
smut collection

just a collection of smut. none of this is mine if the owner wants it removed just say so and I’ll remove it. This is for complete degenerates if you’re not one the same for you.

Tvv · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

BNHACEST DUMP Anonymous izuku/eri: perfect

Izuku sneaks into Eri's room to get a blow job from his lil sister.

tags; lolicon, rape, sleep blow jobs, somnophilia

ri is sleeping peacefully in her bed when Izuku creeps in. Aizawa is out for the night so it's up to Izuku to watch over his baby sister. He doesn't mind. Because he loves her. And loves her small lips wrapped around his cock. 

He doesn't wake her as he slips his cock out of his shorts and brings it to her face. He slaps it on her cheeks, waking it up before he presses his head to her lips and gently grips her chin to part her mouth open. When he's got enough room, he shoves it in. He shakes, moaning as he slides his teen cock in her cute lolicon mouth. He rubs the part of himself that isn't in, knowing that any further and she'd wake up. 

On instinct, she begins to suck it like a binky. Her soft lips wrapping around his curved head and sliding her tongue in between his slit as she drinks up his oozing pre-cum. 

"Fuck!" He hisses as his balls swell. It doesn't take much for him to cum. Seeing Eri's mouth anywhere near his cock is enough to send him jizzing. It was a miracle he hadn't already shot his load. 

When he feels himself pulsing, he pulls his cock out and pumps himself. Eri's tongue sticks out in her sleep. "Your so hot Eri-chan, Nii-chan wishes he could fuck you." He moans, throwing his head back as he comes closer and closer to his climax. 

Hot semen flies out, landing right over her entire face as he cums, crying, as he defiles his baby sister's innocent face. 

When he's all out and his cock is flaccid, he cleans her face up- but he leaves the small drops still on her lips for her to lick up later. He kisses her forehead as he tucks her back in and leaves quietly. Satisfied for successfully getting a blowjob from her. 


aizawa/eri: milk


Eri wants her favorite bedtime creamy milk

tags; lolicon, blowjobs, sleepy head, its so fluffy??, father/daughter


"Daddy, can I have some of your milky cum?"

Aizawa smiled down at his daughter, brushing aside a few strands of her hair as he gazed down at her. He'd just finished reading her a bedtime story when she'd asked. His cock was instantly hard.

"Sure honey." Setting aside the storybook he'd read her for the night, he began to unbuckle his pants and pull out his cock. She sat up in bed and leaned over his lap, waiting for it to spring out for her to take.

When it was free from the confines of his pants, she took it in her small hands, rubbing the sides gently and licking the pre-cum from the tip before wrapping her plump little lips around his shroomed head. "Good girl…" Aizawa cooed as he brushed her hair back as she took his length further and began to give him some lazy head. She had a rather productive day and was half asleep by the end of the story but her thirst must have kept her awake.

These days she was starting to get used to his size and was taking him deeper. She could now take him halfway! He was incredibly proud of her for that and he loved how she always boasted about her progress with gleaming eyes.

His tip brushes against the back of her throat when she's just halfway and she rubs the remaining end of his shaft to his base. His balls are still covered but that doesn't stop her from trying to squeeze and rub them through the material of his jeans. She lazily slides up for air, with a pop, she gazes up at him with sparkling eyes and saliva dripping from her lips, "does it feel good daddy?"

"Yes it does baby, but don't worry about me." He smiled gently at her, his good little girl was always trying to take care of her daddy, "Just focus and pump out your milk cum so you can have a good and nice sleep."

She nodded obediently, taking his cock back in her mouth and bobbing her head more quickly than before.

He didn't like when she stayed up too late so he decided to speed up the process by helping out by meeting her bobs with his own slow ruts.

He could feel his balls starting to swell as his climax approached. "Fuck, baby girl, your mouth feels so good. Daddy's milk is coming, be ready to take his load."

His fingers in her hair curled around the grayish tresses and her mouth and tongue excitedly sucked him as his cock head swelled and his load began to release into her throat, "SHIT-" He hissed, ramming up into her mouth as he began to cum into his little girls mouth. She gripped his remaining exposed length in her hands, gently trying to squeeze as much of his cum out of his as she drank up her favorite bedtime drink.

When he was all done shooting his seed, she slowly popped off his dick, licking his head to make sure she didn't miss any drop and licked her lips clean.

"You missed a spot baby," He thumbed the cum that had dripped out from the corners of her mouth and dribbled down her chin. "Open." He inserted his thumb into her mouth and she happily sucked the remaining creamy semen from it.

"Thank you, daddy!" She beamed, hugging him tightly.

Aizawa chuckled, "I should be thanking you. Now it's time for bed." He kissed her lightly on the lips before helping her lay back and tucking her in.

