
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Daddy's Not So Little Girl faerieochako

Quiet knocks turned into pounding ones as Eri's sobs increased on her fathers door. Shouta finally opened it to see his daughter looking so pale and fragile, she had fallen to his knees clutching her gut in pain. Fuck. A nightmare? Did someone sneak in and hurt her? His eyes glowed red in anger as he scooped her up into his arms quickly trying to protect her. She gasped and cuddled into his chest as his hand trails beneath her butt to support her, feeling a damp warmth. He pulled away his hand to see it was covered with blood, almost dropping her in shock

"Papa… what is happening to me?" She looked up at him with the biggest, innocent tearfilled eyes.

"Oh… wow okay this is awkward" He starts, bringing her into the bathroom and beginning to strip her of her clothes.

God I wish Nemuri or Nejire wouldve explained this to her sooner

"Papa?" She said, closing in on herself feeling self conscious as her budding body was revealed to her father

"Oh. Ahem.. Sorry." Shota said, unable to tear his eyes from the small breasts beginning to form right at his eye level when he was on his knees. His throat felt dry as the scent of blood filled his senses, and his mouth began to water while looking at the tiny tits on his daughter

He couldn't help but let his mouth hang agape as he slowly leaned forward, taking in one of her soft baby pink nipples. She shrieked and tried to pull away from him, but his large hands wrapped around her waist and held her close.

"Papa! Papa stop! Feels funny!" She cried out, squeezing her legs to try and get rid of the heat forming between them

"Eri… what is happening to you is very natural… you are… Well youre becoming a /woman/" He coughed out the word like it was making him sick as he pulled her pants down. He poked and prodded around, finding her clit and rubbing it softly

Her legs always collapsed from beneath her as she inhaled a sharp breath

"I dont understand… why does it hurt so much? When will it be over! Papa make it stop! Please" Eri hid her face in his neck and sobbed, completely naked

He hated seeing his little girl like this, all he wanted to do was make her feel better

Period sex is the best! It helps with my cramps, who cares if it gets a little messy!

The quote from Nemuri flashed into his mind as he ran the bath for eri, making sure the water was just the right temperature before placing her inside. He washed her from head to toe, before cupping her small pussy in his hand once again.

"Papa is gonna make it all better, do you trust me?" He asked in a hushed voice, careful to not wake Mic or Shinsou so they couldnt catch him doing what he was about to do.

Eri nodded, wiping tears from her face as she adjusted herself in the tub, hiking her hips up to give her daddy a better angle to make her feel better.

"Ah… gentle Daddy…"

Aizawa skimmed his hands over her soft clean cunt, he calloused edges of his fingers making Eri shiver

Aizawa was careful to spread the little lips between his fingers, white hair barely dusting her lips and mound, little pink clit standing at attention and twitching beneath his touch

He pressed his finger over it like a button, causing Eri to jerk back and whimper

"Shhh… it's okay. Let your Papa help you…" He rubbed the bundle of nerves and watched her pussy react. Her hole clenching around nothing as she gasped and slid under the water to hike her hips up closer to Aizawa.

He slid one finger in easily, whether it was due to her arousal or the blood he wasnt sure.

His own erection was throbbing in his jeans, he bit his lip as he felt it strain against the rough fabric, careful to only focus on his daughter right now.

"Papa… you can use more" She said. So coyly. As if this was normal for her, pushing her chest together as she said it, fluttering pretty long lashes at Shouta to seduce him

He took the invitation and shoved in two more fingers, 3 thick rough fingers stretching out her little cunt. Blood spilled out around his fingers as he pumped in and out.

Her little moans and small body thrashing against him just made him want more, so he added a fourth and pumped until the blood was frothing around her little hole.

"Good girl… Papa is gonna make it all better" He flickered his dark eyes up at her as she was using her hands to support her weight in the tub, water splashing out soaking the floor.


"Papa… feels like I'm gonna pee!" Eri cried out, the coil in her stomach feeling so tight she was sure it was gonna burst

"That's good…. Lean into that feeling… let Papa make you feel good, Cum on my fingers Babygirl" Aizawa hissed, thumb grazing her clit once again as he felt her insides squeeze around his fingers and force his fingers out as she squirted. Blood and cum mixed together in the bathtub as Eri screams. Aizawa quickly placed those same fingers in her mouth to shut her up. She winced at the taste and spit it out as soon as her orgasm subsided.

"How're those cramps now, baby?" Aizawa asked, pushing damp hair out of her face rubbing her tummy

"Better… I think I can go back to bed for now but… will you help me tomorrow, Daddy?" She asked, once again fluttering her eyelashes and making the biggest doe eyes at him.

"Of course, why don't you rinse off and I'll get you back to bed" Aizawa said quickly, exiting the room to take care of his own erection

It didn't take much for him to finish, back leaned against the bathroom door as he quickly pumped his leaking cock, remembering that frail tiny body in the tub, still smelling the blood on his fingers.

His poor daughter had no idea what was coming to her with these periods, but Daddy will always be there to help his (not so) little girl.