exceptional occurrence underscores the masterful quality of cinema showcased at this year's festival. Please join us in congratulating both of these remarkable films and their talented filmmakers on this extraordinary achievement!"

A round of thunderous applause rings out, as my eyes widen slightly… only this time, my shock was legitimate and well-founded.

And I exhale loudly, my mouth wide open as I come to the realization of a lifetime, a second before everyone else finds out.

"The winners are… 'Hana-Bi', a poignant exploration of love, loss and redemption, as masterfully showcased by Takeshi Kitano! And… 'Good Will Hunting', a cinematic gem that reminded us of the transformative power of human connection and the importance of embracing our true selves, as seamlessly presented by Ricky Stirling!"

I felt myself being shaken all of a sudden, breaking me out of the trance I had entered the second I had realized what was about to happen.

"You did it Ricky! My boy, you did it! Go! The world cheers and claps for you tonight, so go! Get on the damn stage!" My father pushes me out of my seat, as I stand around dumbly for a second, before making my way up the stage all over again.

I look back at my father, as he mouths, 'I am proud of you!' before he starts banging his hands together like a maniac… clapping. Everyone does. I even hear a loud piercing whistle from Trent...

Holy fuck is my mind scrambled right now.

And my father is proud of me.

Only this time, it's not because of the damn script that I essentially 'stole' but rather because I… I did it.

The Golden Lion… one of the most revered awards in the film industry, respected around the world.

I slogged days and nights, to not only recreate the magic of the original, but enhance it to the best of ability, as I tirelessly analyzed and scrutinized every little aspect of the production… gaining a rather well-earned reputation as a 'perfectionist' along the way.

And my actions… my skill set… my dedication to the project…it all finally paid off.

And for the first time today, do I finally feel genuine amazement as I strut towards the stage, all poised to become the youngest recipient of 'The Golden Lion' in history.

Perhaps for the first time tonight… do I finally feel proud of myself.