"Can daddy and Eri fuck tomorrow?" She asked after a big yawn, her eyelids starting to flutter closed as exhaustion overcame her.

"Of course baby, first thing in the morning, but you have to be well rested to take my cock, okay?"

She nodded, "Okay, good night daddy, love you…" She mumbled, going limp with sleep.

Aizawa smiled gently, his heart warming with her words as they always did, "I love you too baby, good night."


Eri helps Katsuki pee

tags: lolicon, watersports, blowjobs, handjobs


Katsuki isn't sure how he got stuck with this dumbass assignment but here he was with a little girl, who was too afraid to meet his eyes. Sitting in Aizawa's apartment, he watches the clock on the wall tick and tick until this torture is over.


The rest of the class had fucked off to some amusement park. He'd been excited to go. Until he got a little too reckless in Hero Training and actually damaged a little more than he was supposed to. He hadn't been alone in the destruction but he was the leader and as a man of great pride, he took the punishment in his classmates place. A decision he immediately regretted when he was told he was banned from joining the class in their upcoming field trip. 


He should have kept his mouth shut and let those extras suffer with him. Fuck, they'd do a lot better at this babysitting shit than him. 


He feels a tug on his pants and looks to find the little horn girl staring at him with weary eyes, biting her small puffy pink lip. 


"What?" He barks maybe a little too harshly but he doesn't care. 


"I-I need to pee…" She whispers. 


"Well go?" He glowers at her. How old was she again? He knew her life had been fucked up but surely she should be old enough to do that kinda shit on her own. 


She frowns, her eyes shimmering with tears, "I-I can't go alone…" 


He groans and stands, "Fine. Let's go." 


This crosses the line of weird but he doesn't want her to cry and complain to Aizawa later and extend his punishment. 


They walk into the bathroom and she immediately begins to pull off her panties from underneath her dress. It's pink and frilly and girly and it made Katsuki sneer the moment he saw her in it. He doesn't mean to stare at her as she lifts her dress up and exposes her bare cunt to him but he's a teenage boy and even as sick as it is, he's a slave to his own hormones'. She doesn't seem at all bothered by his eyes as she hops onto the toilet and spreads her legs. 


Now Katsuki is really getting a show as she begins to piss. Her golden nectar streaming out in a heavy stream in the toilet. She's leaning back on the toilet, protruding her pussy up as she relieves herself. The nail in the coffin is when she lets out a tiny moan and Katsuki's cock is stiff. 


Now, he was no child predator or something fucked up like that, but it's been a while since he's been turned on. None of the girls in class did it for him. Most of them were throwing themselves onto his friends anyways. Sure, Midnight-sensei has hit on him a few times, but she was a whore who would sleep with anything with a cock. He liked his girls innocent. Pretty. Untouched. 


And if they were pissing all the better. 


There was just something so hot about the duality of a pretty girl doing something so disgusting. 


Her pissing stops way too soon as he sports a stiffy and she flushes and hops off the toilet without him being able to process it all. After washing her hands, she looks up at him in confusion. 


"Done?" His voice sounds hoarse but she doesn't seem to notice his change in behavior. 


She nods. 


"Okay, go watch TV. I need to use the bathroom now." 


He waits till she leaves to close the door and pull out his cock. He closes his eyes as he fists his cock and recalls the moments just before. "Fuck!" he hisses, pumping himself as pre-cum squirts from his head and his balls begin to swell. 


Ropes of cum squirt all over Aizawa's bathroom floor as he pants, "Eri, Eri, Eri!" 



Katsuki is back at Aizawa's a few weeks later. He's been counting the days until the next big trip and purposefully fought with Izuku until he was finally banned from the excursion and was "forced" to babysit Eri again. 


He comes prepared this time. With a gift of a large cherry slushie from the cafeteria. She slurps it happily as they watch TV. She seems a lot less guarded around him this time. But pissing with someone might have a hand in lowering your defenses he guesses. 


His knee bounces on the floor as he waits for her to ask for the bathroom. Just remembering the last time has already gotten him semi-hard. He's jacked off almost every day just thinking about it. 


And then it finally comes. 


"Bakugou-san, I need to pee…" She asks, nervously biting her reddened lips, again. 


He has to bite back a grin, "Okay, lets go." 


He follows her with a stiffening cock. He closes the door behind them this time as they enter. 


She's wearing overalls today and she struggles with the buckles, squirming on her feet and rubbing her thighs together to hold in her piss. 


He enjoys the sight for a moment before he approaches her, "Here let me help…" What a perfect opportnity that had fallen on his lap. 


He takes the metal clasps, unlatching them and pulling down the jean material to her ankles, "Step out." he instructs. She follows orders obediently lifting her milky pale legs out. 


"Thank you." her voice comes in a soft whisper on his cheek as he removes her clothes. She's in a pink T-shirt and her panties now. And she pulls the yellow fabric of her underwear down and sits on the toilet again. 


Katsuki stands in front of her this time. In perfect view of the bottom of the toilet bowl as she prepares to piss. 


A wicked idea comes to him in that moment. 


He'd only planned on watching again but he couldn't resist joining her. Not when she was so vulnerable and unaware of his twisted desires. 


"Eri… I need to pi-pee too." 


"Oh…" She looks up at him, unsure if she should let him go first. He hears a single drop of her piss hit the water as she holds herself back. "You can go too?" She suggests, scooting her ass to the back of the seat and spreading out her legs. Of course she didn't know any better too suggest he go to a different bathroom in the apartment. To her, this was the most logical solution to the problem.


He wolfishly grins as he pulls his cock out. 


Her eyes widen at the sight of his massive rod staring her right in the face. He's hard and read to go but to the bathroom, he doesn't really need to piss, but she doesn't need to know that. 


He holds it, pretending to struggle as he aims it at the toilet. 


"What's wrong?" she asks innocently, seeing him struggle and huff in frustration. 


"I can't go. I think it's stuck." 


"Stuck?" She tilts her head in confusion, eyeing the leaking pre-cum seeping from his tip. 


"Yeah. Sometimes boys have a hard time peeing and their pee gets stuck." Sighing, dramatically, he begins to rub his length, "Sometimes you need to rub it get it to come out." 


"Really?" her eyes widen in wonder, watching the rhythmic rubbing. 


"Yeah… it could be hard sometimes but it comes out faster if you have some help…" 


She blinks and he can see the moment her eyes light up with an idea, "I can help! I help Aizawa with chores all the time. I bet I can help you pee!" 


He grins, "Really? Okay if you think you can… take my cock with two of your hands." He lets go as she brings her hands up to him, taking him in her small hands. He groans as her soft hands gently squeeze him. "Like that.. Hmm.. okay, move your hands like this." He wraps his hands over hers and guides her into jerking him off. 


"Does that feel better Bakugou-san?" her little voice asks. 


"Yes, Eri, just like that." he breathes shakily, letting her hands go and slowly rutting his hips into her hands. "Fuck." he hisses under his breath. 


He hears soft tinkles drip into the toilet as she finally begins to relieve herself and it makes his balls swell as he looks down past her jerking him off to watch her piss. Her face looks so hot as she relieves herself, eyes rolling back as a thick stream of urine is emptied into the bowl. It takes a bit of time before she finally finishes but even as she refocuses on jerking his cock, he can still hear the soft tinkling of more seeping out.


"Why isn't it coming out?" she wonders out loud and he smirks wickedly. 


"Hmm. I think I need a little more help. Why don't you put it in your mouth?" 


"My mouth?" She squeaks, looking at the intimidating member in her hands. 


He nods, "Yeah, sometimes that will help it come out faster. Don't worry. Boy pee tastes good." 


She looks doubtful but she doesn't have any reason to not trust him. He's a trusted student of Aizawa's and Deku talked about him all the time. So she trusted him. Like any naïve child would. 


She opens her red plump lips and engulfs his head. He groans, bucking into her mouth on instinct as her hot tight little mouth wraps around his cock. 


"Fuck yeah! Like that, Eri!" He encourages, holding onto her head and guiding her mouth on him. She's not exactly experienced but he doesn't care about technique right now. Just the feel of her mouth around him is enough to get him off. Her hands are still on the rest of his length, rubbing him as her mouth takes his head. "Good girl." He purrs, feeling the pressure build. 


She hums at his praise, eyes sparkling with excitement to be of some help and that's enough to make him shoot his load in her mouth.


He lets her drink a portion of it before he pulls out - he wishes he could shove his cock all the way to her throat and choke her with his seed but that would buy him a ticket to jail if she complained later to Aizawa. He didn't want to scare her. Not when he was just having fun. Instead he squirts the remainder in her face and down onto her cunt. 


"Fuck!" he groans. 


She smacks her cum covered lips as he drizzles the final remainder, a look of contemplation on her face as she assesses his taste. He watches her wearily as he takes deep breaths. 


"How was it?" He finally musters the courage to ask. If she didn't like it then he was fucked. But if she liked it…


She smiles widely, sending a wave of relief washing over him. 


"Good! I liked it! Can I taste it again?" 


He grins. "Soon." 


After cleaning them up, he realizes she might babble about this to Aizawa. He feeds her some lie, "Don't tell anyone about this Eri. I'm embarrassed that I needed help peeing." He fakes a pitiful pout. 


She giggles, holding his hand as they walk back to the couch, "It's okay, your secret is safe with me!"